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Just Curious How Many...

What would happen if i double dropped 2 high dose clean E...would i have to go to hospital or would i have a good time..i really should do a bit more research, but can you OD?

Im not planning on double dropping often its just because the ones i can get are clean but only low dose.
I doubt you would OD since you have experience with E and are clearly not overly sensitive or allergic, You are likely to get extremely munted for a while if it is MDMA and then when you stop peaking be able to get up and buzz around as normal, obviously you will be more off your head though.

Expect to get munted as though, if you have decent bics double dropping should put you on your ass.
I use to do one when i first started and then most times i would just drop 2 at once and have a rocking night. i found popping one later in the night usually didn't do to much. These days i don't do them often but if i do ill just do one.
I am one of the advocates of take one pill first, wait till you feel it kicking in (upto the one hour point) you usually gauge the strength then, if not great, will drop another at that point.

Exactly. Better to be safe than sorry.
Although it isn't a walk in the park to come across a pill that will have you at where you want to be off one.
What would happen if i double dropped 2 high dose clean E...would i have to go to hospital or would i have a good time..i really should do a bit more research, but can you OD?

Im not planning on double dropping often its just because the ones i can get are clean but only low dose.

if they are low then go for it. or try 1 and half at once. I double some times but since im normally out till sunrise im after a longer high then a higher high if u get me. so i just space them out over the night.

no one can really tell you because know one knows the pills your taking or your body.
I'm going to hijack this thread slightly if I can and ask a related question... what's the best way to keep the buzz going if you have an event you want to stay high for 6-7 hours? Would it be better to start with a decent dose and top up a couple hours in, or just munch halves every hour or so? Not wanting to be hugely fucked just nicely buzzing and not coming down early.
double drop is the shit! i don't even remember when was the first time i doubled sad sad pill memories!!! double has always done the trick for me, and i've been doubling for almost a year now. except the odd occations where the pills were dodge as.

happy munting
I'm going to hijack this thread slightly if I can and ask a related question... what's the best way to keep the buzz going if you have an event you want to stay high for 6-7 hours? Would it be better to start with a decent dose and top up a couple hours in, or just munch halves every hour or so? Not wanting to be hugely fucked just nicely buzzing and not coming down early.

The first time I had E I swallowed one. Waited an hour felt nothing so railed another. Started feeling a bit speedy. After 10 minutes I was fucked out of my mind, seeing the sky change colour ect... Strongest pills I have ever had. Lasted about 6 hour peak then after effects for 4 more. So I know 2 strong doses can last you a whole night, but maybe take one an hour before event then 3 hours in if you want to be able to move properly.
remember this site is for harm reduction and not encouraging drug binging people! Always test your pills to the original poster!
I'm going to hijack this thread slightly if I can and ask a related question... what's the best way to keep the buzz going if you have an event you want to stay high for 6-7 hours? Would it be better to start with a decent dose and top up a couple hours in, or just munch halves every hour or so? Not wanting to be hugely fucked just nicely buzzing and not coming down early.

This is a very good question but one that has been debated for a very long time. So ill break it down to the simple truths about MDMA and wanted to ROLL/MUNT for a long time.

  • The Brain Only Has A Limited Amount Of Serotonin
  • MDMA releases this (serotonin)
  • Then there is none left if you release enough

Now this is a very over simplified picture of the mechanics of taking MDMA, but it is truthful enough to answer your question. So then the question is, how to do I release the serotonin in a way so I roll for say 6-7 hours. The answer for me, you can not.

A lot of people will agree with me, that you can not roll for greater than 4>5hours, after that you can redose but you'll just be munted and not really loved up or full of empathy, just munted. As there will be not enough seratonin left in the brain to be released by the MDMA so you just get this speedy/munted feeling, not the best effect when you can wait 8 weeks for it to be back, and roll hard again. So when you take mdma, the seratonum gets realised as a function of the amount of MDMA ingested, after you take enough MDMA (or redoses) there is none left for it to be effective in giving you the feeling you want.

