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  • BDD Moderators: Keif’ Richards | negrogesic

injested 2600 mgs of apap earlier...can I drink a beer or 2?

its amazing how 2,600mg is a lot of APAP, but that's like only taking 4-5 Tylenols. I wouldnt drink beer for atleast 6-8 hours if u ingested acetaminophen, but surely doing it ONE time isn't going to cause liver damager, but since ur a drinker, and all that, I highly don't recommend it
I've only drank that one night...but I've dosed around 2400 apap for about 8-9 days now....
Dude all our governments and medical experts say you can have 4grams every 24hours everyday for your whole life and be fine. I told you this already and so did several other people in the thread.

Doing opiates that frequently though is stupid. Even if its not particularly bad for your body either, you're still on the path to dependence.. Why are you doing this??
I was pointing out how many days I did it straight specifically in case of liver damage due to how many days I've done it. Try not being an asshole I was just saying. I'm doing it cause of my love to get high, plain and simple. Theirs no paticular reason at least self harm wise.
Dude how is me caring about you not wanting you to do opiates everyday and get addicted to drugs being an asshole? Fine do whatever you what.
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This is ridiculous . No you won't die or anything I am pretty confident of that. You might have some intense stomach discomfort. And this will do some minor damage to your liver. But so will drinking a fifth of liquor in a night. Not recommended at all but its your life.
Um, this thread is old now. If it has been 24 hours your pretty safe, unless your doing this on a daily basis.
The only contraindications and warnings of liver damage (that I can find) involve either chronic alcohol consumption and doses over 4grams of paracetamol, or repeated "overdose" of paracetamol (ie over 4g/day but under 8-10grams at any given time), or acute overdose of APAP, which for an adult would be several times higher than what the OP consumed.

You guys are wayyy too paranoid. If you're under 4grams for the day, drink all you want. A little over that, just don't go nuts on the liquor.

P.S. this may not be accurate medical advice if you have liver problems or aren't otherwise healthy. But the op didn't mention that, so I'm assuming he doesn't.

OMG, dude, do you just go read this stuff and then come back and interpret it how you see fit to everyone? Don't say it couldn't happen because you can most definitely get liver damage from 2600mg of APAP in one sitting...especially if you immediately added some alcohol to the mix. It is not common but it does happen. I have been a nurse for 20 years and have seen it. So don't say people are trolling or idiots for saying something like this. It is a legit concern.

Wrong. 4000 mg for a 24 hour period does not mean it is safe to take 4000mg in one dose. The literature is assuming you are spreading that 4000mg out of the 24 hour period. So this is bad advice..it is not ok "as long as you don't take way more than 4000mg in one dose".
many people all the time ingest 2,000+2,500mg of acetaminophen, after all, that's just 4 Tylenols, 5 at the most.
Please stop spamming this guys threads with misinformation and trolled garbage.

The only thing that's kind of dangerous is respiratory depression from the alcohol&opiate combination. But at the doses he's talking about, he will 100% be fine.

How can you say with any certainty that 2,600 mg of acetaminophen is safe to drink with? The FDA's recommended limit is no longer 4,000 mg per day, it's been lowered to 3,000.


You're the person spreading misinformation in this guy's thread. Calling people paranoid, fail and troll is mean spirited when they are only trying to be helpful. You are not being the voice of reason.
How can you say with any certainty that 2,600 mg of acetaminophen is safe to drink with? The FDA's recommended limit is no longer 4,000 mg per day, it's been lowered to 3,000.


You're the person spreading misinformation in this guy's thread. Calling people paranoid, fail and troll is mean spirited when they are only trying to be helpful. You are not being the voice of reason.

Agreed, and the reason that they lowered the limit was because they were seeing so many cases of liver damage in hospitals due to acetaminophen use that they had to do something about it. Also, it's not like all these people take tylenol everyday, so it's definitely a legitimate concern for the people that do take it almost daily, especially those that abuse painkillers that have acetaminophen combined with an opioid, since they are likely taking above the maximum recommended dose on a regular basis.

It's irresponsible to say that a lot of people get away with doing this and turn out fine because a) we don't know that since they may be doing damage and don't know it yet, and b) we don't know if the person reading this will be in the percentage of people that will have liver damage from taking those dosages. Also, when you add alcohol to the mix it multiplies the risk of getting liver damage, so the maximum acetaminophen dosage becomes more dangerous than if it was taken alone since that dosage was determined for individuals that are not drinking alcohol with it since it clearly states on the medicine bottle / information that you should not combine it with alcohol.
How can you say with any certainty that 2,600 mg of acetaminophen is safe to drink with? The FDA's recommended limit is no longer 4,000 mg per day, it's been lowered to 3,000.


You're the person spreading misinformation in this guy's thread. Calling people paranoid, fail and troll is mean spirited when they are only trying to be helpful. You are not being the voice of reason.

Absolutely..and in addition to lowering this limit they want to make all meds that have a combination of APAP and anything else contain no more than 325mg per dose. This is being done for exactly the reasons Tommyboy explained.
apap is bad for your liver, drinking is bad for your liver.

you want your liver to last. As long as you don't consume a high toxic dose you probably won't drop dead, but you want your liver to last you. Make smart choices and try not to put a buzz ahead of your health on a consistent basis.
I always have a few drinks with my Vics but I never take more than 2000 mg APAP. I have my liver function checked every 6 months (I'm on Lipitor) and my liver function has always been normal. The recommended max dose under any circumstances is 3500 mg / day and 2000 mg / day for heavy drinkers (more than 2 drinks a day everyday). 1-2 beers won't make a safe amount of APAP unsafe but 2600 mg is pushing it. The good news is that APAP-induced liver damage is reversible in most cases (as long as it didn't kill you).