• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

Is the increase of nerve growth factor that is released from LSD significant?


Nov 20, 2004
I was pondering on the ability of endogenous neuron growth factors and how much the increase in these chemicals released by the brain affect us?

Are there any studies that show how much NGF a brain normally releases?

Is NGF considered the "master" (as far as we know) chemical that increases neuron growth (increase in cell body size, protein synthesize etc)?
LSD releases NGF?

If it does, it will be pretty insignificant. These growth factors are usually veeeeery short lived and require constant, daily, endogenous production and stimulation over an extended period of time to make an effect. So unless your on LSD 24/7 for a few weeks, I doubt its going to make any difference.
Other psychedelics have been shown to increase levels of BDNF in the neocortex, and decrease it in the hippocampus [1. These changes parallel those seen in models of depression. So perhaps it means that one may be temporarily predisposed toward depression after using high doses of psychedelics like the ones in that study, though I would caution against overinterpreting the results in that manner.
yeah I've been taking doc daily at .9mg and I feel really fuckin good. And I'm serious

(I may be in over my head in this forum, but the topics are interesting and I'm often content to observe. If I say something wrong, just tell me, as I'm eager to learn.)
NGF is one of the more well understood neurotrophic factors. But, I don't know if I'd call it the "master" of nerve growth as it doesn't necessarily cause neural growth in all situations, such as after a CNS injury. Most of the research I'm familiar with deals more with nerve regeneration than with normal axon growth. A link about the retrograde transport of neurotrophins is below. The article also gives a short summary about the neurotrophins and methods employed in studying.


It seems like it would be rather hard to find a "normal" level of NGF expression. One would have to account for variations in different regions of the brain, etc. I did a pubmed search and couldn't find anything. Hope the journal article is interesting.
yeah I've been taking doc daily at .9mg and I feel really fuckin good. And I'm serious
Yeah, somehow I don't think that is going to last, all of the people I know who have taken psychedelics daily for extended periods of time had either been admitted themselves or otherwise into psychiatric institutions.

NGF probably is released by 5-HT2 agonists, though I don't think it has ever been demonstrated (as opposed to BDNF and GDNF), but I definately think "growth factor" was a misnomer. And no, I doubt NGF-1 is the master.
What about lsd diluted to the extent where it does not produce any tripping effects?
^ Well then it's not binding to 5-HT2A and 1A receptors, so it wont be doing much.