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Is DARE class Really helping todays children???

Originally posted by alasdairm
not sure how often you browse this forum, i fixed a missing bracket..

thanks. i've been known to spend a little time in here from time to time :)

It is difficult to say because there is a problem in giving drugs and drug use too much coverage. There seems to be a lot of it in the media at the moment I don't remember a time where references to drug use and a need to inform of drug use has been higher.
However, I do accept that as a result of such classes, a handful of students may learn something from them for the better. Even classes intended to educate and to give drugs a bad name are promoting drug use, as long as curiosity exists there isn't much that can be done.
Cmon lets be honest. What the hell are they meant to say?

The bias on these forums is just as bad as you find in these youth drug awareness programs. I can see one person praising drugs with their entire soul in one thread, and with a few clicks come to another where the same person is discussing killing themselves, the hell of withdrawl, reporting on the useless mess of a life they once had e.t.c.

It differs for everyone, but for me the best awareness would be being honest, but just concentrating on the negatives. ^^ and yeah showing some people going through some withdrawls would be nice too. Maybe a movie marathon with trainspoting, spun and requiem for a dream.

Or perhaps they should ahve 2 levels of program- The first at grade 6 similar to what it is now, and another in yr9 which is more honest in its approach, but still slightly biased. Perhaps following a week of a typical tweaker.
Winterborn said:
Cmon lets be honest. What the hell are they meant to say?

The bias on these forums is just as bad as you find in these youth drug awareness programs. I can see one person praising drugs with their entire soul in one thread, and with a few clicks come to another where the same person is discussing killing themselves, the hell of withdrawl, reporting on the useless mess of a life they once had e.t.c.

It differs for everyone, but for me the best awareness would be being honest, but just concentrating on the negatives. ^^ and yeah showing some people going through some withdrawls would be nice too. Maybe a movie marathon with trainspoting, spun and requiem for a dream.

Or perhaps they should ahve 2 levels of program- The first at grade 6 similar to what it is now, and another in yr9 which is more honest in its approach, but still slightly biased. Perhaps following a week of a typical tweaker.

So you're advocating lying to children?

As for the people who's lives were fucked up by drugs, well...honest drug education instead of DARE BS could have helped them out. I think honest education about heroin and meth would keep alot more people away from them than lies. I never did either of them because I was educated on the subject, not because some pig came into my sixth grade class and told me they would make treasure trolls pop out of my ass.
To me the problem can be described quite accurately like this:

Man A tells kid A that marijuana will kill him.

Kid A meets kid B and they talk about that. Kid B has lots of interesting stories about marijuana - and since kid A is only a 14-year old slacker from the suburbs, he decides to listen to his friend rather than man A.

Kid A tries marijuana, realizes it didn't kill him. Surprisingly, the effects are rather pleasurable.


Man A tells kid A that methamphetamine will kill him.

Kid A meets kid B and remembers that last time ...

To me it could all boil down to this sentence "I know they lied about weed, I bet they're lying about [xxx] too!" and sometimes, just sometimes some of the stuff they say about drugs is true.

Just too bad no one listens to them after 4 decades of lies lies & more lies ("you are addicted within 7 seconds of your first line of cocaine" ... there goes your credibility!)

gugglebum said:
The first time I heard (in a DARE type program) that LSD could make you smell colors and taste sounds I wrote down "must try LSD before I die" on this little piece of paper I had lying around.

yeah that sentence was the first thing i ever heard about LSD and i though "wow that must be so cool""
LSD when I was in Dare class, they were talking about euphoria. I looked up the definition, and I was hooked. Simple as that!!!!!!!!PEACE OUT!!!!!!!!!:)
I live in Australia so we don't have DARE here...

Do they actually tell lies about drugs? Like that LSD is addictive or MDMA puts holes in your brain or whatever?

Or is it just that they make drugs out to be terrible life-destroyers without telling any actual lies?
^^^Yes. All that. I was told that three lines of cocaine would make you a life-long addict. That marijuana makes you retarded. That LSD eats holes in your brain. They didn't even talk about meth or X so that should give you some indication of how out of touch DARE is with today's drug scene.

