IL, Murphysboro - 08.15-17.08 Camping Weekend - UnderGround Sound 4 *REVIEW*

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^You wanna search "shawnee saltpetre caves" on google maps. I think it's like 3747 on Hwy 127
So I heard through the vine that a local paper did an article a month or so ago about the amount of drugs coming through the area, including an interview with Caveman Bob. So, what should be expected as far as the police presence and other bs?


ImpossibleDreamer said:
So I heard through the vine that a local paper did an article a month or so ago about the amount of drugs coming through the area, including an interview with Caveman Bob.

What local paper?
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ImpossibleDreamer said:
So I heard through the vine that a local paper did an article a month or so ago about the amount of drugs coming through the area, including an interview with Caveman Bob. So, what should be expected as far as the police presence and other bs?
hopefully just enough to keep everyone sober and safe for the weekend.


That's my super surprised look.

If any of you see our personal pop up port-o-let. No, you are not aloud to use it. ;)
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Yeah what paper?

Your stuff will/should be searched @ the gate.... It's private property as far as I know and previous years I have seen like two cops in the gates but they were undercovers and they really weren't doing much but being ass' and trying to kick people out

I was told since it was private prop. that they couldn't mess with us but I don't really know how that works and Caveman is not as bad as you make him out to be seriously ... He's always been real cool with me except for being a pervy old man.. but hey he's an old man most are like that
That's why i said originally and that I didn't know about that... but it's not been bad there the past few times I have been there although in april the rain was horrible
actually that maps not bad. You head into town through Marion and Carbondale on 13, keep driving and turn left (south) on 127. Its a few miles down the road on right hand side.

and i would be extra careful with security this year. from what i've heard there will be an increased presence of non-friendlies, caveman bob's wife already has dibs on the "stuff found at the door" bin, as she did last year.

The town passed a noise ordinance for the cave supposedly that they cant have music going past 3am after this event. I guess the neighbors nearby bitch a lot when they know an event is going on.
im hoping my excitement for the party will sqaush the five hour drive.

It's private property as far as I know and previous years I have seen like two cops in the gates but they were undercovers and they really weren't doing much but being ass' and trying to kick people out

when i was at the last Furthur, the first night the cops had a roadblock setup real quick and were hassling people trying to drive up to the venue. all good times after that though!
So bag searches aside, will they be digging through coolers and giving flack over liquor if everyone in the car is over 21? I still drink but have a year clean otherwise and just plan on knocking a few back. I haven't been out to anything in a couple years and am dropping the last of my savings to make it out, so I just want to know what to be expecting.
I'm so excited, this'll be the first time in months that I've been to a party with psytrance! :D
I am going!! OMG!!~ $55 Plane Tickets round trip from San Diego... HOOKUPS...

See some of you there I hope!
5-HT2 lets meet up sometime! :D
EternalX said:
The town passed a noise ordinance for the cave supposedly that they cant have music going past 3am after this event. I guess the neighbors nearby bitch a lot when they know an event is going on.
Hmmm Shpongle is playing at 4.

Tiffy_aka_Nibbles said:
No bottles of liquor! They won't let you bring in any glass containers..... or kegs!!!! so yeah...

That actually should have read No "GLASS" bottles of liquor. We brought a bottle of jager and a bottle of vodka in last year in plastic containers.
Psilo707 said:
Hmmm Shpongle is playing at 4.

They said after THIS event. Meaning this is the last event at the Cave where they'll be able to have music past 3...
beatpoet said:
They said after THIS event. Meaning this is the last event at the Cave where they'll be able to have music past 3...
OhhhHhhhhh thanks for the clarification. /happy again
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