For me, the last time I would redose would be at the 3 or 4 hour point, after that your wasting your money. As there is no seratonin left to make use of, you will feel worse the next day, save your pills for another time.

My advice is this. Take some, wait an hr take some more, wait till your coming of the peak from the second dose, probs at about 2.5 hr mark, then dose again, then maybe rail some more a bit later... then call it night.

this will make the most bang for buck, and you want be wasting money just to feel munted, not loved up.

Goodluck trying to roll for 6/7 hrs, I see many people making this mistake at festivals, see them rolling at like 1pm in the arvo and the festival goes till 10... id rather get on it at about 6, and roll hard till the end.

Hope this helps... and again, just a generalisation, jump on the ecstasy directory EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT PILLS for more info.
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^^ no problem :) my gamma is fail. edit: fixed my above post.... sorry was just too slack as it was early in the morning and my English is fail.
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I'm just curious about the effect of dogs on what people do and I don't think it has been mentioned above. Did anybody double or triple for the first time who would otherwise have done it singly over a few hours but expected the presence of drug dogs? And does anybody take it that way now for similar reasons?
^^ that above question is a very hard to answer. Yes and No. Start a new thread
What would happen if i double dropped 2 high dose clean E...would i have to go to hospital or would i have a good time..i really should do a bit more research, but can you OD?

Im not planning on double dropping often its just because the ones i can get are clean but only low dose.

Expect to get extremely munted. I recently doubled the heart shaped white hearts and had a 3rd 45 mins after having the first two and it was about the most fucked I've ever been to the point I'm not sure if it was really that fun due to not knowing what was really happening. That and I sent many messages I later regretted after reading my sent messages but have no recollection of writing.
I only ever double drop if i know the strength and that they are clean.
I don't like to double drop if I know I'm just going to end up a mess, because I know I will regret it later.
I always do one then another, since I had a bad experience double dropping that scarred me for life.
Just double after your first if they're low/meds.
Hmm, have never really done anything I've regretted or been too messy.
That applies to all intoxicated states however.

Could never understand how people loose control of them selves on certain substances.
Expect to get extremely munted. I recently doubled the heart shaped white hearts and had a 3rd 45 mins after having the first two and it was about the most fucked I've ever been to the point I'm not sure if it was really that fun due to not knowing what was really happening. That and I sent many messages I later regretted after reading my sent messages but have no recollection of writing.

LOL. I did a similiar thing with the white heart shaped. Dropped one, then another 20 minutes later. I had been getting shit pills recently, so I though these might be similiar. WRONG. I was fucked. it was like been in the early days of dropping strong pills when I had zero tolerance.

I've only doubled a few times, has been good all times. Due to my tolerance I probably should. Often I drop a second an hour after dropping the first.
I would double more but its expensive and I'm worried I will have difficulty going back to singles after that.
I don't eat E that often any more, but I've always had a natural tolerance (plus they tend to be pretty weak these days), so once I've hit them with amrquis to get an idea of concetraion and contents I'll usually double, either 1.5 eaten and half insufflated or just swallowing both.

but then again, given the recent blowouts in perth with the Beige Euros, I'davise users to generally start with 1 if they haven't tried that particular press and batch before.
The 2 most important things to remember are that for one your pills may contain dodgy substances and that if you don't know the contents it could be a very unpleasant experience.

The other important thing to remember is that after you double drop good pills once or twice you are never going to be satisfied by anything less. I think that the longest you can put of double dropping the longer you will keep "the magic" from taking pills.

As someone who used to abuse E's and ended up with a tolerance I couldn't afford on top of all my other drug habits, I tell you that tolerance is NOT a good thing. Regardless of what dicksizing assholes will tell you. I seriously miss the days where less than a few hundred bucks would keep me content for a night.