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Harm Reduction Injection; IV Complications and Info MEGATHREAD & FAQ III Vs I Want Blood

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Are you finding a vein? If there's blood you're in, if there's not its not. If there is pressure or pain when you shoot then you're not in, if there isn't you probably are. It's difficult to say why you're missing from what you said. But, in some ways shooting is simple-- like what I said above. There are videos on YouTube with tips and tons of feeds like this one. Good luck, i hate missing-- that sucks man.
Here's a link on how to shoot up very precisely if you are interested, Lambaj. [video]https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClRlj5KgvVa0RGco60ufUdQ/videos[/video]
Alright, please explain to me why we are not supposed to heat stuff up. I never heat heroin, don't heat roxi if I have the patience to wait for it to dissolve enough, don't heat regular opana, but I heat opana er and I heat dilaudid. How do you even do these without heating? Why is it so awful to heat? I keep seeing do not heat in all caps like its awful. Uhm... everyone I know heats. What the hell are you all talking about, please?
Does anyone know what's easier to start an IV with? The insulin syringe/needle combos that many are using, or the needles designed for an IV?
I think the ones for an iv have suction or the ones I have seen in the hospital do. Suction ones make it way easier.
Someone please check out my post above about heating too-- I really want to know. Please :)
Alright, please explain to me why we are not supposed to heat stuff up. I never heat heroin, don't heat roxi if I have the patience to wait for it to dissolve enough, don't heat regular opana, but I heat opana er and I heat dilaudid. How do you even do these without heating? Why is it so awful to heat? I keep seeing do not heat in all caps like its awful. Uhm... everyone I know heats. What the hell are you all talking about, please?

Some things actually need to be heated in the case of various ER formulation pills like certain brands of MS Contin/MST Continus (though others only need cold water). In these cases you heat because it breaks up the waxy semi-solid that the ER formulation creates, allowing you to have a liquid suitable for injecting that won't block your veins.

However where heat is not required all it does is allow more gunk that you don't want in your veins to get into the syringe. For example if you add like 10 different powders that look like heroin but are really just inactive cuts to cold water, only 2 might dissolve, and the rest might stay as powder/clumps that get filtered away when you filter your shot - but if you heat the water until boiling you might find, 6, 7 or hell even all 10 dissolve. So now they're liquid and will go straight through your filter with no problem and you've just put 6-10 inactive and harmful cuts into your veins instead of 2.

Higher temperatures == more substances dissolve. Opiates themselves only need very low temperatures to dissolve at so the only time heat is ever needed is when dealing with those waxy ER pills that need boiling water to break down. That said really you shouldn't be IVing those in the first place.

Some people heat their drugs before injection to kill off bacteria, but if you've been practising good injection technique you'll be at more risk from those insoluble cuts than you will from the miniscule amount of bacteria left over.

What you can do though is heat up the solution and then allow it to become cold again before drawing it up into the syringe. That way you'll kill temperature sensitive bacteria, but while the water turns cold, those cuts that higher temps helped dissolve will turn back into solids again and get filtered out. If you're dealing with those waxy ER formulation pills then one way to do it is to heat it as much as you need, filter and draw up the solution while at its hottest, then squirt it out onto a second cooker/spoon, wait for it to turn cold again, re-filter and draw up into a fresh syringe. That way you ensure none of what you're injecting turns back into that nasty wax in your veins.

Hope this helps :)

Here's a link on how to shoot up very precisely if you are interested, Lambaj. [video]https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClRlj5KgvVa0RGco60ufUdQ/videos[/video]

Just so you know, a while back Youtube started deleting such videos if they supposedly showed any sort of drug use, so be careful not to mention drugs in any future videos or they might remove them all, and these kind of vids can really help someone new to IV. A lot of visual learners and not as many videos on how to do it out there as you might think.
@Jesusgreen: It helps tons, thank you! Seriously, thanks. That makes a lot of sense I just did not know and kept seeing people say not to heat on threads. You do not know how much I appreciate this. So, people just crush it and wait for it to dissolve to shoot instant release dilaudid?
@Jesusgreen: It helps tons, thank you! Seriously, thanks. That makes a lot of sense I just did not know and kept seeing people say not to heat on threads. You do not know how much I appreciate this. So, people just crush it and wait for it to dissolve to shoot instant release dilaudid?

