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Harm Reduction Injection; IV Complications and Info MEGATHREAD & FAQ III Vs I Want Blood

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If you are going to inject then perhaps I would maybe suggest that you have one of your so-called "junkie friends" do it for you the first few times, or at least have someone there that knows how to supervise etc.
ive found an old needle after a year off heroin, and had a bunch of coke. so been using this old blunt needle for a couple days, shooting up coke every other hour and feel like am doing massive damage to veins. arms staarted swelling up and i got paranoid so kept searching collapsed veins and whatnot, arm still feels a bit odd, injection sights are sore (all the symptoms of using blunt needles) except the swelling in the arms.... should i worry? ive sobered up and dont wana do any more damage, stupid needle fever... arm is aching though.
ive found an old needle after a year off heroin, and had a bunch of coke. so been using this old blunt needle for a couple days, shooting up coke every other hour and feel like am doing massive damage to veins. arms staarted swelling up and i got paranoid so kept searching collapsed veins and whatnot, arm still feels a bit odd, injection sights are sore (all the symptoms of using blunt needles) except the swelling in the arms.... should i worry? ive sobered up and dont wana do any more damage, stupid needle fever... arm is aching though.

You actually used a year old used dull needle to inject? Then continued to use it even more?

You probably did a lot of damage to your veins and will be lucky if you come away without an infection of some kind.

If this is the kind of practice you're going to use with your drug use... please stop IV'ing as you're seriously going to hurt yourself.
My blood is like oil, it clogs needles all the time, even 23g ones when unlucky or especially if I have taken stims, then it's totally impossible, I bet it would even clog a 21 but not venturing into that zone since it's bigger than my veins.

Why is this? Is this something dangerous? I get so frustrated, register, pull back, see blood, try to push the plunger in but fuck no, it ain't happening. When I could actually get the solution through a small needle today 31g, it took over 5 minutes pushing the plunger in on 3,5ml syringe. And I had to use force, alot of it. Almost made it impossible to hold still. I shoot in the hands mainly.

edit: this will happen with ampoules for injection also so it's not the solution itself being improperly filtered and hard to push through

ive found an old needle after a year off heroin, and had a bunch of coke. so been using this old blunt needle for a couple days, shooting up coke every other hour and feel like am doing massive damage to veins. arms staarted swelling up and i got paranoid so kept searching collapsed veins and whatnot, arm still feels a bit odd, injection sights are sore (all the symptoms of using blunt needles) except the swelling in the arms.... should i worry? ive sobered up and dont wana do any more damage, stupid needle fever... arm is aching though.

I did this alot to myself now these last days using old needles cause there was no way for me to get new ones before 2 weeks, 1 with some luck depending on mail service and if customs decide fuck me over which happens alot too.

Please make a decision like I did some hours ago, destroy them all. Just kill them before they kill your veins. It's better this way, then you have to fucking wait no matter what for a new one.
okay thought this would be the perfect thread to post in. anyways i got my hands on some original OC 20s and i wanna try IVing some tonight, i normally take anywhere from 40-50mg to catch a nod and do around 60-100mg a day sometimes. i really need some help, tips, advice, etc. on this. i wanna be safe and as clean as possible. im about to go pick up my gear from an animal shelter cause i have community service and i have gotten brand new needles there before for my junkie friends. any tips? this will be my first time IVing opiates aside from hospital visits and/or surgeries. thanks guys

I hope you have micron filters, or else you shouldn't shoot.
I quit I.V use 7 years ago, God all the abcess@ technique I couldv'e really used that info 20 years ago, outstanding info@ advise:)
29g 1cc slin pins require like no force at all to depress the plunger. kinda scared me the first time I used one since im used to a bit of pressure.
I think i might have missed a small amount of sub in the left side of my wrist yesterday. Im actually rather confused about it as it didnt seem like i missed at first but i had a lot of pain. Anyawy that was yesterday, and today i woke up with no swelling or redness but pretty bad pain in my wrist. It hurts quite a bit to type on the keyboard or pretty much do anything with my right hand.

Is it possible i hit a nerve or something that is causing this pain? I've missed shots before and it hasn't ever felt like this. Usually i'll get a small amount of redness and swelling then it will go away in a few days.
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The wrist area is really sensitive. There are a lot of nerve clusters and a miss down there can be a real bitch.
Thx for the reply man. Yea that makes sense to me. Never had a miss hurt like this though. I was at first worried about an infection but it doesn't seems like there are any signs of infection besides pain. It does hurt like a bitch though, making it difficult to do normal everyday tasks with my right arm. I just tried to put the milk away with my right arm a minute ago and god damn did it hurt.

I'm assuming i must have hit a nerve or just missed a small amount in a really bad spot, but I'll keeo an eye on it over the next few days. Luckily I don't have to work again until Friday because i think it would be hard for me to work like this. Hope it's feeling better by then.
Keep putting a warm compress on it then icepack. It should start to get better in a few days but like you said, just keep an eye on it. I'm sure you're fine though. I know the pain you're speaking of well. Lower wrists and hands hurt like a mother.
Please help iv'ing problem

I am new to this i hit a vain and it blew up as soon as i put the needle in my arm my vain got like 3x bigger and hard before i even shot i didn't shoot i pulled it out but whats going on will i be ok i know i made a thread already about this but i got no replies and im worried plz help someone will i be ok what happend and how longs it take to heal:?
It'll probably take a few days to heal.

I suggest not IVing since it seems you are new to this.

In the future try to just post one thread; someone will eventually reply.
What caused this i heard it could happen if u shoot before u took the turn off but it happend as soon as i hit my vain?
You blew a vein man. it happens every now and then. it usually happens if your needle is too big, inject too fast, or your vein is too small. get smaller points, use bigger veins, release tie off before injection.
How much bupe did you IV Murda? I thought we told you in your other post how it would be wiser to not start IVing your bupe and increasing your tolerance..
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