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Is everything made for TRIPPING

haha i remember those! i'm sure i still have a Rubik's Magic in a box somewhere LOL


BigTrancer :)
Wh3rd to trampolines on acid, especially if you are supa-skilled trampoline wrestlers..... like me of course

Lego of all sorts is great

Also sit in an arm-chair, invert normal seated position until you gradually feel your perspective shift- so you feel as if your floating on the ceiling (which is really the floor and now the ceiling looks like the floor), then position a mirror on the floor as you shift your gaze from the ceiling to the floor. It feels as if you fall straight into your own body. (Mind you you have to have a lot of acid to truly fool yourself)

Plastic army men, perfect for being melted, blown up, lawn mowered, all the while chanting die fascist scum!
bulbs were definately made for trippn.
as was tequila. ripped straight from the bottle. tho i have enjoyed some lip sip suck action too.
strobe and lazer lighting, smoke and coloured lightcans, psytrance in the forest... now that's made for trippers.
Timmmmmy said:
Floral Patterning. the kind of intertwined roses and such you often see on wallpaper and carpets. when your REALLY tripping the flowing plants look like they're moving together, and if there are roses or other stuff with petals they can often appar to be flowering before your very eyes!

Holy fuck yes! It's like normally your vision would be doing similar patterns on psychedelics, but when the patterns are already there............
apparently DANOZ DIRECT is good, as some ppl i know were watching it, and were sure that all of the "ab roller" demonstrater people had fake heads *teehee*

Infomercials on acid = bad.

You can actually feel the life being sucked out of you. It's the worst thing ever.
Just thought I'd share an idea with pilling.

Do a jigsaw!!!

Last weekend I spent 6 1/2 hours another mate who went to bed early spent 5 1/2 hours and a girl who was straight spent 4 hours on a 1000 piece jigsaw.

If you ask me I think the puzzle should really be done by now but all we got done was the outside edges which still aren't right because when you can't focus your eyes, alot of pieces seem to fit but actually don't and just a few objects were started in the middle.

There were a number of bongs in between.

Very fun night I stared the puzzle at 10 30pm and finished at 5 00am I think my mate went to sleep at 3 or 3 30am. Then slept till 11 am and felt quite scattered.
I like to make winamp visualizations.
Crawl through grass that is waist high, it feels like your in a green sea.
Yeah so many things eh

Saw the movie "the Castle" once while tripn MAN that was funny you'd stop laughing at one one liner and on comes another. "luve whats this" "meatloaf" "oh"

Those Tazo spin top things woooooo fun

my backyard... there is a cricket ball hanging from a tree on a string?!?!?!?!?
There is a brick wall that I'm rather fond of. the lion king, (what an emotional roller coaster that is), my front yard garden at dawn looks like an underwater garden.
by FAR HR Giger picures are the BEST for looking at on acid, omfg they are so damn good, so intense, but awesome, followed by the sunrise...
^ my house has a big Giger drawing on the walls in chalk So gothic... so cool and inmy dark big oll house it makes a pretty trippy entry
IMO nothing is made for tripping, it's your drug fuelled mind making you "think" everything is made for tripping, hence the heightened alertness and shit like that over small things that you dont notice while sober....its all in your head making you and myself includied making me think everything is designed for trippers but maybe the "objects/stuff/shit" were simply created by very creative and skilled people?
What I like to do:
My computer is hooked up to a 7.1 surround sound system in my room - Winamp 3 has this feature called "Advanced visualisation studio" - I open that, let it play in full screen, lay down on my bed and stare at the screen. Its really intense :D
for the best Winamp visualisers, go to http://www.geisswerks.com and donwload Milk Drops and Monkey. Milkdrops can be a little too intense but is fantastic on the comedown. Best visualisers ever!!

I'm with Urbanhog - tripping is made for making everything trippy.

Nano-humans or Anthropomorphic Molecules

I've been thinking about where an appropriate place would be to post this, as it doesn't directly have anything to do with drug use, but it is a rather trippy subject nonetheless, so here is the amazing world of Nano-kid

From: Nature

NanoKids made in lab
Man-shaped molecules help students learn chemistry.
14 October 2003

Nanokids are made from carbon, hydrogen
and oxygen.
© Nanokids

A team of Texans has created molecules in their own image. The tiny army of human lookalikes is helping Houston kids to learn about chemistry.

The researchers call their molecules the NanoKids. Their bodies are made from carbon and hydrogen, and their eyes are oxygen atoms. Each stands just 2 nanometres tall, a billion times shorter than the average man.

"We have whole communities of them living in glass jars in the lab," says team leader James Tour of Rice University in Houston.

Most people are bewildered by chemical structures, Tour explains - humanizing them makes them easier to grasp. "We talk about arms and legs, rather than alkyne and acetyl groups," he says.

The team used small, commercially available molecules to produce their progeny. The torsos are benzene rings - hexagons of carbon atoms. The researchers use iodide ions to attach the limbs, which are made of carbon and hydrogen. The figures' heads are made from alcohols.

The first NanoKids were born in May 2001. Now, with a few chemical tweaks, the family has a grown. There are stubby-legged NanoBabies, long-haired NanoTeens and bendy NanoDancers.

Adding sulphur to the NanoKids' feet enables them to stand up - albeit only on gold. The two elements bind strongly, allowing some ten trillion NanoKids to line up on a metal platform the size of a postage stamp.

Rap the table

The anthropomorphic molecules are part of an educational outreach programme on trial in Texas. The same team has produced a short DVD that mixes specially commissioned science rap with animation. "You don't get it If you didn't grow up with MTV," says Tour.

The viewer sees the world through the eyes of a NanoKid as he or she pulls atoms from the periodic table and combines them. It should help children understand atoms and chemical bonds, Tour explains.

Eight Houston schools are using the curriculum-linked disc as a teaching aid for 11-13-year-olds. If the feedback is good and funding is forthcoming, Tour hopes that students across the United States will get to play with his NanoKids.


If your interest has not been waned by the application to kids and chem, then check this out

Nano-kids - Bond with me avi

On the more serious [?] side to this, here are the schematics of some nano-humans. If anyone is interested in the full JOC paper PM me.


From Synthesis of Anthropomorphic Molecules: The NanoPutians
Stephanie H. Chanteau and James M. Tour
J. Org. Chem. 67 (2003)

Thanks to Rhodium and co for the links
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