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Miscellaneous Is mad honey worth trying?


Moderator: DS
Staff member
Jan 23, 2013
I stopped by my oldest friends house a few days ago and saw that he had some mad honey.

Is it worth trying? Experiences?
I've never sought it out to be honest. Doesn't give off "good drug vibes" to me. Never met anyone that has tried it either. If you do, report back.
I’m still waiting for a single credible report that it’s actually a hallucinogen in any meaningful way. Lots of natural things people have said are hallucinogens since ancient times that aren’t just something everyone has already heard of and tried are specifically not heard of or tried because the only time they really make you hallucinate are while you’re having seizures or dying from them.

Would love it if you can provide evidence that that’s not the case, though.
@G_Chem made a pretty comprehensive thread on psychoactive honey

Yea it’s the one honey I personally don’t think I’ll try. I’ve tried other stuff that contains Grayanotoxins (the psychoactive components of mad honey) and wasn’t a fan of the effect. Felt like a chemical lobotomy of sorts.

Well Winnie does not seem like he would stamp it Poo Approved

sad winnie the pooh GIF
Honeys worth trying:

-Melipona beecheii honey
-Rosemary Honey
-Chestnut Honey (bitter with laxative effect)
-Linden Honey
-Euphorbia Honey

The last one gives a pretty decent effect but horrendous day after. The middle 3 more or less resemble each other, likely flavonoids that hit GABA/b-endorphin. And first but not least, M. beecheii honey is active at the lowest doses with the most unique effect. Still not sure what I’d call the effect but it is indeed unique. After some time experimenting I feel it’s NMDA based lacking the dopamine effects of more traditional NMDA antagonists.

I’m still waiting for a single credible report that it’s actually a hallucinogen in any meaningful way. Lots of natural things people have said are hallucinogens since ancient times that aren’t just something everyone has already heard of and tried are specifically not heard of or tried because the only time they really make you hallucinate are while you’re having seizures or dying from them.

Would love it if you can provide evidence that that’s not the case, though.
Do people say that it's a hallucinogen? I don't know any Nepali people that would describe it that way. It seems more like a sketchy depressant.
Do people say that it's a hallucinogen? I don't know any Nepali people that would describe it that way. It seems more like a sketchy depressant.

I believe that's how I first saw it described but I think it was just some random article online when I was looking more obscure stuff up, it was before I ever saw anyone talking about it here. I might be wrong, I didn't really care enough to keep it in mind. Maybe I mixed it up with some other obscure thing.
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