I'm not sure, Dilaudid/Hydromorphone is rare/unheard of here in the EU so I don't know anything about the prep people use. In particular the waxy ER formulations I was talking about that I have experience with myself are MST Continus (Mundipharma brand) ER Morphine.

With IR formulations there's more likely to be none of that waxy shite so you can in many cases just crush it as finely as possible, add room temperature water, stir it a little, then filter and draw it up. You should search up and try to find out more about your particular brand of pill though, as some pills that are IR still have some kind of formulation to try make them gel up when IVed, these pills are best avoided for IV and you really need micron filters if you're going to shoot them anyway, but for some of those you may need heat just like the ER waxy stuff.
great post jesusgreen!

Alright, please explain to me why we are not supposed to heat stuff up. I never heat heroin, don't heat roxi if I have the patience to wait for it to dissolve enough, don't heat regular opana, but I heat opana er and I heat dilaudid. How do you even do these without heating? Why is it so awful to heat? I keep seeing do not heat in all caps like its awful. Uhm... everyone I know heats. What the hell are you all talking about, please?

if you want to start injecting pills, you should definitely purchase a micron filter, 30ml vial to make as much of a batch you need, and clean syringes out of the ass. heating the pill/solution will allow all the hydrophobic inactive ingredients to dissolve in water. not to forget the insoluble chemicals, there are also mulptiple inactive, water-soluble ingredients in pills. the micron filters remove some of these hydrophilic chemicals; in addition, the micron filters completely filter out all insoluble materials. these binders form microembolisms in the lungs causing serious lung complications. the binders don't belong in your body just because they are water soluble... this just means they dissolve in water. so does styrichnine.
Thanks, I've been shooting pills for ten years just missed the memo in not heating. Thanks so much to both of you! Ill look into micron filters-- seems pretty damn genius as far as saving your body from complications with iv use even though luckily I haven't had many problems yet. Thanks again!
I used to shoot Dilaudid a lot and I NEVER would heat it up. I sometimes heat up dope only when it won't break down with the plunger alone. If it becomes too much of a problem, and i'm itching for that hit, i'll light it for like 3 secs. I heard it can actually make the cut worse in your body if you heat you H all the time. Like it really awakens(for a lack of a better word) the cuts and does more damage than good. And I get the East Coast Tan, H #4. So no need really to heat it. It's considered one of the best type of heroin in the world. You can just walk into a starbucks. drop the bags in the cooker, fill the rig with water, get your dope wet and move the plunger till it's all dissolved(Which doesn't take that long), and BAM! You're ready for a hit. :)
Blood Drawn, Possible Broken Needle?

Hey this isn't drug-related, but because I have been sharing equipment and have been sexually active, I went into a STI clinic to get some tests done.
Now I've gotten my blood drawn several times before and this isn't new to me, but the nurse that I spoke to didn't seem very competent (in regards to using needles).

Here's the sequence of events:
- First thing I noticed, she did not put on a pair of gloves! Ok fine let's move on.
- She started to chat with me to calm my nerves because I never liked needles. While doing so she tried to find the veins on my arms. This took her around a whole minute or so. She was complaining how she can't seem to find a good vein to use. (whereas in the past, there were no problem, the nurses would ask me which arm I want to use and then instruct me to hold a fist-- this nurse did neither of that.)
- Finally she decides to use my left arm. She opens up the needle equipment from the packages and rubs alcohol on the site in which the blood was to be drawn. I was thoroughly surprised she decided to use the biggest vein on my arm (the one that's popping out). In my head I thought, there's definitely going to be a bruise after this or its going to be quite painful.
- Now this is the scary part, after she's drawn all the blood she needed, I did not see the needle stick come out. I think I would've seen it, I'm always keen and observant when nurses use needles to draw blood and/or for injections.
- After drawing blood, usually the RN would immediately apply a cotton ball and instruct you to apply pressure on it while she gets a band-aid. This nurse however took her about a good 10-15 seconds to get a cotton ball and she barely applied pressure on it before she quickly put on a band-aid. I glanced over at the cotton ball she used and there wasn't any blood stain on it. Weird.
- As I predicted, the site in which the blood was drawn was slightly more painful than usual. It subsided after a few hours. Went home at end of the day and took the band-aid off for shower and lo and behold there weren't any blood stain to be found on band-aid. Extremely weird, given the pain I was certain there would be a huge blood stain.
- This is day 2 now. There is some pain at the site and periodically I would get a shooting/stinging sensation for a quick second. More painful if I fully stretch my left arm. (there isn't a bruise)

