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Is Oxycodone taken once a day harmful to health?


Oct 9, 2018
I've been trying to find out if there is any really danger in taking one oxycodone a day for true pain. Trying to Google search it only leads me to site that talk about addiction. Acknowledging that addiction or dependence is always a risk, can anyone share info on keeping a prescribed oxycodone dosage at one per day as being damaging to the body or brain? If so, can anyone recommend how often it can be taken without too many adverse effects. Assume addiction or dependency won't be an issue and the once per day or a few to a couple times per week would never be surpassed. Hoping to find someone who can assist in my inquiry. Thank you!
For the majority of people that kind of usage will ultimately lead to some form of abuse. It starts small and grows over time. When would you expect on quitting? Opiates and how the body and brain react to their extended use prevents one from developing a healthy habit. The problem becomes tolerance and desire.
I'm wanting to find out if there are any other health risks besides addiction? Stomach ulcers, liver damage, etc? As I stated in the initial post, I have a wealth of information on the addiction risks. Assuming that isn't an issue, and that the person taking it isn't in the majority of people taking, what are any other risks? There is no issue with limiting the amount of times to once or twice a week if needed. At this point, it is a reprieve from the pain for the person taking it and addiction beyond once per day or every other day hasn't been an issue.
If it truly stays that way you can always expect some liver damage (nothing alarming), possible kidney damage from dehydration and processing of byproducts, dopaminergic downregulation in nuccleus accumbens. If you look in the 1899 Merck Manual youll see heroin given as a preferred remedy for many illnesses/ailments. Opiates can have a positive effect for some conditions but its a double edge sword as there are consequences to use when used with frequency over time.
Not really. As a male user, it definitely started to deplete my testosterone a tiny a bit and low T results in feeling crappy all the time and energy issues. Can cause issues in the bedroom or physically neglected partners.

For the answer you're looking for, probably no... Opiates are surprisingly physically benign in comparison to something like meth. Never noticed things on the internet happening to me like weakened immune system.. etc. I mostly had to depend on it for energy after a year of perpetual use. That was it really. In super high doses... maybe some liver issues. After quitting I actually started growing way more facial hair and it wasn't something I was imagining. Tread carefully though please, It's a really good time ;)
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Thank you for that response and the info on the manual. Although opiates have their addiction risk, they are also much more effective in reducing pain immediately and not having to be taken daily. Some other prescriptions that have been offered have been Gapbentin, Cymbalta, Tegretol and steroids. All of those have disastrous side effects and much be taken continuously to have an "healing" effect. I know I'm kinda going off the point of Oxycodone, but just wanted to mention.
Not really. As a male user, it definitely started to deplete my testosterone a tiny a bit and low T results in feeling crappy all the time and energy issues.

For the answer you're looking for, probably no... Opiates are surprisingly physically benign in comparison to something like meth.
Thank you for that info. It is helpful. Have you found any data or studies online? With the recent opiod epidemic, the only thing I can find online is info on addiction risks.
Not really. As a male user, it definitely started to deplete my testosterone a tiny a bit and low T results in feeling crappy all the time and energy issues.

For the answer you're looking for, probably no... Opiates are surprisingly physically benign in comparison to something like meth.

Yes it will affect your test levels, I had that issue. My history with opiates stems from 17 years of use. It started innocently with me pilfing my mothers hydrocodones into fullown IV heroin and fentanyl use. Kratom surprisingly has been a go-to when staving withdrawals and suboxone if im caught in the throes. Hopefully youll never need that.
Less noticeable things might be hair loss and a lower pain tolerance; the desire to use opiates with other substances which will have their own effects.
Do you have any link to websites that discuss health risks aside from addiction? The opiod epidemic has made the entire internet addiction terrified!
Thank you for that info. It is helpful. Have you found any data or studies online? With the recent opiod epidemic, the only thing I can find online is info on addiction risks.

