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Information on psilocybin (part of a series)


Jan 10, 2010
This post is intended to be part of a series of posts describing the overall effects of different drugs. While it is important that information be unbiased, note that these descriptions are based on my own experience and knowledge. Enjoy.

Other names/products and plants it is in:
Psilocybin mushrooms, magic mushrooms
Overall rating: 7.5/10

Medical potential:
Psilocybin is not yet known to have much medical potential. However, it appears to be highly effective in the treatment of cluster headaches. It may also be effective in the treatment of depression.

Euphoric potential:
Good trips on psilocybin can include moments of serious euphoria. However, compared to mescaline, LSD, and even DMT, this psychedelic is not especially famous for the euphoria it produces. As a pure compound, it can be quite an enjoyable drug. In the form of mushrooms, however, it has a less clear, dirtier, more nauseating feel that can reduce the sharpness of the euphoric effects. Nevertheless, euphoria is common. As well, profound epiphanies can occur, and these can feel profoundly rewarding and positively life-changing. Lastly, pleasant and interesting distortions in colour, form, distance, etc. tend to occur.

Spiritual potential:
As a classical psychedelic, psilocybin is well known to produce profound, highly spiritual states of consciousness and alterations in perception. Profound epiphanies can occur. Other realms, sometimes seemingly 'higher realms,' are commonly perceived under the influence of this drug. A common perception at higher doses is that of a spiritual, colourful, energy-filled dome that seems to continuously and constantly morph and "evolve." Feelings of being especially real, reality being especially real, and feelings of emerging from reality are common. This substance can be as spiritual and life-changing as mescaline and quite a few other compounds that produce psychedelic effects. It is considered sacred by some who use it for spiritual purposes and growth. For others, it is just a fun drug which produces very trippy, entertaining effects. It is common for mentally healthy individuals to experience feelings of oceanic and spiritual connectness to the universe on several levels, including visually, but most of all emotionally. In general, lower doses primarily produce emotional effects.

Dysphoric potential:
Psilocybin tends to be slightly euphoric at low psychedelic doses and slightly dysphoric at high psychedelic doses. However, this varies greatly from person to person and experience to experience. Bad trips are less than rare and can be psychologically scarring. Nausea and unpleasant changes in the regulation of the body, including body temperature, are common.

Danger and harm potential / safety:
While psilocybin mushrooms are not always considered to be spiritually life changing in a truly profound manner, they certainly can be and this includes negative consequences from bad trips, including HPPD (long-term alterations in sensory perception), depression, mania, a sense that life is in some sense not real, and mild to moderate cognitive impairment. Psychosis and schizophrenia can also result. However, one's assessment of their schizophrenic state should be considered tentative at best and even psychiatrists can be wrong when diagnosing such illnesses. In a related sense, psilocybin can produce existential separation in which a person feels that they understand the world in a very different and usually abnormal way compared to those who do not use drugs. This can cause occasionally severe problems in one's social life and overall lifestyle. Physically, psilocybin is essentially safe. While it is common for people to end up with an experience that is more intense than they are comfortable with, great caution should be taken when self-administering a dose of mushrooms. Many people go into an experience not knowing the exact potency of the mushrooms they ingested. It is probably best to start with a low dose, such as a maximum of half a gram, when delving into a new batch, and slowly work your way up as you become more comfortable and knowledgeable. While psilocybin is not the worst psychedelic for beginners to try, mescaline may be a better and safer first experience.

Addiction potential:
As with all drugs, psilocybin is probably used on a daily basis by some people. For the vast majority of the population, psilocybin is not addictive. In fact, most people would probably want to wait a few weeks to a few months before trying it again, especially after a strong experience.

Closing comments:
While not as colourful and beginner-friendly as mescaline, psilocybin (for some people more in its pure form, for others more in its earthly, natural mushroom form) can be a positive, life-changing drug. Some people may even claim that it saved their lives, cured their depression, or freed them from an addiction or bad habit. It can really give you a valuable, altered perspective on life and its constituents, and can open you up to the possibility of higher realms and higher powers or beings.
When used with great responsibility and caution, psilocybin can be a wonderful drug.

Originally posted on bluelight.org under the username "Lord."

Love, Daniel.
Thanks for that, Daniel...

We are not really organized to handle 'reviews' like this. :) It's not a trip report, so I guess they will just be threads here then.

It's excellent that you added the disclaimer at the top about subjectivity... it's really important for people to keep that in mind when reading this so that it is not confused with a general reference for these drugs.

My twist on this material would be that I would disagree about it's potential for euphoria, but find the issue to be that IME it is sort of an emotional rollercoaster compared to other psychedelics and the differences in mood and emotion can be extreme, which feels exhausting and crazy. However, during the phases when it is positive, I find the euphoria to be rather unparalleled except for something like 5-MeO-DMT.

Schizophrenia cannot result from mushroom use. If you have schizophrenia, psychotic episodes may be triggered though.

I am very wary about mushrooms, I used them a LOT during the first years of tripping but replaced them by other psychedelics when I could. However half a gram seems pointlessly low as a dose unless you have the Penis Envy strain.

Mescaline is much more rare and I would pretty much recommend that to anyone, while mushrooms are... relatively difficult for some beginners, in my experience.