is there a way to talk to someone on here? im so confused


Aug 3, 2005
can someone please talk to me...i dunno... my mind/life is so messed up....please be nice.. :(
Do you want to tell us what is going on?
I'm going to PM you <3
If you don't want to have the conversation in this thread, I can move it into our Social thread......
thankyou :) I think i'm at home in the dark side though... It's suprisingly easy to use drugs and alcohol as a way to make life disappear...then you have to face huge problems when you try and quit. withdrawals..depression..anxiety..debts... no friends... the list goes on...
Yeah. I always found that drinking compounded my problems. The original problem would still be there when I sobered up, plus whatever additional problems I'd managed to create while I was bingeing. And of course because that was all too overwhelming to deal with I'd seek refuge in booze again.
Hey "wooger",

On a bet Hemmingway said he could write a novel in 6 words. I think he wrote, "Baby shoes for sale. Never used." You wrote, "is there a way to talk to someone on here? im so confused". I'm so confused, "madness" was the last milepost passed. Seeing your post made me realize asking for help is what I have to do as well. To me, you possess inspiring courage. Everyone needs help 24/7. Thanks for prying off my lid. Take baby steps. "Mighty oaks from little acorns grow." No kidding.
Apparently, you fucked up somehow. So what?! You have horizontal and vertical enough to communicate here so there is more than Hope. Sounds like you've been dealt the "booze" card. Hang on to it, or play it to your best advantage. Maybe you should fold and hope your life unfolds before you. Maybe I should do the same. Bad analogy as I've become a solitary drinker. At the rehabs they'll say things like, "You don't want to become a candidate for the liver list." Been visitin in the hospital these days, and no you don't. I'm "moderating". Thing is, our "moderator" might just pass away. Quit the shit! Seize the moment, the hour, the day, the month, the year(s), and just drop that shit like a bad-habit. Tomorrow is another day.

I am drunk and this is way over my head right now. Sounds beautiful but you should put discretion at beginning "Only read sober". Or maybe i m just really druunk no offense dude.

To the OP i PMed you, help is available all around. To tell you the truth this forum is the most generous and truthful. Just hit one of us up..."to quote last poster "tomorrow is another day" and no matter how bad it is , even if its actually one in a million great days, I would personally love to hear about it.
Hemmingway was a drunk who did cap himself like Hunter S. Thompson.

sry if it's off-topic, but Hemingway's suicide was not about booze, he was wasting away from illness (hemochromatosis) which deteriorated his mind and he was becoming senile

& best of luck to the OP, reaching out to others is the best way to gain perspective on your own your life

edit: H.O.D. ftw, awesome username, reread it 2 wks ago actually
Now that I am sober I realize that you like to write and you are expressing yourself pretty well.
I ve always wanted to be a doctor like my dad but now I have much less motivation and will settle for anything in medical field ...and all because of alcohol. It was my obsession at some time and I realized I was addicted. It took a lot away from me and I still drink.

One of the passions that alcohol hasn't destroyed though is writing. I love reading and writing no matter what. It is a kind of therapy to me sometimes. And these forums should be helpful to the OP and anyone who wants to open up.
Hey "wooger",

On a bet Hemmingway said he could write a novel in 6 words. I think he wrote, "Baby shoes for sale. Never used." You wrote, "is there a way to talk to someone on here? im so confused". I'm so confused, "madness" was the last milepost passed. Seeing your post made me realize asking for help is what I have to do as well. To me, you possess inspiring courage. Everyone needs help 24/7. Thanks for prying off my lid. Take baby steps. "Mighty oaks from little acorns grow." No kidding.
Apparently, you fucked up somehow. So what?! You have horizontal and vertical enough to communicate here so there is more than Hope. Sounds like you've been dealt the "booze" card. Hang on to it, or play it to your best advantage. Maybe you should fold and hope your life unfolds before you. Maybe I should do the same. Bad analogy as I've become a solitary drinker. At the rehabs they'll say things like, "You don't want to become a candidate for the liver list." Been visitin in the hospital these days, and no you don't. I'm "moderating". Thing is, our "moderator" might just pass away. Quit the shit! Seize the moment, the hour, the day, the month, the year(s), and just drop that shit like a bad-habit. Tomorrow is another day.

I like this :) drives it home about the liver list too..apprently my liver is showing 'signs of chronic injury' not only 24 :|
You can always PM me me, I'll reply and shoot the shit on whatever topic you're feeling.
I can relate. I've pretty much dealt with everything by using drugs. Whether it was anger, depression, loneliness or boredom, drugs were the answer. And trust me, while it may seem like a solution at first, it will catch up to you.

I never even got into any serious drugs. The worst drug I've done is Vicodin or Xanax, and I've only experimented with them. I ended up getting addicted to getting high in general. I also turned into an alcoholic very quickly. I've been put into rehabs against my will, and I haven't seen my friends in almost 6 months. I'm paying for things that I did in March, and I'll be paying for a good 6 months after this. But the worst part is that once you get used to get addicted to getting high, you start craving harder drugs. I am constantly thinking about heroin and cocaine.

Drugs truly do bring you down. Look at me. I'm just a sixteen year old kid who casually used drugs. As I said, I never did anything that serious. And now I don't get to be a kid anymore. I don't get to go to my high school anymore. I don't get to see my friends anymore. Forget things like staying out until 3 AM. Forget parties. Forget hanging out with pretty girls. While my friends are out having the best time of their lives, I'm getting searched and blowing into a breathalyzer at 9 in the morning.
You are not alone wooger and there is a solution, please remember that. You're welcome to PM me as I've been where you are right now. Have you considered attending an A.A. meeting?
Hey, I've been and am currently in your shoes, and it doesn't feel good. There is hope though buddy. There are things you can do to get you through the withdrawals and then you can kick that door down and se the cours for the life you desire. Remember your dreams focus on that and the positives and then go there. Its hard but the fight is worth it.

You can check out my Video Blog for tips on Withdrawal Aids to make it easier. Click my name, its posted in another thread.

I'm telling you, I've been there. Im coming off a HUGE habit right now!
I know exactly what you mean over the past month ive been using any substance i can to get away from reality whenever i can but when im sober it just feels like i hate everything but i try not to show it because i dont want people to think thats who i really am but it seems like ive been losing touch with alot of my old friends or atleast it seems like alot of them are turning against me and im not even really sure why at this point but sometimes life gets tough...tough to the point where u dont even see a point in living without substance because u can feel the deep empty cold void like feeling in your gut that is just unbearable and im not sure if thats what your feeling right now but thats what ive been feeling recently but i still keep pushing and i still try to stay sober as often as possible even though its not that easy and i fail alot but the point is im trying and im slowly getting better at it and the best way to look at it is the fact that you never know whats around the next turn in life so only pay attention to the good things in life even if they're very miniscule and always remember that there will be better times its the rule of karma wich my life has demonstrated to be quite real

Good luck and if there is a specific situation other then drugs causing you to use drugs im sure you can find somewhere to talk about it on here or if u need u can pm me although im not normally on everyday so it could take a little while for a reply
hell, I'll even call you if you want, and bill the long distance to the DND. lol.