We faced the same problem with sex. Back in the day, they advocated only abstinence. They didn't encourage condoms or birth control because, ideally, if everyone practiced abstinence, there would be no need. Once they finally realized that kids are gonna have sex no matter what, they shifted gears. More kids may be having sex nowadays, but less are getting aids or pregnant. Someday the politicians will wake up.
the DARE program is such a failure. They have a high authority figure come to a class room full of young, very impressionable children and outright lie to them about the cause, symptoms, and the after affects of drug use. Then they leave to never come back. A few kids will try some sort of "soft" drug and notice that what they learned is wrong and figure that everything else they learned about drugs is wrong.

I hate how the DARE program works. It would be nice if they had some kind of a DARE program at the high school level so that the children can ask REAL questions to the DARE officers instead of stupid questions like "how much do you make?" from 9 year olds.
My friend just told me how dare, he just thought it was a real dare, like they dared him not to do it, then someone at a b-day party dared him to go upstairs in his dad's dresser drawer, and take his dads peace, and pot and smoked a bowl. so dare really fucked my friend up too.
I think the way in which dare organized drugs made me feel like if i was smoking weed i wasn't doing one of the *really* bad drugs, i was just using one of the sorta bad drugs. then you can keepin using drugs that are just a little worse than the one before that, and before you know it you're a pillhead focker.

after smoking alot of weed and tryin acid a couple times you realize how awesome it can be if done in moderation, so since DARE lied about acid and weed i figured they lied about everything else(to some extent) and alot of their lies only interested me more.....
^ ive noticed the only ones who actually wear the D.A.R.E. shirts are druggies :p

is D.A.R.E. still around? I thought it was killed a while back?
DARE had an interesting effect on me.

In my DARE class we only ever talked about cigarettes, alcohol, raves and ecstasy, and when they "student speakers" come in they only talk about acid and bad trips. They never addressed heroin, which was the drug that fascinated me partly because of the "media" image of it and partly because my brother was an addict since I can remember, and they never talked about coke or meth which were the drugs I really wanted to try.

I have been to one rave and I did not take e or any other drug. I have only done e when I've had meth cut with it and when I had some really e cut shit recently it freaked me out, in my DARE class they talked about e like you could just take it and randomly have a heart attack, and taking it would cause you to lose serontoinin or whatever the fuck and be depressed for the rest of your life. And I'm yet to try acid because of those bad trip experiences.

So I didn't try the drugs they scared me out of (or did I guess but not on purpose) but that didn't stop me from drinking and smoking all through middle school, and becoming a cokehead freshman year of high school and a meth addict soph year, then a junkie at 19. So did it work? I guess in some ways but honestly e and psychadelics are really just not my DOC to begin with so I don't think DARE is entirely responsible for me never experimenting with them. I've never drank and drive because a DUI would have taken my car away from me, but I've gotten into cars with drivers who were drinking when I was young and stupid.

What I found totally ludicrious about DARE though was the amount of time they spent lecturing us and having us to the "just say NO!" exercises. Honestly, I have never been pressured to try any drug, the closest I've come was my friend beind insistent about meth being better and giving it a try, but in no way was she "peer pressuring" me or making me feel like she wouldn't like me 8) if I didn't do the drug. Occasionally a friend of mine that I use with on regular basis will be annoying perisistent about me smoking meth (not snorting) but we are both meth addicts and I would be using anyway... from my experience when it comes to hard drugs people are not going to pressure you, they paid for their drugs they want to do themselves, you don't use more drugs for them.
The thing about DARE is they never mention anything about the pleasure/euphoria that drugs give you. It's like there is a huge hole missing when they teach kids this stuff, the only thing I thought then is why would anyone do this stuff in the first place if it had all these negative effects and no positives? It made me really curious about drugs.
I dont think programs like DARE and other variuos drug education programs work to stop drug usage by children and teens, For me when the school had the talks, it just got me curious and made me want to try to get ahold of the drugs they were talking about and try them out for myself, And after years and year of various drug use, I tried heroin and have been hooked ever since its already been 6 years and about 2 years of using every single day non stop, Im proof drug education doesnt work.