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Impetus to use drugs (re rat study) - ?


May 11, 2016
- A study with Rats indicates they'll use drug compulsively (dopamine reinforcement), ahead of food, water, shelter, sex etc.

- The study was repeated when the Rats were in a non-clinical environment (i.e. out in the wild, natural environment vs an emotionally suppressive environment like a glass box in a laboratory).

- The Rats abandoned drug use almost entirely

- Conclusion - people use drugs when they're discontent with the state of their lives and environments

- The determinant of this is their emotional well being.

So is it a surprise drug use is rampant in overcrowded and built up suppressive living environments (the ghetto)?
Yea cuz drug use only happens in the “ghetto.” Actually I’d say out of the small number of ghetto city kids I knew, they were less likely to use certain drugs as they were taught as a young kid not to. Doesn’t mean they won’t sell you those drugs..

I know what you’re getting at, overall if humans have the things they need they’re less likely to use more addictive drugs as an escape. That can mean more space away from the city, it could mean a better paying job, a healthy relationship/s, better healthcare, etc. Everyone has different expectations for their quality of life.

Any discomfort causes us to seek relief from that discomfort.

If I am safe, happy, and content I will continue doing whatever I'm doing.
Don't fix it if it ain't broke.
.So is it a surprise drug use is rampant in overcrowded and built up suppressive living environments (the ghetto)?
I live by myself in a 4 BR penthouse with park and water views and drug use is fucking rampant here.

I’d say loneliness, boredom, the lack of meaningful life goals, and some lucky stock picks back in the boom more the drivers here: but then I’m not a rat.
There's a few high rise social welfare living development in my general area and they're plagued with drug addicts.

A nearby city has an opioid crises of whom almost all victims are made up of homeless and those who live in tents etc. (not unlike skid row).

I'm sure drug are widely use, but I'm talking about those whose lives have been destroyed.
It's not the physical environment, it's the mental environment. You can live in a mansion and be starved for human contact, which is a major risk factor for using drugs. Our "rugged individualism" is leading to our drug problems because people are isolated even when together.
It's not the physical environment, it's the mental environment. You can live in a mansion and be starved for human contact, which is a major risk factor for using drugs. Our "rugged individualism" is leading to our drug problems because people are isolated even when together.

Agree + go one further in to say the "mental environment" is ultimately ones emotional state.

Emotion = determines neurological function.

Dysfunctional emotional state = dysfunctional neural state = mask this with transmitter boosters (to feel better/good).

- Say, "individualism" is an emotional state not adept for the attainment of intimacy, inability to adequately communicate.

This is all mediated through the nervous system, therefore emotionally determined.