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Is it true that you cannot be prescribed/take benzos if you're taking ADHD meds (ie. Ritalin/Dexamfetamine)


Aug 14, 2012
Spoke to my psychiatrist and was informed that I cannot take benzos if I'm currently taking certain ADHD meds.

Is this actually true? And if so, is there any specific policy that stipulates that I cannot take anxiety meds like diazepam whilst I am prescribed stimulants for ADHD?

Honestly, it's almost hilarious. One would think that it's still possible to experience panic attacks (I usually have one or two a month, the last one was brought on by a sudden spike in my right-side tinnitus, which thankfully went away after a few days of "distorted" glassy wineglass like ringing with certain voices which created a second layer of sound on top of the voice). I hit it with high dose prednisone, high dose antivirals and 3-days of pentoxifylline and it went away.

I would hope that I'm not inadvertently damaging my health with the aforementioned drugs, but the question about ADHD meds being taken with benzos is the most important one.
I highly doubt it's true. Most likely the psychiatrist meant that in their professional opinion you shouldn't take benzos while taking adhd meds. Not that there's any reason he can't actually legally prescribe them.
It's not true. Not here in Canada anyway, which I realize is probably not where you are remotely. I still doubt it though. I'm prescribed Vyvanse and Ativan together. Doing some reading into it now I see that there is a problem with physicians not wanting to ever prescribe those two things together, but it's purely out of stigma more than empirical research on the subject on the subject of prescribing those two things together. Amphetamines are addictive and benzos are addictive. Addiction = the bad. Completely ignore the subject of dependence on a prescribed medication vs addiction of the drug abusing variety. Completely ignore the fact that drugs ca be prescribed because someone is dependent and/or addicted to these drugs, and it's actually the safer solution because we all know that not everybody is ready, or want to, let alone is ABLE to quit everything and NOW, and the addicted person is perfectly within his/her rights and even if not wherever they are, it's more than well known and accepted that they're PROBABLY going to struggle and for the most part, society and the law does have and make provisions for this.

This is already jumping way ahead on the issue though. All that was asked was if you could be prescribed an ADHD med and a benzo right? Play this same tape all the way through on the flip side and there's your answer why a lot of physicians wont prescribe what is considered to be addictive drugs, let alone two or more in tandem. Remember that doctors, at least on this side of the sea, get 3 weeks training in med school on addicitons, and doctors are notoriously behind the curve on addictions medicine anyway, Here's what I mean by "considered" addictive drugs.

Written late 90s for senate in Canada. It's an interesting academic research piece from Department of Psychology at Simon Fraser Univerity that basically says that drugs themselves are not responsible for addiction. It's a myth that drugs themselves cause addiction. They do not. You have to use them and also become addicted, wind up having a substance use disorder, which is mental health problem. This has been known for many years, and even here the doctors that at are around are entrenched in this ancient fucking baloney that surrounds drugs and their use. To the point that in BC nurses were given the power to prescribe the good stuff to people with addictions for their addictions, because even though it's been legal to do so for years doctors don't want to!

The Myth of Drug-Induced Addiction

Most Canadians believe that certain drugs cause catastrophic addictions in people who use them. This conventional belief is reflected in such familiar phrases as "crack cocaine is instantly addictive" or "heroin is so good, don't even try it once". It is also implied in the professional literature which routinely describes certain drugs as "addictive", "dependency producing", or "habit forming". The belief that drugs can induce addiction has shaped drug policy for more than a century.

However, the only actual evidence for the belief in drug-induced addiction comes 1) from the testimonials of some addicted people who believe that exposure to a drug caused them to "lose control" and 2) from some highly technical research on laboratory animals. These bits of evidence have been embellished in the news media to the point where the belief in drug-induced addiction has acquired the status of an obvious truth that requires no further testing. But the widespread acceptance of this belief is a better demonstration of the power of repetition than of the influence of empirical research, because the great bulk of empirical evidence runs against it. Belief in drug-induced addiction may have deep cultural roots as well, since it is a pharmacological version of the belief in "demon possession" that has entranced western culture for centuries.
I highly doubt it's true. Most likely the psychiatrist meant that in their professional opinion you shouldn't take benzos while taking adhd meds. Not that there's any reason he can't actually legally prescribe them.

