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  • DC Moderators: deficiT | ghostfreak | VerbalTruist

Join the DC Mod Squad!


Staff member
Oct 15, 2004
What’s up Drug Culture?

We are looking for 1-2 mods for DC. If you’re interested send an application to me (@VerbalTruist and @ghostfreak.

In your application please include, at a minimum, where in the world you're located (time zone), what relevant experience you might have, and why you are interested in joining Bluelight staff and DC.

Perks include the coveted mod stick, back room access, and more!
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I enjoyed my time with DC. This is probably the most active and entertaining of the social forums here and who doesn’t like to talk about their drug use? Well, people who are trying to get clean maybe 🙄 but if you’re still a user and abuser, this place is the shit!

I don’t post here lately as I quit both coffee and opioids in recent months. As such I’m far less social. But if you’re a wake up and smell the coffee type person DC is a great place to mod 👍🏻
If it was 2019-2020 I'd apply but I don't use BL everyday like I used to. What a bummer 🥲☹️
Honestly, if you were on every other day that would be enough. Having coverage and someone to help out is always nice.
Honestly, if you were on every other day that would be enough. Having coverage and someone to help out is always nice.
I know man, but currently I'm going through some serious mental issues that don't let me do shiiiiit. Let alone Mod a forum. Sowwy :(