• S&T Moderators: VerbalTruist | Skorpio | alasdairm

Psychology IQ is largely a pseudoscientific swindle

I haven't finished reading it yet, but the author clearly has a lot of animosity towards the topic of IQ, almost a comical amount; "Birkenstock wearing Mensa losers" 😂

It makes me wonder what inspired him to write this.

Edit: Ah, he seems to be disproving racist claims of genetic superiority and railing on psychologists. Overall good/fun read.
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My pric... I mean IQ lol, is bigga dan yours basically ;)

We live in such a bizarrely twisted contorted and unreal world/dimension.

Once I got this little self test IQ book actually,

Answered it all no cheat.

It said I was in top 2%! Lol.

I never put any sway into such part artificial measurements though.

@Buzz Lightbeer yo it's been a while my younger bro, hope you is kicking steadily and contentedly currently.
I have seen numerous ridiculous tests used to divine the ability of a potential employee.

SNCF ( Société Nationale des Chemins de fer Français) still uses handwriting experts to decide if an applicant is likely to be a good train driver.

Rio Tinto still tests potential surveyors on their ability to name the international airport(s) in a given city.

Baring's Bank apparently still test their commodity dealers strategies on the turn of a card.

The British Cabinet still measures how many lines your name occupies in Who's Who.

GBNews will empoly anyone who knows ALL the words of 'God Save the King', a working knowledge of Mein Kampf and the ability to add the words 'It's the fault of socialists that...<negative news story inserted at some later date>.

Pretty fun article, fairly technical though, but you can just skim through the math if you have some notion of statistical terms

Pretty much agree (and my IQ tested at a mildly impressive 136 so I'm not just being salty). People who have very high IQs are often just good at taking IQ tests. Like if you do any type of test over and over you'll get really good at it. I think Tetris is a good example. People who play it compulsively get to link which blocks need to go where more and more quickly and become very good at spotting those types of patterns. IQ tests work very similarly.

I think the same about some school-type exams, too. Like subjects like history or geography spring to mind where if you naturally have a good memory or are good at memorizing facts, you'll do very well.
Like in high school one of my good friends was in (not the remedial class, but like one step up) and generally got D's across the board and used to put herself down for being "stupid"...but she was better than most of the guys at basketball and she made these sculptures in art class that were fucking phenomenal (and I'm not just saying that 'cause she's my friend) and I was like...but look how intelligent you are at THESE things.
I think everybody has at least one thing where they're super smart, it's just not necessarily puzzles, or logic tests, or memory-type exams.
Well persons with very low IQ are mentally retarded and persons with very high IQ are good at learning and applying certain things. Standard IQ tests in fact measure how good is person in handling new situations, solving problems/things he/she didn’t previously encountered. What most people forget, there are other types of intelligence like social intelligence for example and people who tests high on IQ test still can have pretty low social or emotional or some other intelligence but difference is rarely very big or even more rare are people who have IQ but are really low in other types of intelligence but it happens.
Well persons with very low IQ are mentally retarded and persons with very high IQ are good at learning and applying certain things. Standard IQ tests in fact measure how good is person in handling new situations, solving problems/things he/she didn’t previously encountered. What most people forget, there are other types of intelligence like social intelligence for example and people who tests high on IQ test still can have pretty low social or emotional or some other intelligence but difference is rarely very big or even more rare are people who have IQ but are really low in other types of intelligence but it happens.
Also, a fair proportion of those who "know" or regard themselves as having high IQ, can stall their potential development in life.

High self esteemed like say, the motor is Fiiiine & dandy

Can ironically inferiorise us.

Lately I have regarded my self fully ev angle memory action choice etc....

And honestly regardless of my over-passionate defamation of the collective human stock and culture, no way do I via my higher self wish to "feel good" about myse

Another tough line. Let's just not pat our own backs just yet I say, nor walk in shame,

My focus now is to be self honest with grace for endless clear deno of my own imperfections. I mean, if they dwell in us....

WHAT more useful lesson can we really take from life?

In my mad lol mind anyway.
Anyone who is prepared to sit down and practice hundreds of IQ tests can score highly on an IQ test.

As a psychologist friend noted 'all and IQ test proves is that you are good at IQ tests'. He should know, his dissertation was ON IQ testing.

I firmly agree with Einstein (who was quite a clever man) 'Never bother to learn anything you can simply look up' and that extends to looking up HOW given questions in IQ tests work. I mean, I'm sure if he could find the exact test, he would simply look THAT up.

I'm also very suspicious who drop their own IQ test result into conversation. It's the ability to apply one's abilities to a practical problem that shows true intelligence. Too many people seem to confuse knowledge with intelligence... and intelligence for wisdom.
I've got a "high IQ" and I've amounted to nothing. I don't think it holds much weight really, perseverance and consistency are more important.

There are many perspectives on this. Failure to make use of intelligent people is even more a failure of society than a failure of intelligent individuals. Intelligence remains a precious resource as long as we live, or as long as AI doesn't supplant us.

It's a fine line between hubris or narcissism and self-deprecation.
I'm really keen on AI because from the examples I've seen, it just proves that knowledge doesn't equate to intelligence.

IF it were any good it could win on the stock market, avoid disaster and make life better for all. But it doesn't and it doesn't.
I doubt a chatbot would have worked out the 'broken truck radiator' problem I saw in India.

There were 2 little kids stood on the bumper of said truck.

One caught the water as it leaked from the bottom of the radiator.
The other poured it back into the top of the radiator.

OK rubbish H&S but Hindu's so 'if it happens, it happens' attitude.

But a simple, effective methodology using available resources in an efficient manner.

I think it's even on Youtube somewhere...