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I'm going to be what God set me out to be

Don't worry about it. TripSitter is the only one laughing, as usual. He doesn't know what he's talking about.

Around the Millennium I was taking a bunch of acid with my friends and this guy that had molested me. I absolutely loved the stuff. I had never felt like I understood God before this. I got involved in promoting raves and I used the molestation to leverage this guy into buying me drugs and letting me drive his BMW around. Eventually in the midst of all this LSD usage this guy decided he was a born again Christian and he started explaining the meaning of revelations to me and I went to church and asked to be born again. Soon after a girlfriend overdosed and died in my arms. I was mad at God. I cursed him and called him satist for allowing pain and the idea of hell to exist. For years I drifted through heroin addiction...20yrs.. I got involved in AA and I was reintroduced to God, gratitude and service. I just recently got back into LSD and Jesus as I am trying to let go of pain and embrace love....especially for the blind and lost, like myself.... I don't know why I'm telling this story but through all the pain God has never left me.

2 yrs ago, I decided that I was going to kill myself by overdose. I was driving the HR drive to get the drugs, while dictating the suicide post I would post on Facebook, when I cried out to God to save me, change my mind, do anything. Nothing happened.... So I went back to dictating my suicide post in my head, when all of a sudden I woke up, as my car was going off the road and smashing into a telephone pole at 70mph. I walked out of the totalled car without a scratch and no longer had the means to kill myself.... God is there for those that look. He isn't a condemning God but loving God.
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I don't really understand the hate for Christianity. I made a post neither advocating for either side but simply stating observational facts and I'm getting laughed at because it isn't skewed towards out right christian bashing but rather objective. Some people need to check their misplaced hate.

So you believe in the videos c2C posted? Or do you laugh at them?

There's no shame in being lonely, no shame at all, how you do your bed is how you lay in it. Loneliness tends to drive people towards flight of fantasies and because they have no one to lay of course they want something and everyone chooses something different, she choose ''God'', same with zodiac ppl, they watch it because no one motivates them. Anyway she blocked me because I rekt her, haha, a rekt like the book and she had a mental breakdown.

She is not insane. God uses loneliness to draw his children closer. Recognizing the failure in depending on others allows us to discover the unwavering love of God. It is a story told over and over again in religion, those who go out into the wilderness and are shown the light.

I wish not to be judged by those on bluelight but I am a believer and I frankly don't care because none can judge me but God.

I can imagine takin acid, havin a dude singin ''Jesus loves you with his blood,'' I can already see the spiritual lift I would get. The whole humanity needs to be exterminated.
So you believe in the videos c2C posted? Or do you laugh at them?

I don't know what to believe. I am skeptical.. I believe unbelievers are guided by unknown forces. Especially artist that open themselves up to dark forces. I don't know what truth is but I know what is not.
Around the Millennium I was taking a bunch of acid with my friends and this guy that had molested me. I absolutely loved the stuff. I had never felt like I understood God before this. I got involved in promoting raves and I used the molestation to leverage this guy into buying me drugs and letting me drive his BMW around. Eventually in the midst of all this LSD usage this guy decided he was a born again Christian and he started explaining the meaning of revelations to me and I went to church and asked to be born again. Soon after a girlfriend overdosed and died in my arms. I was mad at God. I cursed him and called him statist for allowing pain and the idea of he'll to exist. For years I drifted through heroin addiction...20yrs.. I got involved in AA and I was reintroduced to God, gratitude and service. I just recently got back into LSD and Jesus as I am trying to let go of pain and embrace love....especially for the blind and lost, like myself.... I don't know why I'm telling this story but through all the pain God has never left me.

2 yrs ago, I decided that I was going to kill myself by overdose. I was driving the HR drive to get the drugs, while dictating the suicide post I would post on Facebook, when I cried out to God to save me, change my mind, do anything. Nothing happened.... So I went back to dictating my suicide post in my head, when all of a sudden I woke up, as my car was going off the road and smashing into a telephone pole at 70mph. I walked out of the totalled car without a scratch and no longer had the means to kill myself.... God is there for those that look. He isn't a condemning God but loving God.

That is a wonderful testimony! Thank God you are still alive! I've had negative thoughts of suicide many times. I even wondered if God would forgive me if I killed myself.

I just stumbled across this video today. It's so beautiful and it gives the answer about Christians and suicide.
Thank God we are still alive. We cannot let the devil win and take us out of here. What she said gives me chills.

