if you're happy and you know it...

Chaos Butterfly

Bluelight Crew
Oct 16, 2000
this is a thread for anyone to post something from their day that made you happy, made you smile, made you laugh, made you enjoy life.
there are a lot of depressing things happening in the world at the moment, and everyone has their own personal issues, but this thread is here to make you feel good. if only for an instant, its a start and shows that the world is not comletely a bad place :)
well for me, i finished a bitch of an exam about an hour ago. i am happy because i think i did pretty well in it... and i am even more happy because in about an hour i am going to be at the pub, sharing a drink or many with some friends.
thats a start... keep them coming!! :)
CB :)
I'ts FRIDAY... its hot outside (30 c) and we're going out for LUNCH, oh and I get to leave work early today!
Today was total chaos for me. I got called out early to clean this mess up. This is not the actual picture but a perfact match.
Tractor trailer recovery
This ate up most of my day so the only thing that brought a smile to my face was, the recovery bill I slamed on the insurance co. was $2,114 dollers. I make 32% commision which adds up to $676.48 :D Not bad for a days work.
Chaos Butterfly made me happy. Glad to see someone else trying to cheer up this drab, dark forum. Kudos!
makes me unhappy b/c she always says its lovely and hot where as i am in miserable, grey ole england and bloody freezing - -- only joking i am really pleased for you.
I was driving home last night...feeling kinda lost...
Quitting cigarettes, so I was desiring one...
Just a wierd night, rough day...my college loans still havn't come in and I've had a $6k debt I can't pay without it...then I turned on the radio, and the most beautiful song came on...
Bob Marley - No Woman No Cry
"Everything's gonna be alright, everything's gonna be alright, everything's gonna be alright, everything's gonna be alright...So woman no cry, everything's gonna be alright. Little darling don't shed no tears."
I don't know, something about his voice and the rhythm, the night air and the wind on my face, the sound of my engine accelerating...it just put the biggest smile on my face. Can't explain it, but I was filled with so much warmth until I got home.
Give it up for the little things in life. Always the best :)
To focus on positive things;
I'm going out for some beer (hopefully) and then a movie and then more beer, and tomorrow I'll be doing 5-MeO-DiPT.
Kinda pathetic that what I look forward atm is all related to use of some sort of substance, but I like to think it's the social bit and friends and stuff as well :)
Otherwise I have a job interview Monday for a job I really want, so I'm looking forward to that as well. If I would get the job I'd be very happy, if not I won't be overly miserable anyways.
gotta love the small things,
i went to bed with a smile after talking to my girlfriend who is in canada while im in england and who i havnt seen in 5 months. and then i woke up and the sky was actually blue in london for like and hour! bloody amazing!
My fiancee and I found the perfect engagement ring after spending quite a bit of time searching.
MDMA-4-ALL (And a white-gold set ceylon saphire and diamond ring for her)
congratulations again on the engagement, and congrats on finding a great ring... even if i have lost you to "the dark side" tee hee hee :p
CB ;)
Chaos Butterfly wrote:
if you're happy and you know it...
Yell out real loud,
Scooby dooby doo
OR take my happy way out and post 31 kittens in bluelight social.
This one will probably only make sense to me and anyone who has a child and is with a new bf/gf.
This morning I was asleep on the couch and my bf was on the internet talking to a fellow raver from a chat room. He walked away from the computer for a second and my daughter typed her name into the im and sent it to the girl. When my bf got back he explained to the girl who had typed that name cause it came out of no where. His exact words was "that was my daughter, she wanted to type something" That really brought a huge smile to my face at the thought of him considereing her his daughter. It's nice to know that some men take women with children as a package deal and are not ashamed of it. He is the best!!!
Originally posted by Raver_Forever:
This one will probably only make sense to me and anyone who has a child and is with a new bf/gf.
This morning I was asleep on the couch and my bf was on the internet talking to a fellow raver from a chat room. He walked away from the computer for a second and my daughter typed her name into the im and sent it to the girl. When my bf got back he explained to the girl who had typed that name cause it came out of no where. His exact words was "that was my daughter, she wanted to type something" That really brought a huge smile to my face at the thought of him considereing her his daughter. It's nice to know that some men take women with children as a package deal and are not ashamed of it. He is the best!!!

Brought a smile to my face, thanks for sharing that one :)
MDMA-4-ALL (And a big smile for me now)
Things that have made me happy today....
Having a cup of tea when I woke up after smoking a fair bit last night. Soooo nice on the throat.
Playing cool boarders 2 for a bit and pulling off a few little tricks even though im shit.
Coming home and having a shower and then a HUGE bacon and egg sandwich with loads of tomato source and salt and pepper and cheese. Yummmmm.
And its not a bad day outside considering its winter so thats an added bonus.
Now i need to plan the rest of the day, i'll have to try and do loads of fun things to take my mind off the fact that its.....'Sunday'. Doh!
Just finished a beer after work & put on:
Road Tripping - Red Hot Chilli Peppers.
I love the first verse eps. & the chorus...
"These smiling eyes are just a mirror full" :)
*thinks of eyes of people I know that smile*
...& now all is good!
h3nryrollin thats fantastic!! more power to ya :)
i will be happy in about 3 days, i.e. when my exams finally finish. so at the moment i am happy because i only have 3 of 6 to go...
CB :)
ive been freakin out for 4 days because i lost my ID the other night while i was out with a friend. We have a big trip planned to New Orleans next weekend, cuz hes spinnin at this party, and Im goin with him. Well i was pretty upset because i thought my ID was long gone, and I wasnt going to get to go and experience NOLA for the very first (and probably only) time.
Well, i got a message today from someone that works at the bar I was at and they have my ID! WOOHOOO!
I know its trivial, but it totally made my day!