She told me that she couldn't legally prescribe diazepam whilst she is prescribing dexamfetamine or Ritalin. It came across as weird and nonsensical, but I believed what she said. I'm going to get a second opinion on that. I found it puzzling why someone who is taking amphetamines should not have the option to take something when suffering a bad panic attack which unfortunately I do from time to time.
She told me that she couldn't legally prescribe diazepam whilst she is prescribing dexamfetamine or Ritalin. It came across as weird and nonsensical, but I believed what she said. I'm going to get a second opinion on that. I found it puzzling why someone who is taking amphetamines should not have the option to take something when suffering a bad panic attack which unfortunately I do from time to time.

Yeah I don't believe that. She might well have believed it, but I'd be pretty surprised if it were true.
benzo's will mask the amphetamine and vice versa

basically if you are having panic attacks stimulants dont make that better. they might actually make it worse.

having downers to sleep and uppers to wake it can really allow a problem to go unchecked for much longer and it can get a hell of a lot worse

amphetamines are nasty drugs in terms of withdrawal and dependence

same with benzo's

look at elvis.....
My Australian psych gives me dexamfetamine and diazepam. Enough diazepam for 5 mg every second day (but I like to save them up!). He gives me a bunch of other stuff also. Anything except z drugs for some reason. Although my GP will prescribe them mo problem every few months.

@Flynnal are you accessing your psych psych through the public health system? Getting a private psych might be worth the cost.
amphetamines are nasty drugs in terms of withdrawal and dependence
Trueish. But not if you really have ADHD and stick to your low prescribed dose. Then you’ll be very unlikely to experience either tolerance, withdrawal, or dependence.
My Australian psych gives me dexamfetamine and diazepam. Enough diazepam for 5 mg every second day (but I like to save them up!). He gives me a bunch of other stuff also. Anything except z drugs for some reason. Although my GP will prescribe them mo problem every few months.

@Flynnal are you accessing your psych psych through the public health system? Getting a private psych might be worth the cost.

Why do doctors never give me anything worthwhile? Ugh.

Ok so I already didn't believe it was illegal and I particularly don't believe it's illegal in some states and not others.

For what it's wroth, I checked the PBS to see if there were any requirements involving prescribing diazepam and dexamphetamine that conflict with each other. There aren't. It wouldn't be actually illegal to still prescribe them privately if there were. But I just thought I'd mention it.

Id chalk it up to the endless facts I've heard from professionals that are in fact just bs.
@Flynnal are you accessing your psych psych through the public health system? Getting a private psych might be worth the cost.

I'm using a private psych. So far the cost for the last 3 consults (first one for an hour then two for 30 minutes) has been close to $400 and there'll be another $70 thrown on top of that for a 15 minute consult. The fees are exorbitant but with medicare you get most of it back, but not all. I'd be up for $1k if it wasn't for medicare!
I'm using a private psych. So far the cost for the last 3 consults (first one for an hour then two for 30 minutes) has been close to $400 and there'll be another $70 thrown on top of that for a 15 minute consult. The fees are exorbitant but with medicare you get most of it back, but not all. I'd be up for $1k if it wasn't for medicare!
When I was first prescribed dex I also had a lot of anxiety. Fortunately the dex did not make the anxiety worse. The anxiety was mainly caused by obsessively ruminating over intrusive thoughts.

Anyway, he was refused to give me benzos for anxiety. He gave them to me for sleep. There is something in the prescribing guidelines now that benzos are not to be used as first line treatment for chonic anxiety (only for acute anxiety, like if your partner has just died or you’ve lost your job).

For the anxiety he trialled a few other things including alpha and beta blockers (marginally helpful) but because it derives from a kind of OCD Abilify ended up working better than any benzo could have.

Anyway, my point is that even if a drug or drug combo is legal, there are still prescribing guidelines / practice guidelines that prudent doctors will follow. You can google what they are. Go for “australian psychiatriast professional association/benzodiazepines/anxiety/best practice”
I’m prescribed Vyvanse and Temazepam. She refused to give me benzodiazepines for my anxiety, but had no problem giving me the Temazepam for sleep. She also has no problem with prescribing stimulants. Funny how they prescribe one thing with no problem, but refuse the other. I live In the US.
My psych is prescribing both benzos + Vyvanse. She also knows that I take 80mg Oxy daily and she’s not the least bit happy about that. But I’m in Southern California and my psychiatrist is prescribing benzos and ADD/ADHD drugs together.

I’m in a unique situation because my dad was a psychiatrist here (who committed suicide). He wasn’t old, but was fucked up from a physical standpoint due to 3 cancers he’d had that required surgeries, plus some recent plastic surgery he wasn’t happy with. I know many of his colleagues and I’d go to “Uncle Mike” or “Uncle George” if the psychiatrist under my plan decided NOT to continue covering both.

