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RCs In all my years of taking drugs this has never happened to me

Ok I'm finally gettin tapered down decently so far... 2 grams this morning and 1 gram at night and I'm bein held just fine when before I would've been buggin with anxiety. And also idk if I was gonna die but it was a very worrying symptom of the withdraw that happened to me. Like I said I've been through withdraw from everything and that has never happened before. It felt like the blood just stopped pumping to my arms and legs and it didn't go away it just kept getting worse until I took some. Then I just felt all the blood rush back thru my body and my veins looked normal again. So who knows what would have happened. But yea I think the neurontin is helpin me to taper easily and then I have the 8 bars for when I decide to finally stop takin the stuff prolly later this week. Thanks for your care, advice, and concern guys much appreciated. I'll keep yas posted.
Glad your doing better :). When I was in Phenibut withdrawal my blood pressure was all over the place, I think it's pretty normal. One minute I would be palpitating like hell and the next I'm lightheaded beyond belief with a low pulse. I wasn't trying to steer you away from going to a dr, you already said you had an appointment, I was just trying to reassure you that you weren't gonna die. If you would have, I'd imagine you'd be the first to die from a habit that small as it's just unheard of. Even with benzodiazapenes the amount and length of time you'd have to take them to be a death risk is really quite insane. That is if you don't already have a pre-existing medical condition that would put you at risk. Hang in there bud, phenibut withdrawal sucks ass but it's over pretty quickly.

lol take some kratom. curious where you get urs. i know you can't tell me here though. still i can be curious.
Due to the holidays my package was three days late, and is still not here... and my pill/dope man wouldn't answer his phone. I spent like 24 hours in withdrawal until I could score some heroin to keep me well until my package comes (heroin for kratom withdrawal, lol). You already know sourcing isn't allowed ;). I'll just say one of my vendors is based in Portland Oregon.
Due to the holidays my package was three days late, and is still not here... and my pill/dope man wouldn't answer his phone. I spent like 24 hours in withdrawal until I could score some heroin to keep me well until my package comes (heroin for kratom withdrawal, lol). You already know sourcing isn't allowed ;). I'll just say one of my vendors is based in Portland Oregon.

well that doesn't help one bit! according to google and k. association, portland is a ''kratom mekka''

is sourcing via PM allowed? if not, my bad. curious as to what stuff the captain is dosing.
it's great to know that you are seemingly over the worst of the withdrawal. :) i'm glad you're not feeling as awful as you were.

gabapentin is an awesome medicine for a lot of things i've noticed!

helped my anxiety and sleep more than the klonopin i've been prescribed for years now. i really had such an amazing restful sleep on gabapentin. i asked my doctor for it while tapering off kpin before and he said ''no, that's not for anxiety.'' well, i'm pretty sure others would disagree. i've never ordered something like that off the internet. i want to, but i feel it's all a scam.

some day.
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Update!!! The taper is going great with the neurontin helping me ! I usually take 900 mg a day in 3 separate doses to help. Yesterday morning I only took 1 gram and last night 250 mg and I was fine slept all night. Then this morning I took 750 mg and I was alright... I was really shaky all day and had some anxiety like inability to form complete sentences during stressful situations (remember I'm a plant manager over 80+ employees most are felons and convicts) and some depression but all in all its not bad at all I can deal with it. I'm planning on taking a quarter gram tomorrow morning and that's it then I'm done. Then I'll try and taper with the neurontin as I saw my sub doctor yesterday and he took pity on me with a script of 30 100 mg neurontin to help lol. So yea I'll keep yous updated on this beast that is phenibut!! Hopefully no more roadblocks on my road to recovery...
Sounds like youre in real good shape man. 900 mg a day of pentins isnt bad and you should be able to taper off that real quick. Those 100s are actually really helpful for that purpose. Good for you. You could probably be completely done with all this within 2 weeks.
Yea that's the way I'm lookin at it :) I took a bar and a half last night too and I hated it... It slowed me down too much. So I'm just gonna sell the rest of em that I got or just next time I take it only take 1 mg or something cause 3 mg was way too much for my tolerance... It's funny too cause I used to be prescribed 8mg Ativan a day and 4mg kpin a day For 5 years but I've been off all benzos for 2 years now.. I was thinking of trying some kava kava too, but the liver warning thing keeps warding me off and makin me paranoid. Is it really that bad for your liver? Cause I really wanna try it. Like has there been any actual recent studies of liver damage from kava kava ?
The answer to that is sort of complicated but I don't think kava is necessary since you have the gabapentin. I would keep this equation as simple as possible and not over think it. I agree on getting rid of the alprazolam. You r eallly don't want to mess with your gaba system any more than needed while youre trying to rebalance it from this phenibut debacle.

