Im rollin along at funnnn

What do you do for work?? Are you by yourself or are your colleagues rolling with you??
Make sure to post a trip report

Let yourself be loved. Let love be yourself.
PLUR, Loonie :)
I work at a easy customer service/data entry , its a computer company, theres about 6 of us here on 2nd shift, everyones cool, theres 2 managers, my friend rolled with me, he sits next to me and it was my day to take phone calls....slow like 5 calls an hour and they onely last like 2 minutes. So we popped the pill and rolled for about 6 hours, sittin at our desk but we didnt have any vicks , so we used tiger balm, that shit is strong. bout an hour and half into it my friend got called in the office, OHHH SHIT REVIEW DAY!!! He's asian so his big pupils were cool cause he has brown eyes, he was in there laughing and talking to the manager for an hour. Im like damn whats going on in there???? He comes out and bam,,,my names called too, Im like shit, I got green eyes and my pupils were huge u could only see a little ring of green , plus I had my glasses on. I just talked and talked to her, I know she was lookin at my big ass eyes, but hey,,,,no proof rite
, 10 oclock hit and we smoked a fat spliff, some of the sweetest chiva, went home and my gurl was like , wtf your pupils are bursting out your eyes lol, I just played it off, overall, this was so funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn, Im gonna do it again