Which brings me to this question. Is it possible that she may have broken a small of needle in the vein? Is it possible not to bleed where blood was drawn? Any insights would be appreciated. I'm not looking for a definitive answer, I already have an appointment with my doctor next week and if the bruise gets worse I will for sure bring it up with my doctor.
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I've never had this just to have blood drawn, but if it wasn't done in the usual spot (they only ever take it from my elbow crook), maybe she used a needle with a cannula? The needle would be removed right after insertion, and then the blood would be taken.

There are also different types of protection for health care workers, some of the tips pull up into the syringe or whatever is being used. I could see where an STI clinic might be even more careful and use these types of safety devices. I don't know all the details, but you might have missed seeing the needle being drawn up due to this.

Even if the needle tip broke off, some of the needle would have been removed. I would be fairly shocked if the needle actually did break.
weird pain in forearm after iv in crook

Okay, so I know its not an abscess. The pain is not In the injection site (okay there is a little pain but that's not what I'm worried about.) I ALSO have some pain in my forearm. It seems to be coming from the SAME vein, just further down my forearm. I'm afraid it could be some weird blood clot or something since it seems to be coming from the same vein I have recently been IVing in. Get this - it only hurts when I stretch out my arm too. Its really weird. It also hurts when I touch it. Its a very minor pain, but I'm still pretty worried ever since I got pericarditis last year. That freaked me the fuck out and made me realize that I am not invinsible. I just want some opinions on what it could be. For all I know it could be something serious, or it could be something totally unrelated.

Please let me know what you think

Did you miss at all? Could have bruised muscle tissue and that could cause the pain. It's very hard to say there is a bunch of things it could be. I would give it a few days. Don't use that vein or anyone near it till it heals. If in a few days time if it doesn't heal or it gets worse get your ass to the doc!
Yeah I think I missed a little bit. But its never done this. I'm afraid maybe the needle broke off and got stuck down my arm. The pain comes and goes, it usually goes away at night. And its a very very minor pain but still. Its scary. Right now, the pain of the injection site has gone away, but it hurts a little bit down my forearm when I stretch it out or push on it. I haven't noticed any swelling, redness, heat, or fever though.
Is there anything I can do? Like add heat or cold? I have been washing it frequently.
How far down the the arm is from the injection site you are feeling the pain? If the rig broke off in your arm you would def know it. Had it happen before. Try taking some antinflamitories see if that helps. How long after the shot did you notice the pain? How long has it been now with your arm in pain? Any more or less pain? If there is no change in the pain the 3 days post injection get it checked! I'm by no means a doc just trying to help a fellow slammer out
Hey man. Thanks a lot for the help. It stopped hurting 4 days after I had my last shot there. The pain is gone now :) I'm so glad, it was really freaking me out bc I couldn't figure out what the hell it was. It was like 4 or 5 inches down my arm from my crook. Like right in the middle. No reddness or swelling. So weird. But its gone now thank god. I have a really strong immune system so I was surprised. I've never had an abcess from 4 yrs iv. I use rigs like 20 or 30 times each bc I'm so poor. But that's the life. The only bad thing I had was pericarditis, I have no idea what happened there but it left me w a 40k hospital bill. Ouch. And then my legs fell asleep for like 4 days. I couldn't walk. Not sure what happened there either..lol.
Anyways, I appreciate the help man. Always nice to see slammers helpin eachother out. Have a good one!
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