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July Recovery Thread

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thanks!! argh another friend has just texted me saying 'i can't do this anymore' and i don't know if he means recovery or using, he relapsed yesterday after over 7 months.

one of the really nice things that happened at the graduation was one of the guys i did both courses with, so i've known since january, said i looked like a normal person. he said when i first met him that i looked rough and dodgy. starting to feel normal too!
Good morning to all my sober living warriors..... First of all I want to say congratulations to Chinup.

I'm losing my fucking mind. I took 6 grams of gabapentin but I still want to slit my wrists. I fucking despise the people I live with. I got roped into watching some dumbass movie tonight. The worst part is I don't even want to get high anymore. I just want to die.

Hang in there CJ. I can definitely identify with where you are at. I started trying to get clean with assistance in Apr of 2015. Over the last 4 yrs I have spent 2.75 years living in sober living houses and another half a year living with a couple of nutcases I met in the rooms. The other .75yrs was spent homeless, renting rooms off Craigslist to try and stay around my recovery groups-job, and with the my parents. Those 4yrs have been filled with the most beautiful moments, excruciating ordeals, self loathing, homicidal rage, meltdowns, forced learning experiences, friends dying, friends trying to plant drugs on me to set me up, relapses, homelessness, trips to the psych ward for wanting to kill myself, detoxes, several wrecked cars, felony charges and a partridge in a muthafukin' pear tree.

I got a little over one year clean my first go around, which is actually a lie because I drank one night right in the middle of that yr. I was extremely depressed and lost during that year. I was horribly discontent and constantly under attack by a barrage of seemingly, uncontrollable mood swings. I had a hard time connecting to any of the people at my halfway house and I had plenty of people to connect with because my program was 150 some odd guys spread across 2 sprawling properties. I hated the staff and I found the program to be extremely small minded, dogmatic, cultish and essentially uncaring and grossly, exploitative and profit oriented. I wound up relapsing after getting let go from my 5th job in a year.

I came back for another go around, which lasted 9mths. I made the mistake of falling for a girl. During that go around I was homeless after getting kicked out of my halfway house, when one of my best friends ratted me out for admitting a moment of weakness, in which I took kratom. I bounced from house to house, while feeling pretty much alone. This attempt ended with a disastrous relapse and suicide attempt that saw me running into a light post on the highway at full speed. I then wound up in the psych ward. Then there was another half hearted suicide attempt and a broken heart.

I am on my 4th attempt now after getting out of a 2mth stay in rehab, a failed third attempt that saw 4 overdoses, another wrecked car and and felony arrest charges. I was clean 4mths on that go around.

Getting clean has been the hardest thing I've ever had to do. I have a really difficult time connecting with others on a less than superficial level because of my girlfriend overdosing and dying next to me in bed. I easily draw people to me and I am very gregarious and likeable, however I am mentally fucked in the emotion department.

I'm telling you all this because I want you to know that despite all this struggle and hardship, that things have gotten infinitely easier since that first recovery go around. I am slowly learning to live life on life's terms. I definitely don't have it figured out and life will probably knock me on my knees with another curve ball but I am learning to love myself and how to roll with the punches. Looking back I have realized that everything that has happened made me the person I am today and I am grateful to have the long, hard, lonely, twisted path I have had because it has made me into a person I can be proud of... I get back up every time and forge forward and it gets easier.

I love you man and that's not bullshit because you're just like me.
Jesus somi that sounds horrible. If it's going to be like that I'll probably just get back on methadone
Jesus somi that sounds horrible. If it's going to be like that I'll probably just get back on methadone

It's honestly not that bad. I have had very beautiful moments. I now have a firm feeling of love and respect for myself that can't be taken away. I wouldn't trade the journey for anything in the world and the alternative is a million times worse. A lot of the bad stuff happened as a consequence of my relapses. They got progressively worse and they usually began with feelings similar to yours.

I could have saved myself a lot of trouble if I had learned better self talk and perspective. More often then not I got down on myself based upon a false narrative and perspective I had built in my head. Now a days I have learned to take things a lot easier. I have learned to separate myself from negative situations and thought patterns. This took a lot of time to gain self confidence, security in myself and enjoy being alone so I could reframe my thoughts. I slowly learned that a lot of my views on the world, myself in relation to others and expectations were detrimental to my mental health. Now I take it easy on myself and have learned to enjoy others and simple experiences.