To complicate matters further, my current psychiatrist, a woman I really like, is in practice with the drummer of a Rolling Stones cover band my ex boyfriend plays bass in. She knows we broke up and says it’s not an issue, but I wonder if Bourbon Boy said a bunch of shit about me to Michael. Although, Michael engaged me to have an intervention for Bourbon Boy’s drinking before he left San Diego. I’m not sure what will happen, however, I always feel I have a free passport to the psych drugs I need/want.

My dad loved to quiz me constantly. He’d say things like, “A paranoid schizophrenic is having insomnia due to unwanted negative voices and is sleeping through his alarm clock. What’s our management of this patient?”

God, how I miss our banter. BTW, in that instance I think I told him to put him on disability and in an inpatient psych ward and let the doctors there deal with him.
Spoke to my psychiatrist and was informed that I cannot take benzos if I'm currently taking certain ADHD meds.

Is this actually true? And if so, is there any specific policy that stipulates that I cannot take anxiety meds like diazepam whilst I am prescribed stimulants for ADHD?
You know whats‘s interesting, pin hindsight after reading this? For most of my adult life my psych doctors would prescribe my Adderall/Dexedrine, and generally a small supply of a benzo each appointment to have on hand. I never said no to the benzo as they’re always good to have on hand.

Well, when the pandemic decided to come on the scene last year I had to switch doctors because mine just shut down their practice. I found a teledoc psychiatrist and for the first two months she did my Adderall along with Ativan - exactly what my doctor before was giving me for years.

Like I said, there’s no real need or burning desire for the benzo Rx, not something I need daily. But sure glad to have in the medicine drawer when I’ve been up for a few days, or my hearts pounding a bit, whatever.

The third appointment we had she flat out refused future prescriptions for the benzo saying that she got a “note from the DEA” saying she can’t Rx both meds anymore and if I had anxiety I was to go to the ER. Which made no sense - forcing someone to the ER during a pandemic lmao.

I‘m in Florida. Who knows, maybe it varies by location. Or maybe she made it up because she didn’t want to do it????
Not true whatsoever, not anywhere. What is true is that your doctor won't prescribe the two, nor will alot of others.

The truth is though, if i were your doctor I probably wouldn't prescribe you both. Not because they can't be but because i believe benzos are overprescribed and are harm inducing for the average patient.

Id be more likely to prescribe a benzo user amphetamines or methylphenidate than the reverse. Largely because its rarely warranted to prescribe benzos in the first place whereas psychostimulants don't cause a fraction of the harm (despite being more tightly controlled).
The truth is though, if i were your doctor I probably wouldn't prescribe you both. Not because they can't be but because i believe benzos are overprescribed and are harm inducing for the average patient.
Absolutely agree! Like I said, I wasn’t relying on the benzodiazepines being prescribed rather took it as it could come in handy down the line. Of the two, the benzos are the more dangerous of the two. True overdose being possible with them, I learned the hard way a long time ago that gabaergic drugs need to treated with extreme respect!

One unintentional withdraw syndrome episode from a few months on clonazepam in my early 20’s was enough to ensure I never took a benzo long enough or in high enough doses to invite trouble again!

So yeah, I pickup what you’re puttin’ down 🤙
I was prescribed Clonazepam along with amphetamine salts (adderall) back in college. Good times, great grades.
The third appointment we had she flat out refused future prescriptions for the benzo saying that she got a “note from the DEA” saying she can’t Rx both meds anymore and if I had anxiety I was to go to the ER. Which made no sense - forcing someone to the ER during a pandemic lmao.

Just slam a can of Guinness. Problem solved. I flat out tell the psychiatrist that if I cannot take a proper anxiolytic I'll just keep a few cans of stout on hand. I mean, I know booze is bad for you, but so are panic attacks. Booze is worse than benzos, I'm not sure, I think they're about the same, harm-wise. Just don't overdo it. Thank God for fucking Cooper's Best Extra Stout. Saved me on many occasions where even benzos failed.
Just slam a can of Guinness. Problem solved. I flat out tell the psychiatrist that if I cannot take a proper anxiolytic I'll just keep a few cans of stout on hand. I mean, I know booze is bad for you, but so are panic attacks. Booze is worse than benzos, I'm not sure, I think they're about the same, harm-wise. Just don't overdo it. Thank God for fucking Cooper's Best Extra Stout. Saved me on many occasions where even benzos failed.
Would any beer help? I just looked it up and it seems that stout has a higher alcohol level than normal beer. Is that why you prefer it? I'm trying this in future. If I buy wine I just drink it until the cask has gone so that's out for me for now.