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Is anyone else feeling it?

Someone posted something interesting about the Trump election outcome:

"The 3D timeline has been dissolving for years now.

This dissolution is said to have started early in new century/millenium, approx. 2005 and gained momentum in 2012. The current timeline is now passing through 4D which means a lot of planetary chaos and will continue at this rate of daily upheavals, surprises and disclosures for at least another year, at which point we are to enter the 5D timeline which will usher in a more positive way of existence, that is, for those of us who survive this planetary dark night of the soul.

In the 3D timeline, Hillary would be president. We have Julian Assange to thank for facilitating this area of the collapse and further pushing the shift in the political arena. I'm very grateful to that man for all he has done and hopefully will continue to do. May he be well and may he be protected at every level.

So, when we used to hear that 2012 was the end of the world, we now know that it was the beginning of the end of the timeline we were in.

If all goes according to divine cosmic plan, we will be able to say "good bye" to 3D timeline by 2018. That would be a good thing!"

Hmm, I wonder. It's certainly strange and intense times. And not just because it's the time we're living in.
Ninae that hits the nail on the head right there. Things are changing FAST. faster than most realize. We may very well be uploading our consciousness and become digital gods with no need for organic anything once the infrastructure is in place, sooner than we think. And the whole thing about Elon Musk going to mars as a backup server of the universal consciousness of humanity, makes sense in the possibility that earth could be destroyed. Dunno, that's another take on it, either way you are right that despite what many see, we are actually moving in the right direction. .
Yes, it's cool you can see it like that. I guess your MXE perspective helps :). I think most like to think this world is a lot more prosaic and don't want to worry about any of that, and that's fine for them.

By the way, I've been meaning to read more of your book, it looks really good. I just have a lot to keep up with at the moment. I'm reading Ram Dass "Be Here Now" right now. Another amazing read. In fact, I think I'll make a list of recmmended consciousness books soon.

I've also noticed my life has become a lot more 4th dimensional as well. That sums it up quite well and things like telepathy and higher awareness have just become normal for me now. I just think of it as something mundane, or just regained abilities that we're all meant to have, really.
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I'm missing out on these futuristic revelations! I'm still stuck five years in the past. Oh well. Better get out soon or fade away, right?
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Is "it" a drug? I'm feeling something. :)
Yea, that was the wrong pdf, actually. I think you can only read it on Amazon, but it's really cool. I would have thought you would have felt something by now, with all the psychedelics you do, Willow.
Yea, that was the wrong pdf, actually. I think you can only read it on Amazon, but it's really cool. I would have thought you would have felt something by now, with all the psychedelics you do, Willow.

Didn't realise what book ir was, i've got a beatiful print copy of Be Here Now. I always liked it.

I have a different idea of awakening to you I think. My own 'feeling' and awakening, if I can call it that, has been fraught with difficulty. I can only hope that I'm going through something so difficult to get somewhere better. I feel like I am seeing things more clearly and, I'm afraid to say, its not pretty.

At least, that's how I feel a whole lot. :\ I have read of suffering as a path of sorts, I hope it leads somewhere. Thing is, an aspect of my experience has lead me to see that there is no path, nowhere to go and no way to go anywhere anyway. We're fucked in other words :D
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At least, that's how I feel a whole lot. :\ I have read of suffering as a path of sorts, I hope it leads somewhere. Thing is, an aspect of my experience has lead me to see that there is no path, nowhere to go and no way to go anywhere anyway. We're fucked in other words :D
Actually, that brings some comfort my way. A few of the videos I've found lately would suggest that there is only one right path and that all other paths lead to pain and misfortune. The idea that there is no path is better than the wrong path, is it not?
Be wary of anyone telling you their way is the only way. It reeks of ego, especially if the alternative is proposed as suffering. It's how Christianity and most religions work. Follow us, or else you're screwed. In other words, control through fear.

