Site Feedback inanity


Jun 18, 2015
this will probably get me banned. the sign up process is idiotic. it is geared to those with super eye sight, or who carry a magnifying glass. the question are geared either to the super ignorant or the stupid. 'what state was Indiana jones named after?' come on. what nitwit came up with this one? for your info Indiana jones took the name of his childhood dog. his name is henry. the level of ignorance shown in in the kratom postings is both appalling and ludicrious. for example: referring to kratom as an opiate is shows a total lack of mentation. three main reasons, research will tell that kratom is specifically referred to as not being an opiod, the fda has removed kratom from their watch list, and if it were an opiod the fda wouylkd require a prescriptin. actually for a fourth reason. in Texas kratom is legal. Texas will not even legalize medical marijuana. if you show your total ignoranve of the topic from the beginning why should anyone believe any thing that you spout on any thing else. I understand that this is a free forum, but basic intelligence should be required.
Welcome to Bluelight. The questions you're referring to are just here to help reduce the number of automated registrations.

Kratom (compounds in it) does bind to opioid receptors.

NMI -> Support
You would think basic intelligence would dictate that you wouldn't have a typo for the subject of your first post.
this will probably get me banned. the sign up process is idiotic. it is geared to those with super eye sight, or who carry a magnifying glass. the question are geared either to the super ignorant or the stupid. 'what state was Indiana jones named after?' come on. what nitwit came up with this one? for your info Indiana jones took the name of his childhood dog. his name is henry.
i can see that you would think it was idiotic when you only have to consider your own convenience and don't have to look at the bigger picture.

bluelight is run entirely by a volunteer staff and the staff fights a constant battle against spammers, trolls and other troublemakers. there are procedures in place to slow those people down at the registration and new-users steps.

inevitably that's going to create a slight inconvenience for some regular users like yourself and that's a price bluelight is quite willing to pay. if you're disappointed, then we'll just have to find a way to live with your disappointment.
the level of ignorance shown in in the kratom postings is both appalling and ludicrious. for example: referring to kratom as an opiate is shows a total lack of mentation. three main reasons, research will tell that kratom is specifically referred to as not being an opiod, the fda has removed kratom from their watch list, and if it were an opiod the fda wouylkd require a prescriptin. actually for a fourth reason. in Texas kratom is legal. Texas will not even legalize medical marijuana. if you show your total ignoranve of the topic from the beginning why should anyone believe any thing that you spout on any thing else. I understand that this is a free forum, but basic intelligence should be required.
have you heard the phrase "it's easier to moan about the darkness than to change a lightbulb"?

if you see posts that are problematic, why don't you add to the discussion and show people where they're going wrong? if you feel that you have something to offer, start authoring some informative, accurate posts in the forums.

welcome to bluelight.

the level of ignorance shown in in the kratom postings is both appalling and ludicrious. for example: referring to kratom as an opiate is shows a total lack of mentation. three main reasons, research will tell that kratom is specifically referred to as not being an opiod, the fda has removed kratom from their watch list, and if it were an opiod the fda wouylkd require a prescriptin. actually for a fourth reason. in Texas kratom is legal. Texas will not even legalize medical marijuana. if you show your total ignoranve of the topic from the beginning why should anyone believe any thing that you spout on any thing else. I understand that this is a free forum, but basic intelligence should be required



an opiumlike compound that binds to one or more of the three opioid receptors of the body.

Kratom behaves as a mu-opioid receptor agonist like morphine[5]and is used in the management of chronic pain, as well as recreationally.

Not one thing you said changes why kratom is technically an opioid. Kratom is still on the DEA's watchlist and just because it hasn't been locked down by the FDA that does not change the fact that kratom not only contains a partial agonist at the mu opioid receptor, but a full agonist as well. It would seem that the only one who is ignorant on the stuff you complain about is you.

So before going around calling everyone ignorant... perhaps you should take a step back and see that you're the common denominator in this ''problem" of yours? Government regulations don't make or change a drugs classification. Several states have implemented bans against kratom, but I guess it's only an opioid if Texas bans it though (which is honestly only a matter of time anyways). Makes sense. Anyhow, perhaps drugs-forum would be a much better place for someone like you.

I can't help but find it just a bit ironic that someone with terrible grammar, little grasp on the classification of a drug that you seem to know so much about, and being someone who managed to have any struggle going with the obvious answer to that indiana jones question, that this person would also be so quick to call anyone a nitwit. Go figure :\
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