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Is it long-term weed use or just old age catching up?


Jan 23, 2010
I've just turned 65 and been a daily weed smoker for close to 50 years, aside from a few months of collective abstinence along the way. My preferred method has been bonging and mostly using my own produce, though while working overseas I was rarely without good quality hash, usually Afghani or Moroccan. Without going too deep, I've been a high-functioning consumer in a high-pressure long-term job, raised a family, maintained my health and basically stayed under the radar. Haven't enjoyed acid or shrooms in a decade so I'm really back to basics aside from some spirits of a night.
Now semi-retired, I've noticed increasing frequency of brain-fog events and wonder whether this is happening with other old-fart long-time weed users as well? I'm sure there are longitudinal studies on 'chronic' long-term cannabis use but that's a rabbit hole I don't want to go down just yet. In recent years I've made oils and edibles (to rest my lungs) that while being more immersive experiences seem to exacerbate the effect, especially during daylight hours when I'm working outside. Hits from the bong are of much shorter duration and more intense, but the brain-fog is still there on the comedown. I'll catch myself out doing the 'thousand-yard stare' and struggling to remember what my mission was. Worse yet, I often battle to recall exactly what I've done throughout the day if asked, despite having been constantly on the go. I live rurally so there are always chores to do. Things get done, just not in a structured kind of way anymore. My situational awareness is still sharp when I have to be accountable ie. at work or around straight people, but when I'm by myself after a cone I just seem to drift away, often for minutes+ at a time. Cumulatively, I spend an hour or so a day in a different headspace. I've tapered my usage over the last decade and have to be strategic about when I imbibe (ie. obviously not if I know I have to drive) so if anything I'm consuming much less product now than ever before . Yet, the incidence of these quasi fugue events seems to be increasing. I'm not too flipped out just yet, but curious if it's just me or whether other old-timers are having the same thing happen to them.
Well, I don’t think it’s that uncommon to develop decreased cognitive function with long term use. I think it’s probably common to some degree, but it’s reversible.

And then as we age of course there is some decrease in cognitive function as well. So, idk what the solution is. Maybe take a break and see how you feel? Idk

Not exactly a peer reviewed study but it’s from Harvard and I’m sure there are peer reviewed studies out there.

the best way to know is to cease cannabis use for at least a few days , for example im half of your age but i notice that while using cannabis (I take varied breaks of weeks, months or even years) can reduce my short term memory temporarily (meaning it will return to better function when i stop) so if possible try it only as a personal experiment to see if your issues resolve, stay the same or worsen

Is it really cannabis alone? Or age... What's $¢ien¢e really saying?! ...

Cannabis still comes with a consumption method & ritual and getting older only resulted in more clarity to me, not less. As for $¢ien¢e it's for sale and means nothing until independant validation hase been performed, which is not equivalent to meta-studies like when our canadian "expert" (and moderator) at CSAM-SMCA's 2nd Symposium on Addiction (in a « légaleezation context... ») previously published 1 study on 120 studies via Radio-Canada thanks to Pfizer. Studies ain't Science yet, it just conveniently mutes a vast majority of the population hermetically reserving debates between those same installed gurus who ran our Public Institutions since the victorian age. A hint with scientific flavour to it is fine though even if it were validated from China that might only mean they've been successful pushing their own agenda, for example:

"Michael Kovrig"​
"Michael Spavor"​
"Robert Schellenberg"​
"Fan Wei"​
"Ye Jianhui"​
"Xu Weihong"​
"Huseyin Celil"​
"Wen Guanxiong"​
"Lu Hanchang"​

That's no science, it may even actually fail to come via more than a single source, or if there are many who knows if all versions won't happen to differ anyway. So much for Harvard, these guy$ find what they search for, but i witnessed religion going down the drain and i came to consider no human institutions are time-proof. Like i explained elsewhere i think if i piss in fine whine it's no longer palettable and Norml's repent "balance" to me feels similar to that wine: maybe i got tired of being called savvy $ientifi¢ names all year long, not just Halloween though it gets worse then. Sorry if it's all about me. ... Me, me, me.

The FCTC/COP6 is getting 10 years old in 2024, it's supposed to be about Science and yet we're now being told about wax pen in schools... If that's all the clever guys can manage to do i'd say experiment with some other rituals after a change of consumption tool. In case you know better than total strangers, even geniuses from Harvard.

