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In your opinion what is the worst state for marijuana users?


Jan 8, 2014
Obviously Colorado tops the list with as the most 420 friendly state but what in your opinion is the worst? Currently I live in middle Georgia and I don't know how I'll make it here in the Bible belt surrounded by people who think weed is akin to heroin. I feel like I'm the only toker in this state outside ATL.
I'm assuming the "scene" in Alabama ain't to great but that's just a guess. Op once you get out of the sticks and into major cities you should be able to find weed somewhere. When I stayed in the deep country of Texas I too had trouble finding weed but when I moved into the city things made a complete 360. If your already in the city then IDK, hope you figure something out.
Tennessee. I promise. They actually think it's as bad as meth or crack. I've had them say that to my face when I had one tiny nug they found. Fuck Tennessee cops, especially my city. Knoxvilles' not bad but that's not my city.
Unless you've lived and smoked in a majority of the states, with one from at least every American region, this question is pretty much nothing but speculation/assumption. Where I live nobody would assume there's a big Mary Jane culture, but it's always just in the cities beneath the mainstream radar.

But yeah, anywhere in the south/southeast, 'drugs' are categorically labeled the same across the board in terms of how dangerous they are just by being illegal or not. But, at the same time, it's not like that information helps out all the sorry souls who got cases for Mary Jane in New York, which is comparatively an extremely liberal state.

All I know is that where I live in the south if you get caught with any amount of weed, you go to jail immediately - that's the end of the discussion. I'd just be interested to find out what states you're more likely to just get a ticket/court date and then you can go on your way. Other than that, objectively, outside of the Colorado/West Coast area, I don't really see the big difference - weed's still illegal and cops are still going to harass you over it regardless of how they do it.
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^Its sad the south is like that because the warm weather and cheap cost of living would otherwise make it a great place for me to return to.
I'd just be interested to find out what states you're more likely to just get a ticket/court date and then you can go on your way.

Here in cali, your more likely to not even get a ticket as long as you don't have some crazy amount. I've probably gotten caught smoking or posessing weed at least 8 times since I started smoking (around 10 or 11, sadly) and not once have I been even taken to the station, even while being caught smoking weed with a pipe and three grams while being truant from school. I believe anything under an OZ is a misdemeanor ticket.

^Its sad the south is like that because the warm weather and cheap cost of living would otherwise make it a great place for me to return to.
I totally feel you on that one, I'm so tired of the city, I just wanna go back to Texas and own a fuckload of land for a fraction of what it would cost here, not have to pay state taxes, and not have to worry about cops everywhere breathing down my neck. So much fun shit to do in the country man.
Southwest Missouri. People would rather smoke shitty synthetic research drugs than pot here. You walk in a head shop - constant stream of people buying little packs of the newest "K2". I guess that doesn't make it the worst state for pot users, but if you're smoking weed at a party or with a friend of a friend you have to ask if any of that shit's been smoked out of the bowl, if you don't want that shit in your system.
Do you mean worst like the most likely to catch a charge for your habit, or worst like the weed is just shit there unless you know somebody who knows somebody who's got an uncle that grows or some shit?

Legally, I'd think Texas is the worst state for police to catch you burnin', but when it comes to shit product.... I really haven't a clue. Good weed's seem to have crept into every nook and cranny of the nation, really, but there's still shwag and midgrade to be had if that's what you want. I know in Maryland, the shwag is dirt, the midgrade is what I remember kind bud/KB as from like 2000-2005 and everything else is considered medicinal or "loud," almost always coming with a strain name and a detailed high.

I'm particular about my connects, though, so maybe my access to some semblance of strain information is out-of-the-norm for my state.
The weed i've gotten in texas has been absolute shit. not even entirely green.