There exist in this world those who have encountered the wall where sanity ends the incarnate mind can no longer comprehend but written on this wall is the universal truth "love is all". This is the one true message of the infinite reality. The bible is a false book thats why muhammad was the last prophet to clear up the questions about creation written by his own hand the holy quran.

I only wish peace on all beings and for them to no longer fear reality. You give to much credit to the devil for the devil is your ego there is no spells been cast on music. Music comes from a place beyond time and space the domain of god channeling that creative power into music to tell your stories to all of humanity.

Are you Baptisted? Well i am i was a child i grew up in religion i study all religions in my spare time with critical thinking and not taking everything as literal truth and instead search for direct experince to commune with god.

Do you even know what god is? Jesus was just a man who had achieved enlightment on the nature of reality by meditating taking psychedelics and starving himself to death and meditating for 40 days and nights in the desert. He was taught this by buddhists and hindus the ancient art of meditation and reflection.

Jesus was a teacher of the path of yoga of devotion "love" to the enlightment this is the easiest path for a most people to try follow. But Christianity does not teach this but it only teaches hate due to it not been written by jesus himself expect the egoistic followers and the roman empire. You say we all devil followers well i say you really need to look within and throw the bible out and instead follow jesus with your heart and love all of reality instead of fearing everything and projecting those fears onto the world. The devil holds no power over reality but upholds the highest love for all of humanity by giving us the duality and embodying all the darkness and hate and evil so that true love has meaning.

lā ʾilāha ʾillā llāh

muḥammadun rasūlu llāh

I found the most intense innear peace the day i truly understood what true islam meant
I don't know what to believe. I am skeptical.. I believe unbelievers are guided by unknown forces. Especially artist that open themselves up to dark forces. I don't know what truth is but I know what is not.

Dude...do you believe witches cursed rock music vinyl records and that Lucifer gave them that order directly?

Or does that sound irrational and silly?

Because C2C believes that literally happened.
Dude...do you believe witches cursed rock music vinyl records and that Lucifer gave them that order directly?

Or does that sound irrational and silly?

I do not personally believe in witches and that rock music is intrinsically evil but when society rejects God their artists becoming unwitting disciples of evil and profess satanic ideals. It is more of a moral breakdown in society.

And in your case personally I do not believe homosexuality is an intrinsic evil. I believe verses related to this are taken out of context. It is more related to the quality of true love.
I think it's wonderful you've found such structure in your faith, I wish I could, but I've seen my friend lose himself in religion as well, don't let it consume you either.

Btw, speaking of lions, did you see the new lion king movie? Devil has got to be behind that monstrosity of a film.

Hey, I'm still learning myself. I'm not letting it consume me, but I love learning about it. Thanks. :)

I did not see the new Lion King movie. Haha You're making me think I should based on what you said. I can't even imagine how the devil could corrupt that movie.

One thing is for sure, it's easier to spot how the devil is deceiving people. I'm not worried if certain people here don't believe me. Clearly I'm in the midst of nonbelievers for the most part. God has timing for every one.
I do believe in dark forces... I guess they are called demons. A lot of artists involved in the occult and using drugs and autonomic poetry open themselves up to these spirits.... I apologize if this makes me crazy.... The artists involved admit as much.
I hope you read my edit.

I did, that was thoughtful of you, thanks :)

C2C might have me on ignore idk. I'm just worried about her. She believes Lucifer himself plotted with human beings to have witches curse rock vinyl records. She believes that bands like KISS and the Eagles are/were under his control and were active devil worshipers.
I did, that was thoughtful of you, thanks :)

C2C might have me on ignore idk. I'm just worried about her. She believes Lucifer himself plotted with human beings to have witches curse rock vinyl records. She believes that bands like KISS and the Eagles are/were under his control and were active devil worshipers.
You're not on ignore officially, but I am ignoring you because you just don't get it. Also, I know that it's a lot to take in and no one is just gonna snap and be a believer all of a sudden, especially when you are not familiar with the supernatural. Yeah, it does sound "crazy" because you're looking with your natural eyes, not your spiritual eyes. Every one has their timing when the Holy Spirit will help you understand.

If you truly want to know about God and not just be rebellious, then ask Him to show Himself to you. Seek Him. The answers are here and you keep rejecting it.