IMO simply stay away from China or leave your paraphenalia + tasty stuff behind if you go!

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Is it really cannabis alone? Or age... What's $¢ien¢e really saying?! ...

Cannabis still comes with a consumption method & ritual and getting older only resulted in more clarity to me, not less. As for $¢ien¢e it's for sale and means nothing until independant validation hase been performed, which is not equivalent to meta-studies like when our canadian "expert" (and moderator) at CSAM-SMCA's 2nd Symposium on Addiction (in a « légaleezation context... ») previously published 1 study on 120 studies via Radio-Canada thanks to Pfizer. Studies ain't Science yet, it just conveniently mutes a vast majority of the population hermetically reserving debates between those same installed gurus who ran our Public Institutions since the victorian age. A hint with scientific flavour to it is fine though even if it were validated from China that might only mean they've been successful pushing their own agenda, for example:

"Michael Kovrig"​
"Michael Spavor"​
"Robert Schellenberg"​
"Fan Wei"​
"Ye Jianhui"​
"Xu Weihong"​
"Huseyin Celil"​
"Wen Guanxiong"​
"Lu Hanchang"​

That's no science, it may even actually fail to come via more than a single source, or if there are many who knows if all versions won't happen to differ anyway. So much for Harvard, these guy$ find what they search for, but i witnessed religion going down the drain and i came to consider no human institutions are time-proof. Like i explained elsewhere i think if i piss in fine whine it's no longer palettable and Norml's repent "balance" to me feels similar to that wine: maybe i got tired of being called savvy $ientifi¢ names all year long, not just Halloween though it gets worse then. Sorry if it's all about me. ... Me, me, me.

The FCTC/COP6 is getting 10 years old in 2024, it's supposed to be about Science and yet we're now being told about wax pen in schools... If that's all the clever guys can manage to do i'd say experiment with some other rituals after a change of consumption tool. In case you know better than total strangers, even geniuses from Harvard.

IMO simply stay away from China or leave your paraphenalia + tasty stuff behind if you go!

Well, I agree that a lot of research is lobbied but there is a ton of anecdotal reports of having short term memory deficits with heavy long term weed use. Even in my own experience, but it’s reversible. If you stop taking it your memory will recover.
I've probably averaged 6 days per week smoking (not accounting for the occasional tolerance break) for circa 40 years and, while I have always been forgetful, have noticed a definite increase in that over the last year or so. I haven't smoked during the day though for a couple of decades, except the odd time.

It has a different flavour to the previous forgetfulness, I'd be comfortable calling it brainfog

I think I'll have a week (or 2? eek) break soon as an experiment to see if anything changes
Weed seems to wear away at people a little bit. But me, I always more or less bounce back even after a short break. You've said that you had breaks. Did you bouncer back before? I don't think it's weed. I know dudes in their 70's who are sharp as a tack. So IMHO it has less to do with weed and more to do with

Now semi-retired,

Let me know if you want to hear more about this, for there is plenty that I could write.

my father is in his sixties and says that he needs less weed to get stoned than when he was younger. he always talks about how some strains make him nervous and he needs to chug a couple of beers. this doesn't sound like he relates to you, but maybe weed hits harder as the brain ages... like other posters said, the only way to tell if it's really the weed is to take a decent break. i know for myself weed stays in my system and i feel burnt out for about a week if i don't smoke.

good luck
Oh, i dunno about that, but thanks anyway! 🙏

You see, tonight was supposed to be a TV evening and when i switched the sound on it was about "journalism" at TLMEP, dispatched « A Mari Usque Ad Mare » via the national French-speaking network of Radio-Canada.

