Introduction from an AAS expert


May 22, 2015
I hope everyone is healthy and happy. I was an original member of this community from 2005, and lost access to my old email account so I've done nothing but browse for the past few years. This forum has always been notorious for being full of misinformation and people who possess very little to no experience with AAS, with the exception of a few members and the moderators. I don't want to come off as "dick sizing" by proclaiming myself as an expert of anabolic steroids, albeit after 12 years of research and many years of personal experiences with all compounds, dosing protocols, side effects, and combinations, I consider myself an expert with the credentials and physique to prove it.

I'm legally prescribed testosterone and nandrolone, however I stay away from 19-nor compounds with the exception of NPP. I have abused compounds in the past and have since adopted the critical "less is more" mentality. Right now, I'm currently on:

-450mgs of Testosterone Phenyl-propionate
-400mgs of Masteron Propionate
-1mg of adex 2x per week

I try to keep total gear usage under 1 gram. I have 3 years of monthly blood work proving the efficiency of compounds and the impact on my health. I'm excited to rejoin this community and I hope to enlighten and inspire along the way..Here are my stats and a pic of my physique:

-29 years old
-200-207 lbs depending on the day
-5 '11
Welcome (back) to the forum. Good to have you on board :)

I agree less is definitely more in this game.

How is your cycle going and what are your present training goals?
EnlightenedOne1;13062132 said:
I consider myself an expert with the credentials and physique to prove it.
-29 years old
-200-207 lbs depending on the day
-5 '11

That's quite a bold statement... :)

Have you previously had a pec' tear, on the raised arm..?

Why the masteron..?
Welcome (back) to the forum. Good to have you on board :)

I agree less is definitely more in this game.

How is your cycle going and what are your present training goals?

Well I don't really advocate "cycles", as I'm on at least a replacement dosage of Test indefinitely. I just toss in various compounds at different times depending on goals and what's going on in my life at the moment. I've been training (almost daily) for over 8 years without any significant time off, and my goals are to stay lean and healthy.
That's quite a bold statement... :)

Have you previously had a pec' tear, on the raised arm..?

Why the masteron..?

I've never had a pec tear. I just think it's a weird angle with me holding the phone? In regards to the Masteron, I love DHT compounds i.e. masteron, winstrol, anavar, proviron etc. I strive for a lean and aesthetic physique with minimal body fat, so I like to take compounds that don't have a high rate of aromatization and cause water retention. I've had Masteron in my blood for about 2 years now.