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Insufflation of Zopiclone?

Zopiclone bandit

Jan 25, 2018
I posted this here because I wasn't sure of the name of this around the world & I also heard it's a "trend" in UK jails. The day I found out about it I have never taken them via a oral route since around a year ago I railed my first 7.5mg & was put on my arse. The Interweb also seems to be very low on info for this method apart from a few horror tales which I get the feeling are lies.

Managed to be nice to the quack a few days ago (?You need a good bedside manner with doctors or you will get nowhere.? - W.S.B.) & got some nice packets filled with 7.5mgs so I was laughing inside & thinking I got myself a few fine days of being fakced up & a most strange taste in my mouth but they are doing NOTHING to me from sniffing the things, I have wasted now 6 7.5mg's & I am NOT pleased.

Does anyone know if the people that make them have changed the way they work so they have to be broken down in the stomach? I mean I feel like I have been ripped off in some way with these pills. Anyone else love to rail these beasts & got nada from them over the last 3/4 months? Any info or ideas would be great. thanks in advance :)

BTW - I am NOT saying ANYONE should copy my stupid idea here, you can get really weird off doing it this way & your thump goes numb after a good days session for a week or so, if you choose to do it well it's upon your own head.
Surely, the amount of fillers and binders in a 7.5mg zopiclone would render insufflation virtually ineffective as it would just clog your mucous membranes, preventing efficient absorption and causing a horrible drip. Just neck the fuckers...
Some swear by it so it must be a genuine thing for some. Many are simply low level users, who do not usually engage in drug abuse but due to the generally underappreciated sedative effects (many, including myself, have never developed a taste for them due to the bias already placed on traditional sandman smashers such as temazepam and nitrazepam).

I never really bothered with them even when they were on tap, once or twice I experienced marked sedation when trying them alone as a sleep aid. I could remember feeling that they deserved there props as a hypnotic, as they were 7.5mg tablets I was impressed at what was, at least at the time, considered equipotent to just 5mg diazepam if substituted for the purposes of detoxification. My benzo tolerance, while reasonably low (mostly 2mg doses of clonazepam and /or 2mg lorazepam 2 - 3 times over the course of a weekend) was still significant enough to have 5mgs of diazepams worth of zopiclone make me feel incredibility sleepy. But as I am so highly strung. the lack of the entire benzo spectrum of effects meant that while the tablets made me tired, it was not the relaxing golden syrup sedation of the drugs I was already hopeless psychologically hooked on.

But, while I have got into the habit of avoiding threads in OD that discuss the merits of snorting benzos...

(which I would assume describes crushed tablets, for as appealing as railing a line of flubromazepam seems at first, I do not have access to a padded cell for 48 hours with nurses on tap to administer flumenzil if required)...

as there are none whatsoever, people still persist in this wasteful and pointless ROA. With what appears to be a similar level of poor solubility in average room temp. water as most benzos, I would personally imagine if offers as little as much benefit than just eating them. The beauty of benzodiazepines and z - drugs is there near perfect BA when eaten and even if zopiclone is well absorbed through the nose, you will still waste a reasonable proportion through the drip if the point if the exercise is to achieve a quick and strong onset. While as I already said, the same applies to benzos there are still people who swear by this ROA and playing devils advocate, maybe they perceive desirable effects I do not. I have more or less continuous access to tramadol, a drug that many people find extremely recreational, yet I cannot stand the fucking things - as a degenerate junky I cannot see why those horrible yokes could be described as inducing a poppy type effect.

So, each to there own - while I cannot see the attraction I have read any anecdotes, many of which are by regular benzodiazepine users, that they gain a specific, desirable twist from snorting Zopiclone.

My apologies for the tl;dr especially as I have a sneaking suspicion that it offers nothing constructive. I've been half cut all week through sipping on my f - pam and c - lam vodka blends but after meeting the high class dealers 1st thing so I have some bits for tomorrow and Sunday, they only had 5 b's left meaning that I had a perfect excuse to waste a small amount of money on the only amount of crack worth buying. After being zombified for days though its unhealthily refreshing, fucking huge - got 2 good pipes with one left, so that's enough wittering for now while I stick the Playstation on.
Surely, the amount of fillers and binders in a 7.5mg zopiclone would render insufflation virtually ineffective as it would just clog your mucous membranes, preventing efficient absorption and causing a horrible drip. Just neck the fuckers...

I smash 'em wrapped inside a piece of paper & then pick out the orange bits so you ONLY got the powder & then tap that with a razor blade. I will admit it's ALOT of powder to hoover up & yeah your right the drip is fackin terrible mate & when it kicks in that "metal" taste is so much more potent than what you get from eating 'em but the impact it has upon you is something else.

I know it may seem a dutty thing to do etc but when they are free (NHS & I am on JSA so I don't pay for a script) & you got nothing they are worth it, well anything is better than nothing I guess mate (well I draw the line at Nutmeg)
Is it even recreational?