Their story starts long after multiple suicide attempts by Stéphanie Brossoit-Nogueira, documented in January 2020 by Québec's most failed CPS (we call it the "DPJ") then culminating with the most (...) crime on Juillet 2020: the mother KILLED her child Maélie with 80 knife strikes in Mercier–Hochelaga-Maisonneuve. The tricky part being that her lawyer Elfriede Duclervil just explained this infanticide murderer was in psychosis under "extreme intoxication" combining jalf a "bouchon" of GHB (go figure what that is!) + 1 medical antipsychotic pill of Seroquel (idem!!) + cannabis edible not actually sold by the SQdC, our state *MONOPOLY*... The funny detail being that unfit mother cried « Vite! Vite! Aidez-moi! Aidez-moi, je suis en psychose! » right after she left the crime scene, euh... Ah, and it's not a 1st time at TLMEP when cannabis gets the blame under the most discuttable expression « *ADDICTION* », as the animator's own suicidal brother Brother been instrumentalized at that very same TV show in the past too and still in a may to badmouth cannabis when in fact it's public knowledge that Bruno had a pre-existing mental condition requiring serious medication and he couldn't accept his condition at the news of a coming baby, so he stopped taking it and killed himself a few weeks later. But never mind telling all the details, there was an addictionnist-abstentionist present that other time to make it all seem real. Not to mention this same "creative" animator made a film of his own before...

In short, the average Joe just been "educated" to think cannabis makes us monsters, in absence of any statistics nor proper contextualization on multi-intoxication as that. Which is beyond innoncent ignorance to be gentle & polite.

Every week it's like that on our TV in this miserable sacrificed province. Only a couple days ago i heard about some new police program in place since over a year in Montréal-Nord and St-Léonard: 4 deadly-armed agents come to the door to check if a person said to have lost contact with reality justifies being brought by force to a psychiatrist in some hospital, to detect "psychosis" i presume. Of course another shocking case was also mentioned but i vaguely recall that was on LCN (TVA) this time: Kim Lebel, another killer... Meanwhile even the New Star Trek Picard perpetuates alcohol banalization simultaneously to dope demonization, it goes on day & night since forever, « légaleezation » only making the bigot kickback a little more intense. YouTube a refuge despised by our traditional ma$$-media? Nah, forget it! My search results include Halloween candies, unfit mothers, Drama Queen$, *MASTURBATION* do¢tor$, canna-induced cannibalism (in Africa...) and a last novelty last week: witchcraft, with biblical quotes in support. Euh...

Nah, i dunno if anyone not living in Québec can measure the magnitude of madne$$ going on here and that's little more than the iceberg's tip to be honnest. Anxious? I'd prefer the word systemic alienation, which is the begining of it, certainly not the end as both governments proved hostile over multiple mandates and both parliaments are stuffed with zealots anyway! For example, senator Boisvenu claiming in interview with Spoutnik (Russia...) that people would die by fault of cannabis, followed by another senator once very popular in my own province: Jean Lapointe, who signed with his son Jean-Marie the Narconon banner a few years before the province felt obligated to close that "therapy" center where $¢ientology threatened personal security and life. But never hope TLMEP to tell you that after focussing the spotlights in the opposite direction. So now police is in charge of an experimental Public-health program and no flags are raised.

Feel? M'yeah, there's that too, but it's the accumulated memories that bother me most. Because before i created the alias in 2010 i had quit smoking and couldn't care less about such Hollywoodian extravagance. It's like finding freedom by self-awareness and getting squeezed in a drawer again.

Does all this still fit previous impressions? I bet not and i ain't started about the official « legal=safer » theme, for a change...

Good day, have fun!! ☮️
You are experiencing brain fog from both the marijuana and from aging. You can confidently say that.
(It is all exacerbated by being semi-retired. Just like your physical strength, use it or lose it.)

What percentage age and what percentage marijuana play we could debate forever. Many, many subjects are like this. The debate is not "either or", it's "how much does each factor weigh".

If you quit pot, it will help. If you try to remain more mentally active it will help. Some of the age related stuff is what it is and can't be helped.

