I'm done...


Dec 21, 2011
This is the story of what you could call my "drug career", it's a pretty insane story(in more ways than one) so will probably be fairly lengthy.

I'm 22 years old, although I've just learned this, I suffer from Aspergers Syndrome. It's basically a disease that makes me a little socially awkward, clumsy, etc. The syndrome makes it difficult to meet people, being that I have a fairly mild case it isn't that big of an issue. The issue is that I've chosen the easy route of socially withdrawing myself from a very young age which has created a mountain out of a molehill. It has in turn lead to severe depression and immense loneliness over the years

Ever since I was 13 I've been trying to self-medicate using any recreational drug I could find. My grandmother's old Oxycotton was the first I could get my hands on so in 7th grade I started snoting Oxy and it all went downhill from there. I then moved on to OTC drugs and found a pot hook-up at the age of 14. From 14 to 22 I don't even want to know how much money I've spent on weed. I was smoking large amounts of pot at least 3x a day everyday for quite a few years.

I moved to a College Station in 2010(home of Texas A&M) to start my Paramedic program. I lived less than a mile from a major university meaning pot was obviously a very easy drug to get, but my EXTREME social withdraw meant I couldn't find a hook-up in Texas. I came back to my home town in Florida 2 months later after smoking all the pot I drive up via car in the initial move.

I used pot to cope with my extreme loneliness from my social withdraw, althought pot really isn't "addictive" it was all I looked forward to in life, so for my personal circumstances you could say that it WAS addictive. I came up with the bright idea of mailing myself 3 ounces of pot. I immediately regretted my decision after putting it in the mail box and wasn't able to sleep or eat for the next few days.

The forth business day after sending it I came home during my lunch break and realized it wasn't going to show and that I was likely looking at a few years in federal prision for drug trafficing charges(I had my prints on them from putting them in the mail box.) I had a nervous breakdown. My parents never even knew I smoked pot or did drugs in general, but I called them and told them what I had done. I was crying the hardest I ever have in my life, the time it took to get just a single sentence out seemed like eterntiy.

My father has been known to scream at me to the point of my almost wishing I wasn't born, but during that conversation he and my mom remained as calm as a monks. Inside I'm sure they couldn't believe their offspring could do somthing some so incompetent to ruin his life but they kept repeating "it's alright" and "everything is going to be okay" in reassuring voices. I was told to leave my apartment immediately and stay by the phone.

I spent about 5 minutes packing up some shit and was off. As I walked outside I looked up and saw dark ominous clounds that weren't there 20 minutes ago, the second I started my car up rain started pouring down. The whole situation seemed surreal and the timing of the weather almost seemed supernatural.

I went to a restaurant to hang low and after a few minutes got a call from my father saying they were on their way to the airport and my mother would be in Houston in about 3 hours(which was about 2 hours from where I was) and that we would be driving down to Florida from there. On the rainy drive up to Houston all I could think about was what I had done to my parents and what I had managed to do to my (what could have been amazing) life, my time driving was spent cycling betwen periods of crying and periods of trying to hold my composure.

We drove down to Florida and my parents put my in a local motel under a false name(we thought the feds were after me.) After a couple days I couldn't take it any more and bought MORE pot from my dealer. My parents rented a place up in South Carolina for 2 months and thought it would be best for me to hang out there and see if Postal Inspectors or authorities would show up looking for me. Like a stupid dumbfuck I packed the weed in the car we drove up to SC, my father found it after a couple days and flushed it without saying a word to me. About 4 weeks after I mailed the pot my father flew up to Texas to check to see if it was delivered only to find nothing.

After a few months my parents thought it would be okay if I moved back to Texas. I opened my mailbox to clean out 3-4 months of junk mail and among the junk mail I found my god damn package of pot. No, I'm really not just making shit up. It somehow actually showed up a couple months later, I sealed it a specific way in which I would know if it was opened and could tell it was not.

I started a NEW Paramedic program after a couple months tried to get Adderall scriped. I thought it would help me with my problems I was having in life but has only made them worse. I actually was able to get large amounts of Addy scriped to me for my legitimate (and severe) ADHD. I used it soley to get high off of and did small binges every couple days for about 3 months. One day I get fed up with the self-degradation and severe side effects I was beginning to experience and threw my remaining script in the dumpster.

