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Benzos Increase effects of diazepam ?


Dec 27, 2024
Been on and off these for years a d years. Average I rake 8 10mg per day. 4 in the late morning 4 on an evening. I also smoke weed just not all the time which I feel does potenate the diZepam but asides weed. Anything else, no opiates please
Under the tongue, and use a strong mouth wash beforehand, works best for me, and doing them sublingual they get in your system a bit quicker too.
Been on and off these for years a d years. Average I rake 8 10mg per day. 4 in the late morning 4 on an evening. I also smoke weed just not all the time which I feel does potenate the diZepam but asides weed. Anything else, no opiates please
8 per day huh. That would cost me a fortune.. wish I had better access because I’m sure the ones I get are underdosed to shit
Doxepin <25mg would incease sedation as it's a very strong antihistamine. Way more potent than any OTC stuff.

It's approved at 3mg and 6mg for treatment of insomnia and there is little to no adverse effects at those doses
8 per day huh. That would cost me a fortune.. wish I had better access because I’m sure the ones I get are underdosed to shith.u.
8 per day huh. That would cost me a fortune.. wish I had better access because I’m sure the ones I get are underdosed to shit
Hmu if you n3ed I.get the in bulk or £15 for 30 tabs. It's who you know not what you know
Heartburn meds make a lot of things hit harder. Maybe I just have strong stomach acid, good to take them in any case
Damn only have anti histamines. Not heard of this one before. Sublingual yes or with a hot drink ?
Damn only have anti histamines. Not heard of this one before. Sublingual yes or with a hot drink ?
Sublingual would be the strongest option in this case, personally I can't stand the taste of benzos so I just swallow it as quick as I can. A beer or two can also help, but a lot of people would be mad at the suggestion..
Sublingual would be the strongest option in this case, personally I can't stand the taste of benzos so I just swallow it as quick as I can. A beer or two can also help, but a lot of people would be mad at the suggestion..
I've had a drink on them a few times dependant on your tolerance
I'm gonna disagree with the doxepin suggestion. Antidepressants are a shitty class of drugs in general, and that shits pretty dirty too. I feel like, while it would increase stupor and general sedation, it would ruin your chances at euphoria. (And fuck up psychedelic trips as it has antiserotonergic properties)
i don't know about valium, but white grapefruit helps clonazepam kick in faster.
antihistamimes (loratadine is the one i take mostly) helps a bit but only if i'm in a situation where i want to sleep, and i think it's more the effect of my allergy going away and me feeling calmer because of that.