How much quitting pot will help this is something only you can determine through experimentation. It may be enough of an alleviation to be worth it to you, it may not.
^^Most inciteful, and thanks to all for chiming in. I'm not down with the cognitive decline angle as these 'lapses' I've outlined only pertain to the comedowns of my bong hits or extracts. You'd never pick me as the ages-old stoner in a room full of straight wrinklies. My camo is impeccable! My tolerance is stellar and strains I've developed over the years are (though without means to lab test) debilitating for the few I've shared them with. My adult kids chide me sometimes to act my age but that's a lot like being told to 'calm down' or 'take a breath'... a sure-fire way to piss me off. I accept aging as a normal process but still want to listen to metal cranked up to 11 and skydive and catch snakes and drive fast and shoot combat pistol and trip and... the list goes on. I have no peers or mates invested in the same proclivities to yarn with and am too damned stubborn to try abstinence because I enjoy getting ripped too much. Maybe I'm just a menace to myself, but I suspect what I've enjoyed all these decades might be catching up with me, head-wise. Burn out or fade away...? Let me think
You are experiencing brain fog from both the marijuana and from aging. You can confidently say that
(It is all exacerbated by being semi-retired. Just like your physical strength, use it or lose it.)
There have been times in my life I have been concerned with my flow of memories. Not being retired and having smoked for 45 years I have often wondered. But the fact that I am not retired and able to achieve things at work that others can not and pass off to me lets me know I am also functioning at a high level.

Within that same work group we had been in meetings at times where the person talking, who probably never smoked cannabis by my estimation, would forget what they were saying mid sentence. If it is this type of brain fog I think it is normal and we get flashes of that all through our life. Like the thought slips away over our head until we let it back in again.

If a person has to put post it notes for every little task then I would consider something more serious. We had a developer at work that I worked on a team with for 15 years. Smart as can be. He reached 62 and was acting strange. He could not dial into a meeting like he had for years. Asked me how to do it. Offered me $1000 to finish a project that at one point he could do in his sleep. Turns out it was early onset alzheimers. But it was very apparent something more than normal brain fog was at play.

Honestly losthippy, being present in the moment is the solution to the normal brain fog for me. Total presence. It is when we are only half present that thoughts can slip away and then we have to wait for them to come back from that sea of thoughts swirling over our head. :)
Honestly losthippy, being present in the moment is the solution to the normal brain fog for me. Total presence. It is when we are only half present that thoughts can slip away and then we have to wait for them to come back from that sea of thoughts swirling over our head. :)
PS to my original post... I've recently had a 12 day dry-out for a family event where travelling with or finding weed interstate was not an option. Had no cravings at all and frankly emptied my head of all things narcotic related. Night 3 however brought the fiercest, most vivid dream(s) I can remember in decades. Wife woke me and said I was yelling in my sleep and seemed hyped and distressed by a threatening scenario I was trying to deal with. After that, days and nights were sweet - no more nightmares or yearnings for a choof. Fast fwd to my return home and first smoke, and as expected I felt like I'd been kicked in the head by a mule. One cone (top-heavy sativa) left me more stunned than stoned and not inclined to want a top-up. My tolerance was obviously way down and the up-side effect was almost a rush, but I felt uninspired and lethargic afterwards. Since then my usage has tapered and the fast-up fast-down effect seems quite pronounced. This weekend will be tincture time to try and draw out the buzz and find the magic again. The positive in all of this is that the 'thousand yard stare' thing hasn't returned so I'm at an impasse of sorts. Just have to see what the next decade brings.
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PS to my original post... I've recently had a 12 day dry-out for a family event where travelling with or finding weed interstate was not an option. Had no cravings at all and frankly emptied my head of all things narcotic related. Night 3 however brought the fiercest, most vivid dream(s) I can remember in decades. Wife woke me and said I was yelling in my sleep and seemed hyped and distressed by a threatening scenario I was trying to deal with. After that, days and nights were sweet - no more nightmares or yearnings for a choof. Fast fwd to my return home and first smoke, and as expected I felt like I'd been kicked in the head by a mule. One cone (top-heavy sativa) left me more stunned than stoned and not inclined to want a top-up. My tolerance was obviously way down and the up-side effect was almost a rush, but I felt uninspired and lethargic afterwards. Since then my usage has tapered and the fast-up fast-down effect seems quite pronounced. This weekend will be tincture time to try and draw out the buzz and find the magic again. The positive in all of this is that the 'thousand yard stare' thing hasn't returned so I'm at an impasse of sorts. Just have to see what the next decade brings.
That’s normal when quitting weed. Weed suppresses rem sleep so when you quit you get vivid dreams for a week to two.
Without a period of recent sobriety you won't have a reference to act on.

But, as a 30 yr old who's been smoking since 14, I'd be an idiot to think it hasn't had an effect