After about 2 months I broke down and went back and got another scrip and it started all over again. I'm about 4 months into my second ampheramine go-ahead and am starting to experience awful side-effects, some of which will likely be permanent and will make my social withdraw, inattentive ADHD, etc. only more difficult thought life. I just threw the remainder of my script in the dumpster tonight AGAIN.

I'm fucking done with it, if I don't stop this NOW I'm likely going to ruin my life going down the road of Amphetamine addiction and do considerable long-term damage to my body.

Yes, the decision to quit drugs and make this thread was all make within the past couple hours but it's somthing that absolutely NEEDS to be done for my sake. Any support or criticism for my dumbfuckness is welcomed.
Hey this was a good read, lol maild yourself pot haha what gave you that idea? Still i dont see how you got away with it. You are very fortunate to have not been arrested over that. O and have awesome parents by the sound of it. Wish my mom n dad would have done stuff like that to me. Instead they changed the locks on the doors and tough loved me.

Ive done the same shit with my adderal scripts before. Hell id go through 60 in less then a week. Id pop em like candy, still i knew about the ceiling effect and didnt care. O not to mention that i was in rehab when i had the addy script. Ended up drinking nasty brews of balsamic. Vinegar, lime,lemon juice, just to clean my system up incase of they drugtest me.. i dont reccomend it.
I dont take adderal anymore because i know i cant take it as perscribed. So are you sober now?
You've made a wise choice in discontinuing an activity that obviously doesn't suit you favorably.

It's going to take quite a bit of willpower to stop the harder drugs. You're going to need hobbies and other ways of filling the time once occupied by using drugs. I've seen countless people in your situation do this, so it is by NO MEANS impossible.

You'll need support from family/friends. If you're lacking in this dept. (like I once was/possibly still am) you always have us at bluelight here at TDS. I'm sure you'll find most people who frequent this section of the board are more than willing to help you out in any way they can, often times night or day. I know I would.

Exercise, Meditation and a healthy diet are among the more-or-less FREE tools you have available to you. Counseling is another option, although programs like rehabiliation and AA/NA work for some, I found them to be of no use to me. Don't reserve judgement until you've tried these and seen for yourself whether they can help you or not.

If you see a psychiatrist, make sure he's a good one. When you find a good one who listens to your opinions and doesn't try to shove expensive scripts into your pocket for shit you most likely won't need, have a heart to heart with him, explain what works for you and what doesn't (in your experience), what you're willing to try or have read about that you think might work for you (not something that will get you high). A psychologist and CBT may also be of value.

Are you still addicted to anything? Or was it just poly-drug use you were being afflicted by?
For your own sanity and for your parents peace of mind leave the drugs alone.
Apart from that all I can say is that you should be ever so thankful for having what sounds like totally amazing parents. I can't think of many parents that would have helped out as much as yours did.
You owe them a big thankyou.
Don't take this the wrong way but: CHILL OUT. Drugs are bad and the best you can do is limit your use to tylenol if you're hurting. Even caffeine fucks you up a little. But you do need to seriously chill, that's why you abused pot so much, you are over stressed over everything (I do relate to you and your god-awful paranoia). Chill out man, you only live once. If you go to jail so be it. If you get a ticket so be it. If you get a great girl and a great job so be it. Just let things be. Chill, I am not kidding, chill.

For your own sanity and for your parents peace of mind leave the drugs alone.
Apart from that all I can say is that you should be ever so thankful for having what sounds like totally amazing parents. I can't think of many parents that would have helped out as much as yours did.
You owe them a big thankyou.

Yep, my parents would have told me something like "now you'll have to face what you did, we'll be waiting for you when you get out of jail"-- Not the worst thing for a parent to say but yours sound a heck lot better :)
Hey this was a good read, lol maild yourself pot haha what gave you that idea? Still i dont see how you got away with it. You are very fortunate to have not been arrested over that. O and have awesome parents by the sound of it. Wish my mom n dad would have done stuff like that to me. Instead they changed the locks on the doors and tough loved me.

