• H&R Moderators: VerbalTruist | cdin | Lil'LinaptkSix

Treatment In the lobby - going inpatient


Dec 10, 2022
Hey ya all,

I k wo I haven’t been active lately. Been dealing. Now I finally worked up to go inpatient. It’s hard to give away your freedom and admit you need help for non addiction things.

I hate having a “disability “ and feel like it’s only a disability because we haven’t learned how to harness the power of mania. But if you can harness it and be highly functional then why do I need treatment?

More than likely I know it’s that without meds I do not see things clearly and as they are.

Irky. I guess I just was letting everyone know I’m going inpatient this morning and will be gone about a week. So I’m alive and well.
Hey ya all,

I k wo I haven’t been active lately. Been dealing. Now I finally worked up to go inpatient. It’s hard to give away your freedom and admit you need help for non addiction things.

I hate having a “disability “ and feel like it’s only a disability because we haven’t learned how to harness the power of mania. But if you can harness it and be highly functional then why do I need treatment?

More than likely I know it’s that without meds I do not see things clearly and as they are.

Irky. I guess I just was letting everyone know I’m going inpatient this morning and will be gone about a week. So I’m alive and well.
big hugs. i have struggled w mania as well and, as much as it can SEEM good in the moment, looking back it was always a mess - not to mention - neurotoxic long term. there's some periods where I'm under the line, and just productive, but if your docs are seeing you and deciding that it's important to get an inpatient baseline, i would roll w that personally.
Hey, just got out today and ironically they said quitting my adhd meds is what is causing me to be manic in inpatient. I am so confused.

Thank everyone for your support!