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Is valium legal to buy online without prescription?

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May 28, 2010
I hear valium is a good downer and puts you to sleep but is it legal to buy online without a prescription?

If i were to buy some of this, would it actaully help me go to sleep after a night out and make me feel better?
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I hear valium is a good downer and puts you to sleep but is it legal to buy online without a prescription?

If i were to buy some of this, would it actaully help me go to sleep after a night out and make me feel better?

edit* Should also have said that it is illegal.

Sourcing is not allowed on bluelight.

In the interest of harm reduction I am going to tell you that I looked at the website you provided a link to briefly, and I think ingesting anything they send you would be a risk to your health.
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I hear valium is a good downer and puts you to sleep but is it legal to buy online without a prescription?

If i were to buy some of this, would it actaully help me go to sleep after a night out and make me feel better?


and this website may sell fakes,who knows? and bluelight will close this thread.
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I didnt know it was illegal, so i posted a link. I have removed the link but it still appears in your quotes.

So for it to be legal you have to get it from a doctor? What would you need to tell your doctor to get this? Im guessing it wont be that easy.
It's definitely not legal in the US as it's a Schedule IV substance, requiring a script from a doc. I wouldn't ever buy anything on the internet anyway as you're not guaranteed it's what you're expecting.

Just go to your doc and explain the situation. Chances are they'll just give you a script for it...that's what I did.
I don't know if anyone else has tried this...but the OTC pain meds with a sleep aid will knock me out. Even Nyquil (generic is just as good) usually puts me in a coma. Could be low tolerance on my part....because it takes so much of most any upper for me to get a buzz....grrrrrr.
Most legit OP's only sell unscheduled pharmaceuticals. Though I've see a few international ones in Mexico that sold benzo's and opioids.
Some of the light opioids (codeine) are OTC in countries other than the US, same with benzos. Seems like we're the only folks who like to tightly control the drugs our citizens are allowed to take. Blech. Don't even get me started on the doc--pharmacy relationship and the pharmacists...they can be really rude and make you feel like absolute crap.
Not legal without a prescription. It's a pretty strong benzo, you might want to try something lighter over-the-counter and see if anything helps first.
Not legal without a prescription. It's a pretty strong benzo, you might want to try something lighter over-the-counter and see if anything helps first.

Valium a pretty strong benzo?
Lorazepam (Ativan) is a more potent benzodiazepine than Valium. Valium is actually one of the weakest benzo's.
You can get it online but just make sure you know the pharmacy you get it from is legit. I just got something from a online pharmacy and the delivery was great on time put the pills I got were placibo. Ive called two times now they keep sending me more but they are the same bullshit pills. I will let you guys know the pharmacy so you dont have the hassle I have had. Also the reason I ordered was because I used to order online years ago, always getting great stuff but boy have things changed since then.....
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