Je Suis Nouveau! Hello!


Dec 13, 1999
Ok, I'm new! Hello everyone! Just thought
I'd make my presence known! By the way, anyone speak French on this board?
no but i speak spanish "el gato es en fuego" (the cat is on fire), welcome to the board, we're a bunch of whacky people
"whatever it is i think i
see, becomes a tootsie
roll to me"
J'mapelle Jasmine. J'habite' en Florida, etoi? C'est le fantastique, vous parlez francais. J'ai vinge et une (21), etoi?
You have a very pretty name. I cant remember all my french but i cant forget ' menage e trois '
smile.gif 19 minnesota *MuAh*
salut, moi aussi je parle francais. je reste a ottawa. et toi??
temps de partir! (je suis a l'ouvrage
And the end of all our exploring/Will be to arrive where we started
/And to know the place for the first time.
-T.S. Eliot
"In the war on drugs, I'm a conscientious objector" -- brand-x
salut, moi aussi je parle francais. je reste a ottawa. et toi??
temps de partir! (je suis a l'ouvrage
And the end of all our exploring/Will be to arrive where we started
/And to know the place for the first time.
-T.S. Eliot
"In the war on drugs, I'm a conscientious objector" -- brand-x
Je parle francais! Un peu... et tres mal. Goes to show that those four years of French did me a whole lot of good, didn't they?

22 and in Southern California here
. Love the names, btw. Both of them. I love the scent of Jasmine (and just the sound of the name) and, well, I could just go on about how much I love la lune. J'adore la lune! Elle est mon amie! Or something. Whatever
Loupy - Suffering happily from Luna-C
Bienvenue á Bluelight, Luna-E
Vous avez un nom un petit peu similaire de moi, Loonie..
Bonne nöel pour vous, et joeueux années!!
Let yourself be loved. Let love be yourself.
PLUR, Loonie :)
Merci Beaucoup! Well back in English, although that was fun! Thanks for the welcome! *MUAH* back to you MN 12olle12!

How old are you brand-X?
J'adore la lune beaucoup, loupy, she's my friend too! HA,Ha! Luv you all!
oh it gets better
"yo quero mucho puntas" i want more bitches
"no fumar el cacaine" (i think) no smoking the cocaine
"yo quero mucho EXTATICO!!!!!" i want more ecstacy
"whatever it is i think i
see, becomes a tootsie
roll to me"
Bon jour mademoisselle Luna-E je suis le homme de la danse Eternite!!! Vous et de la France? Ahhh ma mere et 1/2 francaise . mon favourite Etoile et la magnifique la unique la rein de tout la France DALIDA vous connais la chanson MURIR SUR SCENE? tres belle no?
combien du temp vous prends la ecstacie? La ecstacie et la musique francais faire une tres bon combination!!! Bienvenue a le lumiere azur!!! je pouve parler le Espagnol tres mioux sil vous parle ecrite moi en Espagnol. Adeu Luna-E jusque la prochain fois
in reply to housekid5 just a little spanish lesson if you dont mind i wouldnt want you stuck in someplace where there are only spanish speaking ppl and you want some bitches and or some X your translation would get you this Puntas= punch or kick extatico=extatic/ cacaine= caca means shit with a fancy french twist at the end.basically you would be extatic if some one kicked the shit out of you in a very nice way let me help you ECSTACIA/PUTA/COCAINA this way you have a better chance of getting laid and have a good time. concerned for your safety! luv EtErnlDanzEr!!!
" would be extatic if some one kicked the shit out of you in a very nice way..."
I hear ya!
Going back to "the cat is on fire," my brother learned how to say/write, "my duck is broken," in 6 languages. He planned on learning more, but advancing age and fatherhood destroyed his dream...*heavy sigh*

I will find humor in my everyday life by looking for people I can laugh at.
Hello , Moi je suis le seul francophone de Las Vegas qui " roll "..... Ce n'est même pas une joke !!!
Gardez le sourire !!! xxxxxxxxxxxx
well luna-e i'm 22 years old (why does this sound like the start of some pathetic personal ad??).
actually my age varies:
when i do drugs i'm about 15 years old again (you know, when everything was new and exciting 'cuz you were sneaking around behind your parents' backs)
when i dance at a rave i'm ageless (i am one with the music and the music is eternal)
when i run around the house nekkid i'm two years old and loving it (e-mail me @
[email protected] for photos of me runnin' around house nekkid
when i extend ridiculous offers to the entire internet to send free nude pics of myself i'm about 13 years old (i can't wait to see the flood of requests from dirty lurking pervs!!!)
well, that about sums me up.
time to go run around the house nekkid
Bonjour EtErnlDanzEr! Je ne suis pas francais. Vous Parlez francais tres bien! Je ne suis pas de la francais facile, J'essayer. Non, Qui est MURIR SUR SCENE?
Je Prendre du E, eclatement pour six ans, etoi? Combien ans avez vous? vous parlez francais mieux que moi! Pardonne moi!
E-mail [email protected]!
Much Love to all! Luna-E
thanks for the tip eternl, you might have saved my life. i just sorta made that shit up anyway, if i was stuck in mexico i dont think i would get past "dos cervezas por favor"
thanks again for the warning
"whatever it is i think i
see, becomes a tootsie
roll to me"