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  • BDD Moderators: Keif’ Richards | negrogesic

Is MDMA supposed to be whiter in color or more brownish/tannish in color?


Dec 8, 2016
@Keif' Richards, you must have misunderstood my post. I wasn't asking anyone to identify any of my drugs; I was merely asking for people with experience with MDMA what color actual MDMA typically is (from their experience).

Asking someone to "identify" a drug that I have just by posting a picture of it or something would be a completely different story — as well as nearly impossible, seeing as no one would be able to tell what it is solely by just looking at a picture. And I totally understand why that rule would be in place.

All I was asking was what color MDMA is typically supposed to be so I can have a better understanding. Also, my source is legit — really good friend of mine — who I've been going through for close to ten years now, so safety is really not a concern of mine. Especially considering the fact that I have also already tried each of the different color powder/chunks he's sold to me before, and they all seemed to hit fairly well — although definitely not the same.

I was just wondering which color MDMA is more of the "the real deal" ... or did you say the color of it varies?
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Get a reagent test. It's extremely unsafe to assume the contents of a street drug based on appearances. Please do not think that one color of a drug is better than another, except, like green vs brown weed. Be safe.
but always test it and brown sugar colored is more often to be seen but again test is the best
^ The last MDMA I had was a 1 gram crystal and it had a funky green tint.

Almost all substances begin colorless and the synthesis used will determine the color if not the person synth/selling it with a dye of some sort themself.