Im finally going to a psychiatrist


Jun 26, 2010
Hi all,

I have had a few posts in here. How to safely take opiates, or what i can mix with this or that. Im not a hardcore drug user or abuser. But In my life It has come to the point where I cant even be social, and anxiety and depression is stealing my youth away from me. I am 21 and a college athlete, and have sooo many great friends and opportunities ahead of me, but instead I stay alone. I shy away from any social interraction. Its rare I go out drinking, I just sit and mope in my room thinking of how bad my life sucks and the town i live in is terrible. I hate everything about my life. Some days are better than others. There has been major issues with my parents health as well. Im such a downer and I hate it.

I dont want to ramble on.

I want to know where I can find a psychiatrist that accepts my insurance. I am losing my mind. And need to fix it sooner than later.

I'm finally going to one too! And just call your insurance company (my mom did this) and they will give you a list of people in your area that accept your insurance. Good luck! :)
Sorry to hear you are feeling so depressed right now. I'm sure your parents health issues are weighing heavy on top of everything in your own life. You might want to start with your college and see what services they have. Lots of universities have free psychological counseling available--some even have psychiatrists. At the very least they could advise you how to find a local psychiatrist and give you free counseling in the meantime. Check out Health Services at your school as your first step.
Its so much more than my mom. I dont want to go to school because i want to just bypass and go to a psychiatrist. I need to see one. I know it. Something is not right with me, i hate life and theres only a few things that keep me going (sports). I really am lost on how to find a psychiatrist. I am broken................!
It's great that you have sports. Hold on to that. I love sports too, and it's amazing how they can be such a solid presence in an otherwise tumultuous life.

My sport of choice is competitive beach volleyball. What do you play?
I play mens volleyball indoor... Interesting haha. I hope to go pro someday. I also play beach, but in the summers. I play D1 in cali. I love sand.