Kava is safe as long as you buy the good stuff that is made from only ground root - avoid health store supplement versions, capsules, etc. Avoid it all for now, but once youre out of the but, off the pentin, and this is all in the rearview mirror... some quality kava would be a decent relaxant/mild intoxicant with no dependency issues that I know of. The really good stuff has a pretty strong effect that I far prefer to alcohol. Not nearly as bad for you either. Id wait on alk that though and definitely don't buy "now" brand kava or anh bottled/capsule garbage for that matter.
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Don't mess with kava or benzos if you're tryint ot taper off phenibut... you'll just switch your dependency over before you realize it.

To be totally honest I have not heard of anyone actually getting permanently injured from kava usage, especially because people tend to stop using it if they start feeling sick or anything wierd happens.
Is it really bad for your liver?

No, there are several studies showing that kava doesn't damage the liver and according to this and another study it may even be hepatoprotective and has even been shown to prevent and reverse enzyme spikes caused by Diazepam. I reccomend you read the whole study as it's quite interesting, mainly delves into the anticonvulsant properties of kava though it digs a bit further as well.

Edit: Something I forgot to mention was that kava related hepatotoxicity was believed to be caused commercial manufacturers using all parts of the plant instead of just the root bark. It appears that other parts of the plant are harmful to the liver but the actual root is not bad at all. For this reason you should only buy kava from reputable sources, not to mention these places will typically stock a fresher product and any kava user will tell you how much of a difference that makes.

Since kava-containing products were reported to develop liver failure requiring liver transplantation that occurred in some patients, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a consumer advisory in 2002 about the potential risk associated with the use of these products[30]. However, the data presented inTable 1support the potential safety of kava on liver enzymes activity where chronic kava administration elicited no elevation of alanine transaminase (ALT), aspartate transaminase (AST), and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) at the two dose levels.

Noteworthy, it was previously reported that kava, at similar doses to those employed in the current study, did not affect neither liver enzymes nor cytochrome-P450 isoforms[31]. By the same token, Singh and Devkota[32]demonstrated that daily dose of 200 or 500 mg of kava did not alter liver functions manifest as alkaline phosphatase, lactate dehydrogenase nor AST and ALT.

Moreover, Noor (2010) showed not only no change in liver functions but also showed significant reduction in AST and ALT, suggesting not only a lack of toxicity but potentially a hepatoprotective effect of kava[33]. However, one cannot rule out that different extraction methods and the solvents employed in the preparation of kava-containing products might be account for the reported hepatotoxicity associated with kava. Nevertheless, in the current study, the employed kava extract was the aqueous one, which has been shown to exert hepatoprotection[34].
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So I know this is an old tread, but I hope someone will see my reply. I've been taking phenibut on a daily basis for a little over 3 weeks now. I know how unsafe this is and that I never should have done this, but what's done is done. I need advice on how to weene down safely.

I started out taking a gram or two a day and progressed quickly to 5 grams a day, and have been sitting on 8-9 grams a day for abou a week and a half. There's plently of supply and I can get more if I have to so am just looking for advice on how to end this while I still can.
I don't know if this would be the place to post this. Foolishly I found out about phenibut on a social anxiety website. I bought it began taking very small amounts. At first. The tub came with a small scoop which says it gives approximately 250-400 mg. Anyway I waited 2 hours and then I took 1/2 teaspoon. That lasted the first day. The next day I took 2 teaspoons. I have addictive tendencies and knew this would probably go bad, which is exactly what happened. Well the 2nd day I got the effects, and it was GREAT!!! Slept better than I had in years. Felt wonderful. So this is where the tables turn, as I'm sure is the norm. Finished the tub in 2 weeks. 100g and then got the 200g tub. That was 4 months ago. I've gotten 6 more. I want to get off as this shit is causing me a lot of brain fog and I just don't feel good anymore. I'm taking about 4-6 teaspoons a day on average and up to 10 or more on heavy days. Like I said I don't know where to ask, I'm new to BL and I don't want to get thrown off of here, but I'm getting to my wits end. Does anyone have any advice? I've recently purchased gelcaps and have begun filling them and dropping the dosage by 1 cap every 3 days. Could I eventually get the dosage so low that I have minimal withdrawal? Please I know it was stupid to get myself into this predicament, but it know there are others who have gotten jammed up and found their way out. If you need to tell me what an idiot I am go right ahead. I know it's stupid but I need a way out before I lose my mind. Thanks in advance and sorry if this was the wrong place to post.
Guess we're in the same predicament bud. I feel you. I'm 5 months in taking a shitload. I WILL GET OUT OF THIS. WE will get out of this. Get back to me when you get a chance. I've been weaning with self made gel caps. They are about. .7 grams each. Been cutting down 1 every 3 days. Shit sucks. I've been physically addicted to benzos, booze, and opiates and have beaten all of those so once I beat this, I'M DONE. Hit me up if you want to chat. Later.
Yeah I'm hooked in phenibut too 6 months in. Trying g to taper off. It's terrible.
Guys listen to me!!! I am the op of this thread!!! try the best you can to find some neurontin to help you do a rapid taper... There will still be some slightly minor discomfort because your so accustomed to the heavy hit of phenibut but it works. I can say that I have successfully been off of phenibut for 5 months now. I still take neurontin every day in very small doses but that's it. And I felt like I was someone that could never get off phenibut especially after feeling that withdraw.
Man I've looked all over the streets for neurontin, gabapentin, baclofen, lyrica, and everything else people say works wonder got the withdrawals. Nobody has it. Or even knows what it is. My doctor refuses to prescribe me anything too. So it's looking like it's gonna be a rough time lol
Thank you Blackout! I have an addiction dr that I see monthly for rx nothing hard or addictive, since I'm an addict. Tried to have him rx me baclofen but he said he didnt think it was used for anxiety. Yeah yeah I tried. I'm pretty tight with this doctor so I think I might come clean about how I tried some supplement that someone offered me for sleep. Make it out like I wasn't looking for a new thang and see if he'll prescribe the neurontin. I REALLY need off this shit. Was cool at first, but I feel it's turning me into a retard just like xanax did. I have a wife, kid, and one on the way coming in June. Great job and awesome life. Had 1.5 years totally sober before this. I can't wait to be clean again. I need to be off before this baby is born. So Blackout, I thoroughly appreciate your response. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. This BL community is awesome, just wish I'd joined sooner. I have other questions about dosing the neurontin once I get it. Can I ask here or should I PM you? Once again thank you very much.
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I think phenibut is an untapped medical miracle for those with severe anxiety and I think everybody in withdrawals or desire to quit can easily come off of this situation with a little foresight and a sincere desire to get off thanks to it being freely available.

