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Jersey Dope Game-2015-(Share Your Experiences)

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Dec 10, 2015
I'm new to the dope game, and fairly new to the Jersey area. Right over the bridge from Trenton in PA. Pills got to rare and expensive, and I recently started railing diesel. I have a really solid connection. The dope is always great, a lot of times its double bagged (wax bag inside of plastic "crack sack"). 10 bag bundles, 5 bundle bricks. Prices seem ok (not sure if I can discuss prices?). It's usually white/tan/yellow. Tonight I aquired some brown powder for the first time stamped "Let's Get It" (Red Ink). Seems fire, but I'm also coming of an Adderall binge, so I'm being careful with it. Anyways, I've been getting a lot of these stamps: "Black Scorpion", "Block Party", "Tyson", "Frank Lucas", "Safe House", and "Teeth". I had an interesting experience with Teeth stamps recently. My connect dissappeared for about 4 days. He had Teeth stamps a few weeks ago. Really good stuff. Anyways, with him not around, I drove over the bridge and cruised down Lamberton. I didn't even have to look for the dope man. He flagged me down (white boy from PA cruising slowly down the block = Needs Dope apparently). The dude said he had Teeth and it was the best around (its good, but not the best). I coped a bun (for $10 more than my steady dude charges, but fuck it). It was exactly as advertised. Same look, feel and potency as what my dude had a few weeks ago. I went back the next day and grabbed 2 more buns. This time it was full of red specs. Naturally, I was a little worried to try it. Did my research and I'm fairly certain it's the crushed capsules from a sleep aid they used as cut (obviously it was cut quickly and carelessly). I ended up doing 2 bags (up the nose, I don't shoot), but I'm still sitting on 8 more, as I'm unsure I want to ingest it. I asked the dude what the red specs were. He answered "Idfk bro I ain't make the shit". Later, I shared the results of my research with him (I just assumed he would want to know what he's selling...) and he had absolutely no fucks to give. My thinking is the capsule specks would be bad for an IV user, but I know nothing about injecting. Just be careful if you run in to it. Obviously my first bun from him was legit, but he did a half assed cut on the next 2 buns so he could double up on me. Thank God my steady connect resurfaced tonight!

So who else scores their smack in or around Trenton? What stamps have you been coming across? And what are your experiences? I've lived here just over a year, but only been fucking with dope for 2-3 months. Just wondering if everyone else's experiences are similar to mine.
Oh man this post hit home.... greetings from nj... I used to get my dope from Trenton too. You are usually pretty safe with double seals, however, some doubles are better than others. My stamps were different names than yours though. Not sure what red specks are bc sounds to me like that kid may have stepped on it again. You sure he isnt pushing to support his own habit?? Maybe he got alittle desperate and pinched then added vitamins. This post gives me the itch! Just had a urine yesterday! No i am not gona do it!!!! Sorry internal struggle for a minute. Off to the clinic for methadone!
For regional threads, you may post in North/South American Drug Discussion. But stamp reviews are not permitted at this time so I have to close this, sorry.
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