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Increase in Adulterated Pills?


Nov 13, 2006
Look at pillreports.com these days. Every second report is for an adulterated pill.

Are adulterated pills on the increase do you think, or are more just getting reported?

Back when I was pilling quite a bit, you were disappointed if you were getting a low dose MDxx pill. These days it seems your lucky to get that 8)
I know what you mean! There does seem to be an increase but a lot of the adulterated reports are not reagent tested and if they are there are photos of the pill but not of the test results. People can just say what the reaction is to suit the report :\ There is a lot of speculation when it comes to other chemicals, but its just that, speculation! Hard to say without testing imho.. Also i wouldnt say that every second report is an adulterated one :)
I would sy that the concentration of MDMA in pills these dys is definately dropping. It seems few and far between that good solid MDMA or MDxx pills are making the rounds. Mostly there are alot of MDxx low and medium pills making the rounds. I haven't noticed an increase in adulterants (although many pills could have amphetamines in them and i wouldn't realise).
I do think that there is alot more MDxx (ie MDA, MDEA, MDE ect.) these days. pills seem to give me less mood lift and euphoria (as well as danciness) and rather just smack me out and get me munted. Maybe my neurochemistry has changed! who knows?
This is 2007. A reagent test tells nothing sorry. Outdated technology. Sure it may tell you if it contains MDXX but what about all the other chemicals people chuck into pills these days. MDXX masks them mostly even if they are chemicals that react, unless its meth.

Pills are going to get dodgier and dodgier. Look at the UK and Ireland. Like Half of their pills are mCPP or other piperazines. This region used to have low to medium dose MDMA only pills.

Unless the government allows new pill testing technology ecstasy is dead. Not worth shitting on.
Mr Samadhi has summed it up pretty well in regards to currently circulating pills. Generally it's speculation in regards to contents, and when it's not based on test results, how much weight should those speculative reports hold????

Splatt - A reagent test tells a great deal more than necking a pill without any indication. These tests were not designed to allow for quantitative analysis, rather, they have been designed to provide an indication as to the possible contents. When a variety of reagents are used this indication will obviously be more accurate with cross referencing. I know I would much prefer an indication than nothing at all.
So going by what you have said... you dont test your pills? or you do test? Or do you not bother taking them anymore? Just curious mate..:)
It just depends on who you know ... :)

but yes there are alot of shit pills out there and testers dont really give any idea on strength which really sux & with New Years approaching expect a hell of alot more crapola....
I always test and have an eye for testing.
But it still doesnt mean shit.
Well so do i ... but as it stands its all we really have hey :)
For example alot of pills are going around these days that test purple black, to fool a vtester and do contain a small amount of MDMA, but also contain something ordered off the net for a few cents a hit in bulk, and is legal, and mixed with other drugs, these stimulants of the future and research pasychedelics could have some horrible interactions and theres no way to test for these substances.. come across loads of these pills.
Is that just more speculation or have you evolved with an internal GC/MS???? :\
OK guys well for instance back in the period of about 2001-2003, the honeymoon period ;) You would never come across a report with 2-CB. Every odd report may have been mixed with K or speed, but it was definitely a small minority. It's a sad state of affairs really.
^^lil angel, i don't think your comment was warranted.

Splatt's speculation is dead on the mark - the drug producers care not about their customers and only their own wallets - what reason do they have to create quality drugs if people will still buy them?

Research chems are cheap - easy to source and work well in low dosages. I've been hearing reports of more and more strange effects from pills from the younger crowd - strange non mdxx (not even mda) like psychedelic experiences. Which leads to a whole new level of whats going around. The government really needs to fund a GC/MS Program to begin testing pills and find a decent array of statistics for us to work on.
juice_soldier said:
what reason do they have to create quality drugs if people will still buy them?

Your right about that for the short term. But what about the long term? Won't users just get sick and tired of buying crap and just stop using all together or move onto different drugs? I guess it also comes down to if the supply to new customers is enough on it's own to keep going.

PS. Email notifications when getting replies doesn't seem to be working most of the time.
lil angel15, Im sure if you were informed on some of the new stimulants available by the touch of an email send button you'd figure out why pill pressers would be taking up this option. Partiers dont like being smacked out, Most MDMA is very impure, which even a low dose makes you "smacky" People want to dance, but now, Shock horror, methamphetamine is actually as dear or dearer than MDMA per mg now. So why not throw in a very potent stimulant that keeps people dancing while having the ecstasy feeling.

You think Im just making this up, I've heard (maybe seen) it first hand even. You know how much home made pills contain expired pharmacy medications to change the effects of the pill somewhat, while giving it good binders. Alot of these pills dont even reach Pill reports. Oh and Chemist cleaners don't get paid much and the people hired who remove expired medecines etc. Do you think they got that job for fun? Live a little in the "real" world and you might figure out some of the stuff these criminals do, and watch them laugh when they have admitted to putting expired MAOI anti depressants in pills along with a bunch of caffeine and a low dose of MDXX and see people gurning and saying this is the best pill ever! I'm not saying I have anything to do with this process at all but the people I used to hang out with definitely did, and most of them are in jail.
Pills are just pills now, they're not ecstasy. Well obviously there is still MDMA only pills out there, but more and more people just neck anything.. Pillls.. The things you drink all night with and feel fucked up and stay up all night.... People dont know what theyre taking, even if it did show purple a a bit on a tester.

I think if you took a bunch iof pills from 2006-2007, and lab tested them, you'd see similar results if not worse to what you see on ecstacydata.org. Pills with like 7 different drugs in it. Not too far off what the tabloids used to run front page a few years back.
I have no doubt that there are many unscrupulous drug manufacturers out there who concoct all sorts of weird, wonderful and dangerous pills. What I would like to see, however, is some Australian studies or statistics to back up these claims.

As for pills in 2001-2003 rarely being reported as adulterated - Wouldn’t it be nice to think it’s because people now have a greater awareness of available drugs and their effects. We all know you could feed someone an apple all their life telling them it’s an orange, and until they’re informed otherwise, they will continue to believe it’s an orange.
i remember about 6 or so years ago when u would get pills that actually came from europe and had not been crushed and re-pressed. the last year i can remember where the pills were good were 2002 ( anyone remember the 4leaf clover shaped pills). after that it seemed too many ppl got their hands on pill pressers and were just repressing the pills here and adding k and shit like that. pills have down down in price heaps but so has the quality