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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

Inositol (12g) - New Experience - =]


Sep 18, 2003
Yes, Inositol, the ingredient that is found in energy drinks like Red Bull...

I am gonna start off by saying that I am very impressed with Inositol and that
the experience exceeded my expectations and was very rewarding...
So, after hearing good things about Inositol and especially after reading the
Inositol wiki that clearly states that high doses have anti-depressant effects, I
decided to give it a try. I "happenned" to see a bottle of 100 500mg Inositol tablets being sold at GNC for 10 dollars, which happens to be a really good price... I take ten of them to start and wait... an hour later I definitely feel an effect, mild-nootropic-like in nature, like the effect I get from the Inositol in Red Bull... I notice that I feel slightly more immune to stress and more focused, and this lasts for a couple hours...after taking a small rest, I decide to go for the full effect =]
So as the "wiki suggested" I take 24 tablets at once, gulp down some water and head outside to go to a club nearby... T+45 minutes I feel a rush in my stomach that I get when I take E, and then T+55 minutes I start to feel the effect... I am starting to feel much more relaxed and focused, as I do when I, say, am coming up on a half a pill.. I run into a friend on the subway and am able to have a conversation very easily (I have social anxiety so usually its not very easy) ... It seems that my brain is working faster and better than usual, and I am pleased with the effect...after getting off the train, as I walk towards the club, I notice that if I meditate, it almost feels kind of like I am rolling, wow.
I was actually getting small head rushes here and there, pretty cool, up until about T+2hr15min...then after T+3hrs the feeling begins to very very gradually fade away over a course of a few hours; there is no come down since it fades away so gradually over time. I am now home, T+9hrs, and I don't feel cracked out or anything, I will now try to get some sleep. Wow - I am really impressed with this chemical!! It exceeded my expectations, and is now probably going to become one of my favorites.
i always thought red bull was unhealthy haha. The wiki does say this stuff is pretty healthy. It's part of a b complex..

Inositol and a number of its mono and polyphosphates function as the basis for a number of signaling and secondary messenger molecules. They are involved in a number of biological processes, including:
Insulin signal transduction
Cytoskeleton assembly
Nerve guidance (Epsin)
Intracellular calcium (Ca2+) concentration control
Cell membrane potential maintenance[citation needed]
Serotonin activity modulation
Breakdown of fats and reducing blood cholesterol[citation needed]
Gene expression
^ well, its involved in Serotonin activity modulation, so I guess its not much of a surprise that it has "MDMA-like" effects at high doses.

How did you feel the days after the experience?
i remember once thinking about inositol as mdma potentiator or maybe tolerance removal tool, but can't remember the context (and i'm too lazy and far too tired to read up now ;) )
does anyone have ideas or sources for the mechanism of psychoactive properties of inositol?
If anyone has any information about inositol beyond the wikipedia article I'd love to see it. I know it's implicated in serotonin metabolism, and lithium effects inositol levels as well. I just seem to be missing a crucial link there, alot of the medical literature on this subject is so dense as to be opaque, unfortunately.
I used to take about 30 - 40 grams of Inositol in a day once every week or 2 weeks when I was a teenager.

Always gave me a clean energy feeling, a little lightheaded too. Other than that, nothing, especially like the op is describing

But, I would also drink excessive amounts of water with it, so the lightheaded and clean feeling could have easily come from that,
I've taken whopping doses of lecithin many times, which contains grams of inositol. It gives me a clarity of mind like nothing else. Thoughts flow easily, and I can commit things to memory and call the right word or concept to mind more swiftly when I'm taking it. I can imagine a new language being very easy to pick up when taking whopping doses of this. I definitely prefer lecithin with piracetam, or even just lecithin by itself, to piracetam by itself.