

Bluelight Crew
Sep 27, 2004
I just came into a small amount of IGF1-LR3, 10mgs in total, and I think I will begin a run of it at 50mcg/day post training. Now I will be running it for a period of 12 weeks. Now I know a bit about IGF1 but I am not 100% on the duration of the run or the dosage, though this seems to be the common dosage, the length how ever is still fairly all over the place. I will be running this along side my HGH @ 4IU/day. The idea behind this is to hit it from both sides. I will be making the best of this by beginning my cycle a few weeks prior to the beginning of the IGF1-LR3. So that being said any input on this idea would be much appreciated, I can sit on the IGF as well and just store it away. But hell I say make hay while the sun is shinning.
I just came into a small amount of IGF1-LR3, 10mgs in total, and I think I will begin a run of it at 50mcg/day post training. Now I will be running it for a period of 12 weeks. Now I know a bit about IGF1 but I am not 100% on the duration of the run or the dosage, though this seems to be the common dosage, the length how ever is still fairly all over the place. I will be running this along side my HGH @ 4IU/day. The idea behind this is to hit it from both sides. I will be making the best of this by beginning my cycle a few weeks prior to the beginning of the IGF1-LR3. So that being said any input on this idea would be much appreciated, I can sit on the IGF as well and just store it away. But hell I say make hay while the sun is shinning.

Bastard..!!! :)
LOL I try. I am guessing the HGH + the IGF1-LR3 will just let me keep blowing up lean I am sitting at 225 8%BF after the holidays ( lost weigth with all the shall we say celebrating) Running a 30 week blast: Begins in March.

Weeks 1-30
500mg/Super Test wks1-30
400mg/ Deca wks 1-30
600mg/ Eq wks -130
.5mg Adex EOD
25mg Proviron /Day

Weeks 1-6
40mg Superdrol
75mg Methylclostebol

Weeks 25 -30
60mg Epistane
30mg Methylstenbolone

With weeks 7-18 begin the span of time I will run the IGF1-LR3, I figure at that point the full effect of the cycle will be in effect. Any thoughts on that Lay out GF?
Has there been any studies linking the usage of igf 1 impacting endogenous igf production due to GH usage? Just don't want you wasting any money my man.
LOL I try. I am guessing the HGH + the IGF1-LR3 will just let me keep blowing up lean I am sitting at 225 8%BF after the holidays ( lost weigth with all the shall we say celebrating) Running a 30 week blast: Begins in March.

Weeks 1-30
500mg/Super Test wks1-30
400mg/ Deca wks 1-30
600mg/ Eq wks -130
.5mg Adex EOD
25mg Proviron /Day

Weeks 1-6
40mg Superdrol
75mg Methylclostebol

Weeks 25 -30
60mg Epistane
30mg Methylstenbolone

With weeks 7-18 begin the span of time I will run the IGF1-LR3, I figure at that point the full effect of the cycle will be in effect. Any thoughts on that Lay out GF?

Extreme jealousy...!!!
hahaha, yeah I finalu got things under control this year so I decided to go big for this cycle.
@ Sero I already have the IGF, and there have been no studies but I have seen a few protocols with the HGH and the IGF1 used it will increase it a good chunk. As fro wasting money it was a gift, the woman bought me it, her way of saying thank you for the small skating rink she now wears on her finger. God I love that woman. But yeah it will be my first time with igf1 so i will be reporting on it here, from what I under stand the 10mg I have lol is way more then enough to run a nice 12 week cycle, so as long as I keep it stored properly I have a few cycles of it at hand.
I've been looking into IGF recently, and actually just put some on order last night, Neo.

From what I've read, for guys our size, 75mcg a day is a good dose, and they advise to not go over 100mcg because it may desensitize receptors in the injected muscle. It's supposedly the only hormone that will for sure cause site growth. I've been advised to take it 1 hr PWO, and they say that you get a sick pump from it. Supposedly, it will leave you pumped and vascular for the rest of the evening, but I've heard that about a few different things.

I'm going to run mine at 75mcg ED PWO for 6 weeks on my next blast.
Yeah I have heard that as well though the more I have read on it the site growth will happen more with just IGF-1, with the LR3 variant ( it has been modified fro a longer active life) the site growth is not as prominent. Though it is still debated on weather or not the site activity is that powerful to begin with. Though they still advise for you to do bi-lateral injections if you are targeting specific groups. I have read about a 50/50 on the timing of the injections, the dosage range goes from 20mcg as a light dose 50mcg is common and 100mcg is the top end heavy dose. I have heard that above 50mcg the body has trouble processing it. But again it was an anecdotal note. I donno I wont be running it for a bit so I will do a good bit more research and post up my final collection of info.

For me I am going to run it a little long say 12 weeks, as such I am thinking of running it at a lower total dosage 50mcg daily. Though I haven't settled on a specific time for said dosage. I am lowering the dosage as well because I am running HGH as well. 4IU of the Nordi pens, so I will have an already elevated IGF-1 as it is. That and there is some data on the IGF-1 causing intestinal growth, but again this is still largely academic and anecdotal. I did hear tell of the pumps as well. I am thinking I will do mine pre work out for a few weeks, and switch to post to see. But yeah.

Animal are you planning on logging your IGF-1 cycle? It would be nice to see an high low comparison between two experienced lifters of similar size.
I have run it a couple of times at about 40mcg pre w/o and surprisingly I got definite prolactin sides nipples secreting clear and a bit of prolactin/estrogen fat around boobs. I haven't read that these effects are that common but be aware if you don't have estrogen well controlled it will accelerate gyno I am sure.

Another thing written is about post workout injecting into muscle trained stuff, I was doing this initially but it is more trouble than it is worth imo, I had a massive bicep pump still from w/o and went for the post w/o injection into it and immediately ruptured small veins in my biceps and left a huge lump and bruise for weeks, not worth it. Pre workout gives a huge pump and it does seem to increase vascularity, but for me it isn't worth it for the sides, I seem to be estrogen/prolactin sides prone though.
I will def log my igf1lr3. I'm planning on 6 weeks at 75 mcg. I will start off with doing my pins PWO, and if I like that pump, I'll continue. I'll also stick to pinning a certain muscle group to see how site growth might happen.

I was planning on dojng a TNE site growth log too, but I'm not going to do both at the same time....Although, I want to!!lol