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Is GBH anything like ecstasy?

Oh my god, mixed reviews from almost everyone haha. This is a difficult decision, and if I do take it I wanna be careful as fuck... Can anyone kinda... Explain more elaborately how it feels?

like a euphoric drunk that makes sex a lot of fun. Makes you space out...fucks with your memory. you will have this uncontrollable urge to talk to/relate with the people aroun you. That's the thing I would most say it feels like e.
it takes 30 minutes to kick in... from then you peak for two hours and then slowly come down... or back up i guess you would say...for the next two hours.

If you know exactly what the solution is, you start off very small about 4.5 mg and then titrate up by 1 to 1.5 mg each half hour until you are sufficiently buzzed (best to leave that decision to someone experienced with it a your judgment will be impaired and you'll want to take more and more. also, make sure you are around people you implicitly trust.

do all of these things and you SHOULD be fine.

hope that helps. I can give you more specifics on it if you have more questions as i"ve been taking it for over 6 years.

oh, and this goes w/o saying but NO ALCOHOL! It doesn't matter if you're "not that buzzed" or you "can handle your shit." Both GHB and alcohol suppress breathing more severely than other cns depressants, thus, if mixed, you will feel like you are sober enough but can actually suffocate while still conscious.

I mean. If you are careful, go for it. It's a lot more fun than and a lot less harmful for your body than alcohol.
I have used GBL a few times, and I would describe it as alcohol without the downsides.
It's a little euphoric, but not like ecstasy.
It gives you the happiness and the energy that alcohol can, but not the nausea which I hate and the clouded head, it's still fairly easy to think clearly.

It IS dangerous to dose though. Be really careful as it's a fairly fine line between enjoyable and unconsciousness which looks terrible to everyone else. I recommend getting some for yourself and testing with small increments (no more than 1ml) every 2 hours to find what works for you. Be aware that even experienced users make mistakes and pass out, this substance needs a LOT of respect.

(Also to add again NO ALCOHOL, it's an absolute fast track to disaster)
I did GHB for years and years on end. I've posted blood test results and dosing/withdrawal responses all over this forum. I won't repeat myself here, other than to say that GHB is a fantastic drug if used with a very high level of awareness and respect. It absolutely has similarities with MDMA once you learn how to dose it. Indeed, it synergyses with MDMA in an almost magical way when you know what you're doing (as it affects the gaba/dopamine levels in the brain). Moreover, it allows for very recuperative sleep. It can induce a Glascow level 3 coma for a few hours without causing any harm whatsoever to the user. However, as stated above, when mixed with alcohol it can be deadly, and very easily. That being said, it has been successfully demonized by the media, and illegally scheduled (simultaneously I and III), with draconian sentences in some states for simple possession.
GHB shares few similarities with MDMA despite being called "liquid ecstasy". It's much more euphoric than alcohol, however.. no hangover, quite enjoyable. My experiences with GHB + shrooms and GHB + MDMA were nothing short of incredible.

Illegal scheduling is nothing new =\ MDMA was a culprit of this (possibly the first). Court ruling said to keep it legal (if i remember correctly at most at schedule III) and it was "emergency scheduled" as schedule I -- ignoring a court ruling.
Your body produces GHB itself and the only real worry about taking this is when you are taking it with alcohol, or simply taking too much. Its not something you should have to worry about overly harming your body if you are using it by itself at the right dosage.

It is also somewhat popular in the bodybuilding scene as a secretagogue to human growth hormone. Used to be sold over the counter until it became apparent people were "abusing" it... Funny, if you are a chick and want to become a guy, they have no worries in throwing testosterone at you which is completely unnatural being a woman. Thats perfectly fine it seems. However if you want it to get a bit leaner and throw on some muscle in the gym, no no no, thats abusing it.. .

Anyway to answer your question, it is similar to e in some ways, but more like alcohol at the end of the day. A bit of a mix between the two. If you don't like alcohol, that doesn't necessarily mean you won't like GHB. And be careful when dosing, don' get confused between GBL and GHB, their dosages are WAYY different!
GHB can be a really fun experience - it can also be a fn nightmare of a drug

Word of WARNING - do not take it if you have been drinking or your going to drink alcohol.

Take a very small amount and wait until the effects have started before thinking you can redose.

I tend to agree with this.
A fun experience if you don't mix with alcohol and respect the dosing limits
A nightmare because it's easy to overdose and the combination with alcohol can put you on the train to coma city just like that.

I like GHB though. It does very little harm to your body and is quickly eliminated. Afterwards you sleep normally and you wake feeling rested.

Apart from the fact that a safe and enjoyable dose is only a little below a dangerous and life-threatening dose, GHB is also dangerous because it is addictive.

When you first obtain a quantity of GHB you should consume only half a teaspoon (about 3ml) in a soft drink.
If after half an hour the effects are only mild you may then consume a further 3 ml.

Do not try more.

I particularly like GHB on the comedown from E. For me this is a pleasanter way of finishing the evening than cannabis.
Not to be contrary, but there is not in fact a small difference between a therapeutic and a life threatening dose of GHB. Life threatening doses are huge in comparison to therapeutic doses. This assumes the drug is being taken alone, with no other drugs in the system, especially CNS depressants.

BTW, the dosage equivalency of GHB to GBL is 1/1.6, so yeah, GBL is a bit more powerful Also, GBL consumption can lead to certain electrolyte imbalances that differ from GHB consumption, and those imbalances can result in some very unpleasant effects. Most notably, the depletion of potassium (a widely and somewhat hotly debated side effect of GBL consumption) can lead to an incredibly dysphoric feeling, and when combined with improper (read, too frequent) dosing results in a horrific condition that most consider withdrawals. Specifically, the excess dopamine degrades into adrenaline.
So... I tried it, and I'm not going to go into details, but I will say this... It was fun, but I will not be trying this drug ever again.