What do you class as "recreational"mate?

Yeah sure it isn't something you would do at a house party but if you got nothing to do & no gear (the b is my personal choice for drugs) & you got 'em for free & also like the buzz off 'em why not I say. I have some strange tastes in drugs compared to most folks, I am getting to be an old man so sitting up stuffing my nose with coke chatting bash to your mates isn't for me these days. I mean I know most folks prefer their uppers & stuff to be social BUT I am not that social to say the least.
Some swear by it so it must be a genuine thing for some. Many are simply low level users, who do not usually engage in drug abuse but due to the generally underappreciated sedative effects (many, including myself, have never developed a taste for them due to the bias already placed on traditional sandman smashers such as temazepam and nitrazepam).

Thanks for the decent reply to my post mate, If I stick around & poist a bit more I would say I have quite some experience with "drugs" from simple things like Zopiclone & DMT to more fancy stuff (4-HO-MET being one of my all time trips) freebase MDPV, flakka etc etc..........

I just at times fancy something cheap & free plus they well & truly fack you up done in that ROA & I do what some folks would call a big dose. I won't sit here & quack on as I am new here & don't wanna come across as being a knob but thanks for the decent reply. Have a good day mate.

" got 2 good pipes " You on about smoking "White" here?.......Jesus I cannot wait for my next giro so I can get some dog & bone, I scored this morning only 1 b & it was ok but nothing great. When I stuck my camera in the pawn shop a few days ago was the last lick I had & god do I miss it.

Have a good 'un mate :)
Well O.T. here so mods please don't remove this but is there a heroin thread on this part of the board?
Its me that went OT Z - Bandit talking about my morning shopping like some sad old twat who spends 2 minutes rooting through there shopping bag just to show you the strawberries they had tuppence knocked off due to them being covered in mold.

Sadly, the heroin thread has remained one of the few threads that is still going strong but saying that, it has dropped off the front page for the first time so things have been better over the last few weeks. I know that most regular posters at present are not (currently) heroin dependants and from what I can see we have less new faces appear with habits.

But, although the reduced activity in the H thread may seem like a good thing at face value, I currently do not discuss my heroin use on here. It's embarrassing to still be out of work after 4.5 years after surrendering to a methadone script I had tried my best to avoid for the previous 10 years, and following my attempts last year to reduce to quickly in order to secure a detox bed (which would be followed by a 14 week resi rehab I had a load of personal bullshit thrown at me, leading to a relapse and an increase in my juice back up to 40mg OD.

So, after going well OT the heroin thread can be found here
Thanks mate (Stee with an Asda bag full of E's & some MDPV too) =D

There is NO shame mate in having an issue with the darks (B/heroin or whatever it's called in your ends) I was on it for over a decade & it's only been the last 8 weeks I have actually got my act together & managed to quit (well I had a bag earlier today, I mean quit by not having a rattle & I can pick when I wanna have a toot. I lost so much in terms of ?'s, mates, family etc etc. It got to the point where I looked around me at my so called "mates" & the way I was going, the age I am & decided I had funded enough dealers lifestyles so they drive a BMW & I travel on two legs with holes in my shoes & decided fuck it. I started to do photography as I have always been interested in that subject & I get a better buzz off taking a good photo than I do from most bags & it also takes me out of my local town & away from folks I know & takes my mind off the gear. I am starting to get a small bit of notice online for my work & I shit you not it feels better than any half bashed up bag.

If you give a shit (which I guess you & nobody else will as why should you?) this is what I did the other day. I swear mate pick up a hobby it really helps to take your mind off the gear ( I mean if your not sick & only got MILD PAWS I swear to god it helps, I did 15 years on the gear & if it works for me.......)

I got a FB page if anyone cares.........at the very least doing it keeps be sober-ish & stops me from taking walks to the Asda to "borrow" their Cheese, Coffee & Beef.
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Is it even recreational?

FWIW, I find zopiclone very recreational. 15mg hits me harder than any benzo ever has done. The hard bit is not falling asleep. I also find that unlike benzos, you're aware of being off your tits at the time and can actually retain some memory of the experience...
I'm prescribed 7.5mg Zopiclone occasionally and on a few occasions have taken a double dose, but not found it remotely recreational. As for snorting it though? God no way...it tastes vile, so I'm definitely not snorting it! It would have to be seriously good stuff (which I don't think it is) for me to even consider it. I have 1 Zopiclone left and it's making me wonder if I should try it....but THAT taste *shudders*.
I've only had it once and it made me sleepy ...

and that was it....

Not my cup of tea (unless I can't sleep) :)
Well yeah obviously...

But was referring to the fact that it wasn't "recreational" (for me anyway) in any way beyond the fact that it made me sleep.

Heh, when you get to my age mate, sleep is the best type of recreation to be had...