I refuse to be sad anymore. I spent my whole life discontent and sad. Fuck that shit. It's all perspective. The only prison one could ever be put in is a prison of their own mind. Do yourself a favor and learn to free yourself. Honestly ask if some of your views on the world contribute to your feelings and if they can be changed. I promise you they can. Open yourself up to experiences, the world and the possibilities. Cynicism almost killed me.....

Keep your head up. Seek and you will find. It will get better in time.
Hi folks. Long time lurker here. I just joined because I am starting to taper my sub dose after 5 years. I’ve gone from 12 to 8 to 6 to 5 over the past few weeks. Starting on 4 tomorrow and hope to be down to .5 in 10 weeks.

I’ve had trouble in the past because I’ve simply gone back up to 8-12 on a bad day so I am hoping that by writing about it here I will stick to it. I do remember feeling much better at 2 mg than at higher doses.

So uh, anyone else here tapering sub?
So uh, anyone else here tapering sub?

I don't know is this thread just for the opioid free people, or can people who are tapering and having difficulties join in.
I am tapering buprenorphine. I am holding 3mg for several weeks and will go down when my family holiday cones to an end. That will happen in late August and I will reduce to 2.5mg then. I am holding but at the same time I am staring to experience first signs of withdrawal, such as increased anxiety , worsening of insomnia, increased chronic pain and reduced motivation. It is still nothing major but it is not pleasant either.
I would like to reduce bupe to 2.5mg but I am affraid it would bring more withdrawal and I do not want to destroy our vacation. This is my first try in tapering sub. I have history of morphine/oxycodone, tramadol and kratom withdrawal , but except few weeks kratom, I have not tapered others.
i have a hard time when tapering as I am much more inclined in just ripping the bandage. But, as another taper, diazepam one, is ahead of me I am practicing with buprenorphine.
I do not know what to expect when I lower my dose. Is going from 3mg to 2mg really hard or hard part begins when I go below 2mg? I know nobody can answer me as we are all different regarding our body, history of opioid use and life circumstances, but life would be easier if I would be on 2mg daily.
So yes there is somebody around here tapering buprenorphine but I don't know do we belong to this thread :?

high enough to deal w/ this shit

life is hell

but I can be be a piece of heaven walking in the valley of death
If you go to 2.5 and stay there a couple of weeks and then drop to 2 you will most likely be fine. If 2.5 becomes too hard simply up your dose to 2.75 and go more slowly. From my experience, the hard part starts when going under 2mg

Good luck!
this thread is for anyone!! good luck with your subs taper soman. i never did maintenance so can't advise. what other help are you getting? like psychological help about why you were using in the first place?

July has been a fucking good month for me. exhausting but good. so thrilled my job is going so well, and everyone on my team is really pleased with me. they don't know about my issues so i don't know what i'd have done if it had started badly.
Does anyone know if coming off an antipsychotic can cause long term psychosis? In 2016 i was on seroquel xr for a year and then i stopped taking it in may 2016 and everything went downhill from there. I got severely depressed and then went into psychosis. Also ive never heard voices like many schizophrenic s claim although im diagnosed with schizophrenia. I wonder if i had drug induced psychosis as i stopped taking serouql xr without tapering
Hi folks. Long time lurker here. I just joined because I am starting to taper my sub dose after 5 years. I’ve gone from 12 to 8 to 6 to 5 over the past few weeks. Starting on 4 tomorrow and hope to be down to .5 in 10 weeks.

I’ve had trouble in the past because I’ve simply gone back up to 8-12 on a bad day so I am hoping that by writing about it here I will stick to it. I do remember feeling much better at 2 mg than at higher doses.

So uh, anyone else here tapering sub?
Sounds like your going too fast or dropping too much at a time. Slow and steady is best
i am really rattled today

i want to read this too
if nothing else it will be interesting
and yes and yes
and yes
yes and inspiring yes inspiring

please stay blessed and strong
you have to because you can
you will
What happened?
i took something and i really feel better now
thnxx so much
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