There are tons of clinical studies, many of which require academic subscriptions to. Are you a student?
Yes it will affect your test levels, I had that issue. My history with opiates stems from 17 years of use. It started innocently with me pilfing my mothers hydrocodones into fullown IV heroin and fentanyl use. Kratom surprisingly has been a go-to when staving withdrawals and suboxone if im caught in the throes. Hopefully youll never need that.
Were you doing it for recreation however? This is a completely different situation. Debilityating TMJ and Trigemilnal Neuralgia like neurological disorder. So not taking just for fun. They were in the cupboard for a year before it was found they even helped. But they do help and after 4 years of horrible pain, the reprieve is very welcome. There is no desire to do during the day. Just once at night.
Not really. As a male user, it definitely started to deplete my testosterone a tiny a bit and low T results in feeling crappy all the time and energy issues.

For the answer you're looking for, probably no... Opiates are surprisingly physically benign in comparison to something like meth. Never noticed things on the internet happening to me like weakened immune system.. etc. I mostly had to depend on it for energy after a year of perpetual use. That was it really. In super high doses... maybe some liver issues. After quitting I actually started growing way more facial hair and it wasn't something I was imagining. Tread carefully though please, It's a really good time ;)
You reminded me of the immunity, I am very sensitive to that and consistent use with abrupt disuse affect my immune system greatly. Its a flu-like condition with all kinds of symptoms.
Were you doing it for recreation however? This is a completely different situation. Debilityating TMJ and Trigemilnal Neuralgia like neurological disorder. So not taking just for fun. They were in the cupboard for a year before it was found they even helped. But they do help and after 4 years of horrible pain, the reprieve is very welcome. There is no desire to do during the day. Just once at night.

Ive lived with pains of various sorts, mostly joint and muscle related. Some of it neuropathic, or acute instances where they needed to be prescribed, but at the end of the day yes it was fueled by recreational desires or to try and numb reality.
You reminded me of the immunity, I am very sensitive to that and consistent use with abrupt disuse affect my immune system greatly. Its a flu-like condition with all kinda of symptoms.
Right. That is something that has been experienced. The best way I know to solve that is to reduce use to a couple or few times per week. And I do understand it being a good time and the need to tread carefully, hence posting this. Fortunately, there is no desire to do during daytime hours. The reprieve from the pain is just very welcome.
Ive lived with pains of various sorts, mostly joint and muscle related. Some of it neuropathic, or acute instances where they meeded to be prescribed, but at the end of the day yes it was fueled by recreational desires or to try and numb reality.
That's understandable, as physical pain can make life very difficult and any escape can seem welcome. My only solution is to be very careful in dosing and frequency.
Right. That is something that has been experienced. The best way I know to solve that is to reduce use to a couple or few times per week. And I do understand it being a good time and the need to tread carefully, hence posting this. Fortunately, there is no desire to do during daytime hours. The reprieve from the pain is just very welcome.

How long have you been in this cycle?
There are tons of clinical studies, many of which require academic subscriptions to. Are you a student?
I am not a student. And unfortunately, doctors have proved incredibly unhelpful. However, if I could find one who would take more interest, they may be able to help me access academic studies. Moreover, they could help heal the condition!
How long have you been in this cycle?
The use has only been for about a month at 2-5 times a week. Not long. But still concerned. Want to be safe. The only solution I've found is to have some days where the pain is faced and felt to allow for other days of oxycodone use and reprieve. It's not the mind of an addict. It the mind of someone trying to be controlled in their use.
I’ve seen hundreds of people and dozens of close friends journey down the opiate abyss for various reasons...seen individuals who knew no better other than what a doctor told them to take become ensnared in the blackhole. Im not trying to say this wont work or that you should quit, but honestly look at how it has already affected you in small and minor ways and multiply those by length of use. When I first started taking them a few times a week, eventually I developed issues physically and mentally. Its unlikely that any regimen involving opiate use weekly will not involve some of the problems mentioned above.