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ITS OFFICIAL??? Coke heroin in pills ! ? news report??

I regularly surf the net on my fav topic and the only pill I ever saw testing coke was www.eve-rave.ch/pills/p_000223.htm the euro pill.
The media is jumping on the bandwagon about drugs at the moment. I find it surprising some of the media guys don't flatly correct the cops on their statements. I have a few media mates who snort coke and know the difference between mdma and coke and could give very accurate descriptions in their papers.
When I first started in the UK, smacky pills usually referred to mdma + K combos. They rarely had mdea ones over there.
Since coming back home the terms I hear used are -
*Smacky = mdea (ass sitters)
*Cokey = mdma + K (eyes rollin around like poker machines)
*Clean or Dancey = speed based
*Luv'd Up = mdma
Personally I'm a fan of Luv'd Up and "cokey" ones.

Somehow lack of vision brings clarity into my life

It is just such a pity that we can't just say "Hey I just had an E......." Wouldn't that be a change!!!
Everyones saying that the media is talking bullshit etc etc...
But the media has always been been blowing crap out of their arses, on every topic, not just drugs.
All they do is say what the majority of the population wants to hear, and we "XTC users" are in the minority, therefore we cop all the bullshit.

Of course it makes me upset to see them lie, but the way i see it, its all for ratings... not for the truth. Its to make all the mums and dads and grannies happy...
but anyway, thats my 2 cents worth...

Andromeda and various others above are 100% correct.
I have been reading a number of books from Amazon.com and the library and I would say
Heroin is not a very strong drug which is one reason people inject - if you injected the same amount of nicotine you would probably die INSTANTLY therefore heroin in a pill is probably pretty safe anyway. The chance of noticing the effects of heroin in a pill are next to nill unless the pill was the size of a melon!! MDMA has smacky properties (sorry ex junkie!!! get your factes straight)
The police use statements like 'may have traces of substances like heroin etc etc' to scare and shock. Of course this is done with good intention...just like they use to burn whitches at the stake and gas jews with good intention....
It scares me how stupid and ignorant the average person is. Don't people remember any of their history - like the effect of prohibition of alcohol in the 1920s....?
Pretty funny when alcohol and tabacco are probably our worst drugs along with barbituates (also legal and more addictive than cocaine and E). I'd say our number one biggest killer however is fat!! Maybe we should suggest they ban cream and butter! Might save some lives!!! Hey and what about a one child policy seeings governmnets like telling us what to do with our private lives!!
We are turning into a police state and the fools don't see it!!!!
Just a quick reply, sort of based on facts ;-) and I haven't read the whole thread...
No, heroin or cocaine is never found in pills sold as XTC, never ever it has been found when laboratory analysed.
It is called an " urban legend " and it is not true.
What is true is that a lot of other shit is sold as "Ecstasy" but everybody knew that already ... or what ???
Maybe EZ-test should start selling kits that test for H, so we could give them to the cops

The general population are ignorant. They believe what they want to believe...I've talking to people who think pills have coke and smack in them, and tried to let them in on the truth, but they refuse to believe. I think some people just *want* to believe that there's "hardcore" drugs in what they're taking.
If these people really cared about what they were taking, they'd bother to take a few minutes to research and read sites like this one. I know a few people who say "I don't care what's in it, as long as it gets me fucked". They are the ones who will end up getting fucked up and give us responsible drug users a bad name. I'd like say they are the ones that deserve to get bunk pills and end up in hospital....but when that happens, it just fuels the media hype. We can't win