Ive done the same shit with my adderal scripts before. Hell id go through 60 in less then a week. Id pop em like candy, still i knew about the ceiling effect and didnt care. O not to mention that i was in rehab when i had the addy script. Ended up drinking nasty brews of balsamic. Vinegar, lime,lemon juice, just to clean my system up incase of they drugtest me.. i dont reccomend it.
I dont take adderal anymore because i know i cant take it as perscribed. So are you sober now?
I really CAN benifit quite a bit from Adderall, but every time I take a therapeutic dose and tell myself "that's it" I always end up getting taking more and more until I'm speeding. I thought I could reap the benifits of Addy but I've proven to myself that it's unfortunately all or nothing.

I have a script for Strattera so I'll see if that helps me at all.

I was high on speed yesterday before I made this thread, but yes I am physically "sober" as I'm typing this.

You've made a wise choice in discontinuing an activity that obviously doesn't suit you favorably.

It's going to take quite a bit of willpower to stop the harder drugs. You're going to need hobbies and other ways of filling the time once occupied by using drugs. I've seen countless people in your situation do this, so it is by NO MEANS impossible.

You'll need support from family/friends. If you're lacking in this dept. (like I once was/possibly still am) you always have us at bluelight here at TDS. I'm sure you'll find most people who frequent this section of the board are more than willing to help you out in any way they can, often times night or day. I know I would.

Exercise, Meditation and a healthy diet are among the more-or-less FREE tools you have available to you. Counseling is another option, although programs like rehabiliation and AA/NA work for some, I found them to be of no use to me. Don't reserve judgement until you've tried these and seen for yourself whether they can help you or not.

If you see a psychiatrist, make sure he's a good one. When you find a good one who listens to your opinions and doesn't try to shove expensive scripts into your pocket for shit you most likely won't need, have a heart to heart with him, explain what works for you and what doesn't (in your experience), what you're willing to try or have read about that you think might work for you (not something that will get you high). A psychologist and CBT may also be of value.

Are you still addicted to anything? Or was it just poly-drug use you were being afflicted by?
I might have a very mild Amphetamine addiction, but definitely nothing major. For the past 4 months that I started up again I've been doing about 70-80 mg's/day 2-3x a week.

I really don't want or think I 'need' any professional help, but if I start to use again it's obvious that it will be my only option left. Hopefully I willpower and this forum will be enough for me to get the job done. I will be bumping this thread at a later date one way or another.

For your own sanity and for your parents peace of mind leave the drugs alone.
Apart from that all I can say is that you should be ever so thankful for having what sounds like totally amazing parents. I can't think of many parents that would have helped out as much as yours did.
You owe them a big thankyou.
Absolutely. My Mom always said they would do 'anything' for me ever since I was little. It's highly unfortunate I they had to prove it to me and cause them many sleepless nights in the process.

They even filed for an "emergency" passport for me and were looking at countries abroad to send me to. Everytime I think of the absolute incompetence of the situation and the effect it had on them I want to shoot myself.

Don't take this the wrong way but: CHILL OUT. Drugs are bad and the best you can do is limit your use to tylenol if you're hurting. Even caffeine fucks you up a little. But you do need to seriously chill, that's why you abused pot so much, you are over stressed over everything (I do relate to you and your god-awful paranoia). Chill out man, you only live once. If you go to jail so be it. If you get a ticket so be it. If you get a great girl and a great job so be it. Just let things be. Chill, I am not kidding, chill.

Yep, my parents would have told me something like "now you'll have to face what you did, we'll be waiting for you when you get out of jail"-- Not the worst thing for a parent to say but yours sound a heck lot better :)
I agree. I actually have a perfect record, not even a speeding ticket which is pretty crazy considering I'm into drag racing and have been driving like a dick for the past 6 years. I'm just an extremely lucky individual.
Haven't had any amps since I started this thread but am having cravings as I type this.

I flew home yesterday and for the next week will have access to a good bit of Adderall I gave my mother last time I was down here(for weight loss purposes.) I'm confident I won't relapse.