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Is it possible to spike a joint?

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Dec 9, 2015
the other day I shared a spliff with a guy from work but I had to meet someone so I left right after. once I was walking outside I felt like all my muscles were shutting down and everything around me was so bright I couldn't see at all. it lasted an hour or two. I smoke a lot and it never did anything like that before but is it even possible to spike a joint? if so, what was it?
It's always possible but highly unlikely... especially if this joint was shared by someone you're gonna have to see at work regularly. Something else to consider is why someone knowingly smoke a joint if there was a substance in it that causes the side-effects you described? What's way more likely is you got too high, it happens to the best of us.

This seems especially obvious being that this episode lasted about the same time as the effects of smoked weed. Too much weed can cause panic attacks and anyone with anxiety knows how trippy they can be. Panic attacks can have you convinced of anything from heart attacks to seizures with symptoms that seem so real the experience can be downright terrifying!

Unfortunately though because nobody can accurately say what was in your joint threads like this only lead to speculation, hence why they are against the rules... this means that I do have to close this thread. Please go ahead and look over the BLUA and BDD guidelines to get an idea of what's allowed (links are in my signature). Sorry we can't be of more help, welcome to bluelight though :)
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