Is it ever a good idea not to get a lawyer?


Mar 22, 2002
It depends on the crime. a misdemeanor usually isnt worth paying 10 grand for a lawyer, even if you end up in jail for 90 days or something. Say you got busted for smoking a joint, you know the maximum penelity is 90 days in your state. You could just study the law, bring notes with you in court explaining your rights. On the other hand if you got busted for child porn, 10 pounds of coke, robbery, etc youd be wise to hire a lawyer, that could be the difference between 10 years jail and 5 years probation with 1000 hours community service
c_c- I am a lawyer to be, who works in a law firm, and whoever said this said it best:
Anyone who wishes to represent themselves has a fool for a client.
Lawyers are familiar with the technicalities of both misdemeanor and felony law, and when faced with a legal situation, it is in every circumstance in your best interest to consult one.
Just my .02.
i think that it is always in your best interest to hire a lawyer. there are lots of things that uneducated persons do not know when pertaining to the way our legal system works.
btw- i would imagine the average fee for a misdemeanor case is something around a thousand dollars, not ten thousand.
In many places, you're better off going with the public defender. That doesn't cost you anything.
Be wary of recommending a public defender. You have to qualify for a public defender. You can't simply say to the judge, I have money and a job, but I'm not going to pay for my own legal fees. If you've got money, you're going to have to fork it over for legal help. You aren't given the option of not hiring your own attorney simply because you don't want to.
Guidelines for whether or not you qualify vary from district to district. My bf, making 11.50 an hour, had a car, apartment, etc. was told he had to hire his own attorney. Resources get spread thin and those with the ability to pay, even tho it hurts, are forced to suffer.
If you have a law school in your area, the students there are often very willing to work your case, either for free or for much less than a private attorney.
Dr. J
[ 18 December 2002: Message edited by: Dr. J ]