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  • BDD Moderators: Keif’ Richards | negrogesic

Is MDMA supposed to be whiter in color or more brownish/tannish in color?

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Dec 8, 2016
It seems like almost every time my connect gets a new batch of "Molly" in, it's different in color. Some is white powder, while some of it comes more in white chunks. Some also comes in more of a tannish powder, while some of it comes more in tannish chunks (the latest stuff I just got from him tonight was just like this).

For those of you with a lot of knowledge of MDMA, which out of these do you think resembles MDMA the closest?

I was told by a co-worker that true MDMA is supposed to be more tannish in color — and if it's whiter in color, then it's a high probability it's probably meth instead (or at least has some in it).

Any input? I know the only way to be 100% sure would be to test it, but I figured I'd ask on here first to see if any experienced MDMA users knew, because I really can't afford any MDMA test kits right now (although I'll get around to it one day to be sure).
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Hey @SlightlyStoopid this is one of my least-favorite aspects of moderating. I unfortunately have to tell you that we do not field threads attempting to identify drugs. This includes pills, plants, powder and everything in between. Our point of view is that it is inherently unsafe to stoke a person's confidence over their drugs when the honest truth is that we do not know and could not know if their drugs are legitimate, pure or whatever else. Even well-intentioned advice coming from a knowledgeable person can be wrong and mistakes like this can be lethal.

In your situation, if you cannot or will not test the drugs, your only other recourse really is to test a small dose of the drug prior to an actual recreational dose. Drugs can be any color, especially nowadays with the rainbow shit that people are doing for I guess, product recognition, I don't know.

I'm sorry we can't be of more help. My advice personally is stated above, test a small amount before taking a full dosage. Tests are not extremely expensive, so if this is something truly important to you, I would suggest just doing the smart thing and testing them.
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