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Lysergamides if you were allowed to give one person LSD, who would it be?


Feb 24, 2008
Giving not in the sense of forcing; more of a fictitious scenario were the person agrees to take LSD. Who would you like to explore the world of psychedelic drugs? Einstein, Ghandi, Obama, The Pope, Your Mother,...? :)
Easy I'd give it to me, shits priceless im not giving it away. In the event that i was actually swimming in acid, which must be the case for me to be giving it away, id give it to that kid who desprately wants to try acid but cant find it.

I'm not exactly sure what people hope to accomplish by giving people of "higher importance" acid. People like the pope and what not would trip out but i have a hard time believing it would mean anything to them. Maybe its because i view it as a drug, sure its fun its enlightening, but its not some kind of +1 for anything. You know in those games where you get like 1 point to spend on strength, dexterity, or whatever. Not like this dudes going to +1 science and start going nuts, or like +1 understanding/ being less of a politician. I think people are like mountians you cant sway a belief easy, acid may be able to do that but it hasnt effected my life in any real way.

The reason id give it to the kid who's only goal right now is to try acid is because i believe he'd get more out of my kindness then some random member of society. Now if i were going to trip with the person id chose some kind of chemist, doesnt have to be related to drugs. Id love having a chemistry chat with someone tripping, no one wants to talk about electrons for hours.
Ghandi wouldn't need LSD and it probably wouldn't even do much to him.

I'd give LSD to....my sister. She has the worst outlook on life.
dead or alive?

dead: I'd give Adolf Hitler a large dose, along with 100mg of mdma, in a safe, isolated setting, preferably before the holocaust.

alive: perhaps my older brother. He has a very conservative outlook and is in the fast lane toward a 9-5 life in the corporate world. Not that I want him to change his life, but at least to have his mind open to things... he seems pretty closed to a lot of really good ideas.
Our prime minister - Gordon Brown. He'll need a 10X dose for good measure.
I'd dose myself

Would be interesting if Da Vincci had access to lsd
Anyone in charge of making decisions that result in the inhibition of psychoactive substances.
I'd go back in time and dose with Richard Nixon before the creation of the DEA. Hopefully a good trip would prevent such a vile travesty.
my mom, no doubt about it. there are lots of people in my family with closed minds that i would like to at least be able to consider my point of view from a rational perspective, but even with lsd or any other psychedellic i think most of them would resist it. and im not necesarily saying that acid would have the same lessons to teach them that i have gotten out of it, but i doubt it would be a negative thing for anyone.

My mom has an open mind, just she has some fixed roadblocks that we can never get past in our conversations. the relationship between brain chemistry and spirituality is one of the most significant points of disagreement that we have and i think that it could be a good thing. she would love it if she could make herself try it.

good topic; peace, love, anarchy : )
Probably my step-dad, as he thinks that drugs are horrible and vile substances and can't try to look at the fact that some drugs aren't all that bad and that they won't make you go crazy for the rest of your life.

Other than that, probably Obama or anyone else involved in our drug policies.
my mom, no doubt about it. there are lots of people in my family with closed minds that i would like to at least be able to consider my point of view from a rational perspective, but even with lsd or any other psychedellic i think most of them would resist it. and im not necesarily saying that acid would have the same lessons to teach them that i have gotten out of it, but i doubt it would be a negative thing for anyone.

My mom has an open mind, just she has some fixed roadblocks that we can never get past in our conversations. the relationship between brain chemistry and spirituality is one of the most significant points of disagreement that we have and i think that it could be a good thing. she would love it if she could make herself try it.

good topic; peace, love, anarchy : )

Same person I'd want to give it to. Exact same problems with doing so. :(
steven seagal we'd take some acid then go on a killing spree with some eggs / razor blades and a microwave. it would be fucking sweet
what's with everyone choosing psychos, the kid whose going to shoot up school especially. don't you think it will just turn them into even more of a psycho? it's not mdma, is just amplifies what you're already feeling inside so i think giving it to a serial killer is prob not the best idea..