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If you're in the RC-scene, I advice you to read this


Jan 15, 2010
Hello. I want to share my horror story regarding importing and distributing legal RCs.

This is a warning to all of you who's buying RCs of the person who's behind a numerous of new RCs such as E-2, E-3 etc. Due to the forum rules, I can't reveal his name, but I'm sure it's obvious to those who's in this business.

I started selling methedrone around august 2009, when it still was legal here in Sweden. I took a break from selling before it got banned in december 2009.

I got back to the RC-scene around feb 2010, and started selling 4-fmc (flephedrone), and later e-2 as well. In the middle of june, I made an order for 500 g of 4-fmc from this person I mentioned earlier in my post. 4 days after I made the payment, the customs stormed my house with a search warrant, and an arrest order.

The analysis showed a mixture of bk-pmma and mdppp. I almost got convicted for a mistake this person made. My mail-inbox saved me from a conviction, which would have resulted in at least 6 years in prison.

They conducted an analysis for "e-2" as well, and it contained a mix of 4 different RC-drugs, bk-pmma and 4-mmc were 2 of them.

If you got any further questions, feel free to PM me.


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I might arrest your ass.

The chinese manufacturer who was making "E-2" and it's ilk is notorious for misrepresenting his products.
i wonder if police took ur drugs and they ended up being legal if you'd get em back
Had you bought 4-FMC in 2009, before 4mmc ban? I personally didn't buy from him after ban, but you think its possible the chems he was selling both before and after ban were dodgy, ie. 4-fmc was still a mix of chems even before ban?
Had you bought 4-FMC in 2009, before 4mmc ban? I personally didn't buy from him after ban, but you think its possible the chems he was selling both before and after ban were dodgy, ie. 4-fmc was still a mix of chems even before ban?

They analyzied 2 different batches of the supposed 4-fmc; one contained a mix of mdppp and methedrone (50/50), and the other contained a mix of MDPV, bk-pmma and 4-fmc.

Well, you shouldn't be calling it 4-fmc if it's a supposed mix, but I doubt that's the case.

Best wishes.
It's a risky and a shitty business. But hey! It's the first time I see bk-PMMA mentioned... And another shocker - I thought that MDPPP got out of use long time ago. A load of shit you had there (not to mentioned flephedrone is too).:\