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Junkies essentials - the list


Feb 17, 2007
Hello there,

i thought we start a list of things and pharms that nobody should be missing in his inventory when he is abusing anything. Like benzos and that stuff. I am gonna start a list, and i would appreciate it if you could add your ideas with a short explanation why and what for.
Maybe i can get some good ideas for my newly designed household drug cabinet.
What the list is for... well maybe someone looks at it and they get some good ideas. I am sure having all of it makes life a lot more easy.

  • IPA - Sterilizing, extracting, cleaning TFT's
  • Alcohol Swabs - Like said stuff above, handy for IV user
  • Insulin Syrenge - cleaning, seperating, and of course IV of things
  • cotton balls - universal as fuck, filter and that stuff
  • Iodine tincture - good for small wounds and scratches
  • Tissues - fapping, cleaning, blowing noses, heck, a box of tissues must not be missing
  • Tweezers - for slithers, small things, unversal too
  • Coffe filters - for CWE's, drying out stuff, making coffee
  • small nail scissor - to cut stuf, grind and scrape
  • Polysporin - or generic, for small wounds, handy to have
  • Bandaids - god, nothing like searing for one when you need one, right?
  • Sterile water - for injection purpose
  • empty pill bottles - to store stuff, halfs of pills, handy
  • Orajel - or other generic containing the most ammount of benzocaine and the least ammount of other crap
  • Lidocaine spray (solarcaine) - when the opiate itch gets unbearable or you got that sunburn...
  • small baby feeding syrenge - to plug stuff, measure and dispense
  • Lubrificant - to make above said procedure easier
  • Bateries - at least 2 of any size, come in handy
  • flashlight - Like a minni maglite or something to aid in first aid or power outage
  • Pot - small nug of, stored airtight along with some paper, when the nausea kicks in and you need relief
  • Benzos - what you can get, at least 5 doses of, do i need to explain?
  • ASA + C + Codeine - Handy for headache or to be cwe'd when the need arises
  • Tylenol - or generics, a no brainer...
  • Alcohol - booze some sort of, the higher proof the better, for short term sedation
  • Benadryl/cimetidine - Universal, for itches, sleep, WD, potentiating, everything.
  • DXM - All around usefull for cough and stuff
  • Metal spoon - Cooking up
  • Scale - The more accurate the better
  • Lighter - No smoking without a lighter, sterilize stuff
  • Razor blade - To scrape stuff and cut some lines
  • Small amount of DOC - To help when things get rough, small amount so you don't have to touch it when you don't need to
  • Micron Filters - To filter your pills or whatever you're shooting
  • Naloxone - To get you over till the ambulance is there. Always call 911 no matter what.
  • Important Phone # - Might seem odd, but if you panic, forget or your cell is out of bateries...
  • Sterile Vials - Always usefull
  • Ibupreofen - For those that don't like tylenol
  • Stove/Torch - To warm up stuff, start a fire or emergency signal
  • Candles - When the power goes out or to cook up, emergency light.
  • tourniquet - to help you find some veins, shooting stuff

i am sure i forgot a ton, but that is where you come in :)

EDIT: Completed till post #9
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You forgot the fucking benadryl!!!

EDIT: Also, ibuprofen, DXM pills, peroxide, lighter, stove\torch, and cimetidine. Maybe some bandages too. I believe in having complete biochemical\medical control of oneself, so I feel the need to have the right medicines and tools on hand and to know how to use them. Ideally, everyone should attempt to understand and master their self both physically and mentally using whatever tools available.
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Im going to move this to Drug Culture. Its not meant for OD. DC Mods, please do whatever you want with it.
Sterile vials (ideally ones where you can just put the needle through the top), micron filters, naloxone/naltrexone... I'll think of more!
thanks guys, will add them to my post.
I forgot a ton, because i didn't know where to start. But that's is where you guys come in, much appreciated :)
maybe some lil gram size bags or something small like that. always have the problem of friend bringing me over a couple grams of coke and its tied off in a lil piece of plastic bag.

clean straws. dont share when snorting thats gross or use bank notes. scissors are already on the list just have a couple straws and u can cut off a piece when needed.

some more stuff will come to mind later along the lines of snorting or iv'ing
Injectable diazepam solution (no not for frequent or even occaisional use) for cocaine OD! Also why not throw in an experienced needle sitter - never IV alone!
a small handheld mirror to cutup on!

and how can you forget a cone piece for that fast made juice bottle bong!!

and a small pipe

and how about some fold away scissors too? so you can chop your bud or cut filters in two or pry open the needle disposal bin.

WOW POST 200 holy SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT WOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWW thats not really many posts 200????? a MEASLY 200???
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Extra lighters, nothing is worse than realizing at 3:00am your lighter is dead and your too messed up to drive.
candle? Maybe you get sick of burning you fingers with that god forsaken lighter
if you are a real junkie all you prolly have in your kit is a bunch of dull needles and and old bent and burned spoon along with some old q-tips that are dark looking from picking up soot off the bottom of the spoon...lol