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Is it okay to take Nurofen Plus before a wisdom tooth extraction?


Jun 29, 2017
So at the end of the month, I'll be going for a dental extraction of my four wisdom teeth. I'll be given local anesthesia and sedation with the benzo, midazolam. The dentist told me I should take some painkillers right before I go into surgery so they kick in after I'm done in about an hour or an hour and a half. Presumably he meant standard Nurofen with ibuprofen and not Nurofen Plus.

I would prefer Nurofen Plus so that the codeine numbs the pain but I'm worried about the interaction it may have with the benzo or anesthesia.

Here is an image of what the surgery entails below.

I'm no doctor... but I'm sure you'll be fine as long as you're taking it the night before.

Codeine has a short 3 hour half life... but I think I've read things like certain people turn it into active metabolites like morphine, but I could be wrong.

Just don't take a lot and I'm sure you'll be OK.

but yeah anesthesia is nothing to joke around with.

You might want to just ask them what anesthetic they are giving you? If it's just nitrous I wouldn't worry at all.

edit: based on the image you posted it only sounds like they're giving you local anesthetic like benzocaine injection plus a benzo pill... don't worry about the codeine at all it's just a routine dental thing (you will be awake).
^They are only giving him local anesthesia, ie, Lidocaine.

There is increased CNS depression adding Codeine to Midazolam, yet to a negligible degree if you plan on taking a therapeutic dose.
It "probably" won't matter. But it's really worth keeping in mind that I'm saying that in my capacity and experience as a random internet drug user.

Maybe you should ask the dentist?

Since you're not getting sedation, the only issue I can think of is maybe bleeding issues? But if that were a concern I'd think it'd be from the ibuprofen not the codeine. Which your dentist knows about.
It is completely fine. Take 2 30-40 minutes before surgery, and one after. Extracting four hurts. THEY should be given pain medicine like Morphine and writing a script for a couple days Percocet
Yeah, so yeah you are completely fine. They would onely give probably 2-4mg midazolam, so a bit of codeine will help a lot

Don't ask the dentist, they will say "you cannot do that!"...

Your fine, dude

Ps not enough ibuprofen to cause bleeding issues
Jesus I would never sign that without a promise of pain medication (Just pulled up on my phone
It is completely fine. Take 2 30-40 minutes before surgery, and one after. Extracting four hurts. THEY should be given pain medicine like Morphine and writing a script for a couple days Percocet
Yeah, so yeah you are completely fine. They would onely give probably 2-4mg midazolam, so a bit of codeine will help a lot

Don't ask the dentist, they will say "you cannot do that!"...

Your fine, dude

Ps not enough ibuprofen to cause bleeding issues

Lol man...you probably live in the States. I live in Ireland and let me tell you.....doctors here are cunts when it comes to prescribing benzos/opiates. You'll get at the most Tramadol after a wisdom tooth extraction. Morphine is saved for cancer patients or people with serious chronic injuries.

AFAIK, here in Ireland the only opiates available are oxycodone hydrochloride, morphine sulfate, tramadol, and codeine phosphate. It's the same story in the UK
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you will want alot of codeine to deal with that pain they should write you a script. Reminds of the time i got surgery on my forehead to remove a lump and stitches and they gave me script for paracetamol the bastards. Had to smoke weed and go buy tramadol on the street to deal with the pain
It is completely fine. Take 2 30-40 minutes before surgery, and one after. Extracting four hurts. THEY should be given pain medicine like Morphine and writing a script for a couple days Percocet
Yeah, so yeah you are completely fine. They would onely give probably 2-4mg midazolam, so a bit of codeine will help a lot

Don't ask the dentist, they will say "you cannot do that!"...

Your fine, dude

Ps not enough ibuprofen to cause bleeding issues

I support everything that you and others have said, but I feel like if is so unorthodox to tell a patient to initiate what is essentially part of their anesthesia.

When I had my wisdom teeth out they used Midazolam (Versed) and Fentanyl and it was overseen by an anesthesiologist. I'm not saying nobody can do such a thing, I just have never heard of this 🤯
^ Nobody should have to. I think he should find someone else to perform the procedure

You must live in Main Ireland, because Great Britain (or at least England) has plenty of opioids, though 😐 idk how often they prescribe them.

It's getting VERY hard to get opioids in the US, it's become a real problem for those of us in legitimate pain (or ANY pain beyond something like an occasional mild headache 🤕)

My mother cannot even get her Dr. to give her 90
Suboxone a month or even just 75 because he says if he upped her the DEA wouldn't like it, especially on Medicaid, which is Bull. He used to give her 90 4.2(ish)mg Bunavail for month and they are supposedly equal in strength to 8mg Suboxone
Oh and she was a week early(She has been going every 3 weeks for several months because he won't increase her medication) and now that she is on Medicaid, her pharmacy says they can no longer fill it early which is stupid, if they filled it early for the better part of the year they should continue to do so and pay cash for some of them.

Anyway he tells her he knows a guy (no joke) and that he will fill a weeks worth and he did... with no at a very high price
Call your dentist before - he knows what he uses for anaesthetics! Do never mix something (escpecially when it comes to dentists) when yoiu not sure about these things matches.

Oh and she was a week early(She has been going every 3 weeks for several months because he won't increase her medication) and now that she is on Medicaid, her pharmacy says they can no longer fill it early which is stupid, if they filled it early for the better part of the year they should continue to do so and pay cash for some of them.

Anyway he tells her he knows a guy (no joke) and that he will fill a weeks worth and he did... with no at a very high price

Private insurance.

I still dont understand why you ask other people how to live YOUR life

But yes, if the pain is that bad go ahead and take some. Watch out for the apap though.
Okay. I'm also thinking of sedating myself by taking 50mg of zolpidem beforehand. Will that induce respiratory depression?
CNS Depressant + CNS Depressant = Respiratory Depression

Possibly to a negligible degree, but that risk is up to you.