I'm having a crazy day - alprazolam withdrawal...


Feb 7, 2018
My usual dose is 14mg per day but I have been taking 6mg per day since Saturday.
I was fine over the weekend but today I'm at work and I can't concentrate or be productive.
I hate benzos so much. :cry:
Hey there :) Benzo withdrawal is horrible. Did you go straight to 6mg? Thats a pretty big jump. Have you talked to your doctor about coming off? You might need to taper slower (imo, if you are). Seizures are a big worry during benzo WD. A lot of people dont realize they can actually kill you.
Hey Chris,
Yes, straight from 14 to 6mg. I can only get my script on Saturday (someone took some of my pills when I forgot to lock my medicine cabinet)
This really sucks. However, this does not mean that when I get my script that I'm going to continue on 14mg, I'll taper to 12mg.
I'm considering taking a couple of days off work this week.
Why such a high dose?

I e really never heard of Xanax at them high of doses.

I was on 3 klonopin a day and was yanked off and was psychotic for three months until I fired the docs started to take it again and weaned.
My body built up a resistance to the drug. It used to be more but I came to 14mg per day.
I'm sorry for the rant, it just hurts so bad.
If possible go to 14-15mg or even back to 16 for a coulpa days and see if things level out. then work from there, friend. don't hurt or kill yourself over this shit, please.
If possible go to 14-15mg or even back to 16 for a coulpa days and see if things level out. then work from there, friend. don't hurt or kill yourself over this shit, please.
Thanks for the support. I will have to go to the doctor a.s.a.p. Maybe I can get some Diazepam to get me through the next 4 days.
I myself tapered from 6-8mg alp recently (which is considered substantial by many) and went to diazapam after a week of .25 alp. whole process took about 7-8 weeks. but it was a short hiatus this time.
been 3 days since alrprazolam and 5mg diazapam this morning seems good
had 10mg diaz yeaterday morn and slept great last night without further dosing.
think i'm outta the woods > for now. ;)
one can get off them but slowly.
imma be around, bro. as are a scad of others who have been/are where you are.
@PtahTek thank you.
Glad to hear you're doing good. (y)
Yeah, slowly it will have to be. I definitely won't be able to cope at work tomorrow...
Yeah 14mgs is really high. I'd suggest switching to a longer acting benzo like clonazepam or valium and tapering. Hopefully your doctor will work with you on this.
Hey, I got some Diazepam, thank God. I wish I could plug them cause I have some serious G. I. discomfort. I'll, try sublingual.?
Please just try to take them seriously, I don’t wish anyone getting yanked becuz you’ll be psychotic, and given the amount you take I don’t think you’ll ever come back.
Yes, I'm going with The Ashton Manual ?
Please keep us updated? Maybe a blog or journal or whatever?
Best to you on this. It will take some time and a lot of self-control. Practice never hurt.
Damn... didn't know half-life of diazapam is 100 <-- google -200 <-- ashton hrs.
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I have been tapering benzos for about 4 miserable years from 70mg a day (NO lie) of a benzo at the time was said to be twice as strong as klonopin now it seems to be up to 4x, but over these 4 years I have gone from 70mg per day to 3.5 (looks like more like 4 mg a day this run... but the last one was my first at 3.5 mg. I dont know if im getting off easy, had an extremely good taper plan mixed with about everything reccomended to make cutting down easier. I would say my 3.5 is probaly = to about 10 xanax, the key is the larger dose your on the larger cuts you can make....as ashton explained to you. Best of luck brethren.