It is my belief that we're all here to have a unique experience, and that there are as many paths through life as there are individuals. There isn't some magical pathway correct we're supposed to take. At the end of every path is death, where you as an individual, differentiated, specific entity no longer exist. The stuff between when you begin and end is the purpose of life, and you make your own purpose.
Be wary of anyone telling you their way is the only way. It reeks of ego, especially if the alternative is proposed as suffering. It's how Christianity and most religions work. Follow us, or else you're screwed. In other words, control through fear.

It is my belief that we're all here to have a unique experience, and that there are as many paths through life as there are individuals. There isn't some magical pathway correct we're supposed to take. At the end of every path is death, where you as an individual, differentiated, specific entity no longer exist. The stuff between when you begin and end is the purpose of life, and you make your own purpose.
That... was powerful.
That was powerful indeed. I should qualify and say suffering IS a path but not the only one. They all lead to the same place anyway. Blackness forever.
I'm glad I could touch you through the static that separates the two of us, who are actually the same experiencer. Affecting another iteration of the universe experiencing itself is like the most eloquent form of synchronistic solipsism. "I" said a thing to you to try to reveal a perspective "I" have, that I believe is valuable for humans to know, and "I" (the you-I, I mean you call yourself I too, but you are also the universe, we're both "I") received it from a seemingly external source ("me") in a way that has an impact. I, Xorkoth, can't know your specific mind, but on a higher level, I am experiencing your mind, and I sent us a message from one iteration to another. I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together*

*We said the same thing as the Beatles, years and years ago.

Yes, it's a really cool Hippie classic. Siddharta would be another one, which I'd also recommend.

Raising consciousness has been quite painful for me, as you also become more aware of the negative things. But it also helps you make it better. There's a saying "Enlightenment means gazing with undimmed eyes on all darkness". Or seeing what is real, not what you want to see, or what people want you to see.
This thread continues to be one of the gems of BL. Thanks everyone for making blue light the best light.
On topic, according to my biorhythm reading I'm having a triple 'critical day' which means they are all crossing the equilibrium threshold, while my intelligence rhythm is at ist peak. Regardless if you believe the biorhythm stuff (I'm still skeptical but am often surprised) I'm definitely 'feeling it' today, with a sort of calm clarity and, well, equilibrium. It almost feels like I've taken a psychedelic as I sit here grooving on music vibes swirling around my stillness, cultivating regenerative chi. Not much of a care about the world outside today, just grateful to be present for this gift.
LOL, Vortech. Not many posters would agree with you on that.

But for what it's worth, I tend to believe in the channels who are now saying the election of Trump is like the new Brexit, or Trexit. I also think that's why the European media has gone so wild with anti-Trump sentiment, because they want to prop up the EU more than anything. What will be the third domino? Poland?
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Ha, I was trying to be cheeky, but I would rather not say 'this thread Makes Bluelight Great Again'. Wasn't it always?
No doubt humanity is sitting polar opposite sides of some very basic issues, and with great disparity in the distribution of material wealth. The effects of the divisions are getting the populations of our shifting boundaries up in arms. Meanwhile, inner peace is a highly undervalued asset these days, but people continue to wake up and are 'feeling it', or at least I hear the message in the music of our times, and to me that speaks louder than any words alone.

There are so many pieces to the puzzle, like love, but I believe humanity will get it figured out and find the boundaries dissolve into a divine oneness. I only see glimpses, but I've seen it come together in those glimpses, and that inspires me to continue my path toward my singularity, perhaps where death and life meet. All ways breathe free share is my mantra these days, my fresh air.
"Enlightenment means gazing with undimmed eyes on all darkness".

I really like that. And I think a point comes where the darkness isn't all that dark. I hope.
Well, yes, you need to also see the darkness to be able to see the light. If you can see the light in people you can also see the evil in them. Or all their negative feelings, thoughts, and tendencies.

Which is abundant. It can be hard when you become more clairsentient as you can perceive clearly the energy coming from everyone. And sometimes this can make it hard not to dislike people.

But seeing the darkness for what it is, and knowing when people lie to you, aswell.
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