I have anxiety to the point of having symptoms resembling someone psychotic and after an entire life of sweating down to my knees when I would go out in public the only thing that has ever helped and let me feel like me was phenibut. I made the hard decision of deciding a daily regimen that would be rigorous and closely monitored despite the fears and worries as it was the only cure after a life of horrific pain and suffering. I consider any Gaba A benzo akin to the thereputic benefits of vodka. You are drugged and you do not learn how you can be in your own skin. Gaba B is an entirely unique situation if handled properly like medicine imo.

After nearly four years of daily dosing I am still at a dose of 1.5g. The high goes away and if you do not chase it the medicinal effect remains for those with serious and sincere profound anxiety.

What you need to do is a long and slow methodical taper. You will not even notice it. I learned this when my scale broke and I continued to use phenibut and when I got a new scale I learned I was dosing as high as 5g for 1-2 months.

I considered that the major definitive timeline of hell for any withdrawal was three days and so every three days I dropped my dose by 100-300mg. I felt it out.

I got back down to 1g in no time without even noticing a change in efficacy or a single burp of anxiety or withdrawal.

So seriously, stock up on the chemical. Plan a long taper. The lower you get the longer you can remain in plateau of your dose if you need. You do not need to go through hell and you do not need to strong arm the situation to be a man in the face of guilt. Just take it slow and every three to five days take a bit out of the dose.

Just consider it is legally and freely available and so you can stock up and even plan a two month taper if you wanted to take it that slowly. Fine and dandy and you would not disrupt your life.
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In the name of harm reduction I should make something clear

I am not IN ANY WAY suggesting those with anxiety should seek the alleged miraculous and misunderstood wonders of daily dosing of phenibut and that it would be good for them. In all likelihood it will not be good for you and you will curse my name if you were to take that as my advice and go right ahead into a slippery slope of addiction and profoundly horrifying withdrawals. DO NOT daily dose phenibut. I rarely speak on this issue because I realize it is NOT safe or responsible to recommend in any circumstance a daily regimen of a gabaergic, as this is actually wholly irresponsible and dangerous to recommend or even mention. But when it comes to people in withdrawals and looking to get off then my story is relative. It was a last resort and the best decision I had ever made and a scary one. FOR ME. I am in all likelihood a rarity and FOR YOU will result in hell and lost relationships jobs maybe poor health etc. It was only after a life of desperation that even with my addictive personality the medicinal result was so real and transformed me so literaly that I have never in my four years chased the initial zone of phenibut as its been that valuable to me. I have never in my days taken a dose I could feel in a physically or euphoric or mentally obvious way ever since my decision. In all likelihood people will hurt themselves. Dont do this.

Some other points to the taper idea

If you are switching to another medication for your taper and it is working then you are merely switching chemicals for the same receptors and wasting time and money imo. You may feel a sort of mental victory to switch to gabapentin to withdrawal with but you are not achieving anything but switching to a new thing for the same problem and the new thing will be limited, prescribed, costly and you are not in control of your destiny.

My advice is to simply taper slowly. When you get realy low you can supplement with things like LTheanine and Gaba. When you get down to say 200mg consider kicking off into zero and treating yourself to something that will relax you on a different receptor like perhaps kratom for three days or cannabis.

Best of luck friend.
Can you please use paragraphs next time? This is interesting, but very hard to read.