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⫸STICKY⫷ Journalists/Media please read: guidelines for gathering information/conducting interviews


Sr. Moderator: NSADD, DC, & TDS
Staff member
Mar 7, 2011
Bluelight's mission is to educate people about drug harm reduction. We hold space for drug harm reduction discussion through our publicly accessible web forums.

Journalists and researchers are often interested in the topic of drugs. If you are an academic researcher, please go to our Research Portal and check out our Drug Studies forum. If you are a journalist, please read on!

If your story is about Bluelight the website and community, then please direct an inquiry to Bluelight Admin.

If your story is investigating issues around drug use - which some of our community may have first-hand experience with - then we welcome your post to this forum, Drug Culture.

In that thread, please provide us with:
- your name and any links to your work (including ways we can contact you)
- the outlet where you expect the article to be published

You should start one thread, making it clear that you are a journalist and that answers given will be used in a publication. You should be available to answer questions from the BL community within aforementioned thread. (There is a section in account preferences where you can turn on email notifications so you don’t miss any comments.)

You should also try to make clear the angle of the piece of writing so that BL members have the ability to discern whether they wish to participate. We are committed to values of respect and acceptance. We advise journalists be educated about avoiding stigmatising language in their work. Here's a useful PDF guide.

We ask that you do not replicate usernames in publications unless previous written permission has been given by the BL member referenced.

We appreciate that some journalist publications are too short on word count to include an acknowledgement. If there is room or if your piece is long-form (or for a book or similar!) we would appreciate acknowledgement of the contribution of the Bluelight community. Example wording: "Thanks to the Bluelight website and community for their contribution. Bluelight.org is a non-profit online community dedicated to reducing drug-related harm. This content is solely the responsibility of the author/s and does not necessarily represent the official views of Bluelight.org."

Finally, we encourage you to return to your thread and update the community with the final link of the published piece.

Bluelight has many thousands of visitors per day, and for those articles we really like, we will promote on our front page.

Thanks for your interest in this space!