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Indianapolis people

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Jan 31, 2011
Hello all my central Indiana friends just wanted to get a place to chat for locals.
Well who knows if anyone will post here, indy doesn't have much of a dope community. Anyways I'm drying out at the moment I have been using way to much lately and an trying to drop my tolerance.
No one out there? Been clean for roughly four days after copping with my dealer and realizing I'm paying double what he does not that I'm naive or anything thinking I'm getting a deal but it's sickening thinking of that.
wanted to ressurect the thread as i am curious if anyone else is from indy.
Vince I'm in Indy...Long time lurker...Just joined out of well, necessity I guess is the best way of putting it!
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Indy used to have an amazing scene. Im about an hour and half south in Louisville Ky. I make it to indy more times than Id like a every few weeks or so. But not because of the dope. The scene kinda died off a few years ago up there. But it is for certian still up there. I have tones of buddies that wont cop up there though and make the trip south because of the shitty dope coming out of gary into indy. There stomping the shit outta it and still charging through the roof. Its just not worth it when for a tank of gas you can cop grits for little over a bill thats fuckin fire just south of there. But Indy as a whole I fuckin love it. My third home away from home right after Cinncy for sure.
Your absolutely right indica. pretty much my only guy is done so I've been left high and dry. I'd make that drive in a heartbeat if I knew I'd find it down there by I've got nothing up here! insert sad face
I just moved here and haven't been able to use for a week and I'm out of dones. Fml
Damn, shit sucks man. There isnt any dope left up there worth a damn. But shoot me a line

Please don't post personal info like an email address, or offer to score drugs for people that's not what this forum is about if you want to contact people do it via bluelight's private message system.
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Just got to Indy, having a hard time here.. Was used to FL, and before that the Mecca of dope Bmore! If any1 wants to email or PM me, feel free. I accept emails from Members here. Thanks in advance.
@NSAMAN I can pretty much predict that your gonna get banned or an infraction and youll end up gettin the indy post shut down. Ive offered a lot of help to people in the form of tips of coping on certain places like indy and kentucky. But you cant just come on a website on the clear net and start asking for drugs man. Were not gonna risk goin to prison for you. And it draws attention to the site thats not wanted or needed. There are certain ways to go about things and you just went about it in the whole wrong way from jump street bro. And you gotta put in work in the dope game man, earn your shit, put in your time whether buying or selling. We worked for our plugs and earned em trust and all. And I dont think anyone is about to just give em up to you for nothing so you can put hand cuffs on em. I mean come on man use your brain a little buddy.
Honestly, I couldn't agree more with what Indicameds just said! That's the 'Golden Rule' of BL...come on mayne
I don't live in Indy, but don't live too far away in Evansville, IN (SW Indiana). I don't know much about the scene up there because most of the people I ever fucked with were from Louisville or Chicago. And the scene here in Evansville is bunk. Anyways, just wanted to give a shout out to my Indiana people.
Walfredo, your PM box is full. Since we are only Greenlighters we can only have a total of 5 messages between all folders.
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